HDFC Life is one of India's leading life insurance company offering a range of individual and group insurance solutions that meet your various needs such as Protection, Pension, Savings & Investment, Health and more.

Life insurance is a contract signed between a person and an insurance company. In exchange for premium paid at regular intervals, the insurance company promises to pay a lump sum known as a death benefit to the beneficiaries of the policyholder after the death of the policyholder. The intention of the life insurance is to provide a financial benefit to the dependents of the person buying the life insurance, to guard them against financial pitfalls in the event of the premature death of the insured person.

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The death benefit that accrues to the beneficiaries upon the death of the insured person replaces the income that was earned regularly by the policyholder. This amount can be used by the dependents to pay off debts, meet living expenses and fund education and other long-term goals.

You can buy different types of life insurance plans, including term insurance, endowment plans, savings plan, retirement insurance plans and Unit Linked Insurance Plans (ULIPs). You can buy life insurance online as well, in simple steps. Buying life insurance plans online is a simple way to make sure your loved ones will continue to be financially secure in your absence. You can also calculate the return on your investment in a life insurance by using the investment calculator and entering few simple details to generate the desired returns. If you wish to assess your retirement corpus you can use the retirement calculator to evaluate the same. Your pension needs can be evaluated by using the pension calculator.

Buying life insurance does not just help provide financial support in the event of the insured person's untimely death, but it can also be a sound long term investment by helping you meet your life goals such as children's education, your retirement corpus or buying a second home.

Buying a life insurance policy at any stage in life gives you peace of mind. It offers a life cover that keeps you and your family protected in case of your unfortunate demise. The life insurance claim in the event of your death will help your family have a secure financial future, by paying for children's education, paying off debts and helping towards household expenses. The money you invest in life insurance is safe, and your family stands to gain from the benefits of insurance payouts in case of unforeseen circumstances.

Life insurance premiums are eligible for rebate for salaried persons to reduce their tax liability. Life insurance also gives you the benefit of taking a loan against the policy in certain cases. A life insurance policy will help you to plan your life goals, including your children's education, their marriages and your retirement corpus.

Anyone who has dependents to support and is an income earner for the household needs Life Insurance. Your loved ones who depend on your income would be negatively impacted by your untimely passing and the subsequent loss of income. A life insurance policy makes sure their financial future is protected through the payouts by the insurer in case of the insured person's death.

Other life insurance plans in India include Endowment Insurance plans, Unit Linked Insurance Plans (ULIPs), Moneyback Insurance plans, Whole life insurance plans, Group life insurance, Child Insurance Plans and Retirement Insurance Plans.

The main factor influencing the life insurance premiums of a policyholder is their age. Younger persons are generally considered healthy and unlikely to contract illnesses or pass away suddenly; hence younger people attract lower insurance premiums.

Medical records play a crucial factor in deciding the premium as well, since life insurance policies typically come with an underwriting process that includes a thorough medical exam of the policyholder. Any red flags concerning physical health and potential illnesses can have an impact on the amount of premium to be paid.

Smoking and drinking, which are considered harmful to health and can impact your longevity, also influence the amount of premium to be paid. Professions and lifestyles can also impact the life insurance premium. Persons working in professions considered dangerous like mining, oil and gas and fisheries, and indulging in risk taking activities like mountaineering can attract higher premiums.

Life insurance claims can be made either on death of the policyholder, on maturity of the policy or as a Rider claim. In case of death claim, the beneficiary who is the nominee of the policy should intimate about the claim to the insurer at the earliest by filling the intimation form which can be obtained from the nearest branch of the insurance company or can be downloaded from the website of the insurance company. Relevant documents like death certificate of the insured person, birth certificate of the insured person (for proof of age), the original policy document, and any other documents requested by the insurer should be provided.

While deaths due to accidents are covered by life insurance, there are certain exceptions. Accidental death if the insured is involved in any criminal activity or if death occurs due to intoxication or drugs are not covered by term life insurance plans. Accidental deaths while the insured was engaged in adventure sports like sky diving and bungee jumping are also not covered by such plans.

Death due to alcohol or drug abuse is also not covered by term plans, nor is homicide where the policy holder is murdered by the nominee for money. Death due to an existing illness that has not been disclosed at the time of purchasing the plan is also not covered by term life insurance plans. Death caused by natural disasters like tsunami, earthquake, floods etc is not covered by term insurance, unless the policy holder has opted for riders for that purpose.

When term life insurance policy plans expire, the policyholder does not have to take any action. A policyholder will be notified that the policy is no longer in effect; no premiums are payable, and no death benefits would be paid out.

If you are risk-averse but want to build a corpus for your future financial goals, a savings insurance plan like the HDFC Life Guaranteed Income Insurance Plan8 could be ideal. These policies offer life coverage, protecting your loved ones and providing them with financial support at a difficult time. Additionally, it helps you develop a disciplined saving scheme and builds up funds for your future.

When you purchase a savings insurance policy like HDFC Life Sanchay Par Advantage9, you benefit from financial stability as it provides guaranteed returns to help you meet future expenses. The plan also offers life coverage for the policyholder, providing your loved ones with a financial safety net if anything happens to you. These plans are also eligible for tax savings under the Income Tax Act of 1961#.

A good life insurance policy should enable parents to build a solid financial corpus that will help secure their child's financial future, such as their child's education, marriage, goals, and so on, in instalments or all at once, as needed.

A life insurance policy is a contract between an insurer and the policyholder whereby the insurer promises to pay a predetermined amount against consideration in the form of insurance premiums. The predetermined amount depends upon the policy terms and conditions. The maturity value is paid after the policy matures or the death benefit in the case of any uncertain event.

It refers to the person for whom the insurance policy is purchased. The policyholder and the life assured need not be the same person. For instance, if you purchase the policy for yourself, you are the policyholder and the life assured. However, if you purchase a policy for your wife and pay the premiums, you will be the policyholder while your wife will be the life assured.

If you have bought a life insurance policy but want to cancel it, you have the option of returning the policy to us stating the reasons thereof, within 15 days from the date of receipt of the policy. The Free-Look period for policies purchased through Distance Marketing (specied below) will be 30 days. On receipt of your letter along with the original policy documents, we shall arrange to refund the premiums paid subject to deduction of the expenses incurred by us on medical examination, if any, and stamp duty. Distance Marketing refers to insurance policies sold through any mode apart from face-to-face interactions such as telephone, internet etc

A life insurance policy protects your family in your absence. Therefore, selecting the right insurance policy with the appropriate coverage is crucial. A higher coverage than required will increase the premium burden, while a lower coverage will paralyse the entire purpose of financial protection.

Life insurance plans protect you financially from mishaps and act as a tax planning tool. The premiums paid for life insurance policy can be claimed as deductions under Section 80C1 of the Income Tax Act, 19612. The amount of deduction available is up to Rs. 1,50,000 per financial year. Also, the proceeds received from the life insurance policy are exempt under section 10(10D)3 of the Income Tax Act, 19612, provided the premiums do not exceed 10% of the sum assured.

Riders are the additional benefits that can be added by the policyholder with the policy at a nominal cost. Riders enhance your insurance cover, qualitatively and quantitatively. Currently HDFC Life offers you HDFC Life Income Benefit on Accident Disability Rider (UIN:101B013V03), HDFC Life Critical Illness Plus Rider (UIN:101B014V02) and HDFC Life Protect Plus Rider (UIN:101B016V01) on various online life insurance policies.

The amount of premium you pay depends on the life cover you want to get for yourself. The sum of the life cover expected needs to be calculated basis the number of dependents, your annual income, your household expenses. You will also have to factor in your outstanding loans, children's education needs etc to figure out the amount your family will need to sustain in case of your death. All these factors help you calculate the premium you have to pay for taking out a life insurance policy.


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