Privacy Policy

Our game handles personal information in relation to the services provided by the Company as follows. Unless specifically indicated otherwise in this privacy policy, all terminology used is as stipulated in the Act on the Protection of Personal Information (Act. No. 57 of 2003, the “Personal Information Protection Act”).

The Company may establish a privacy policy (the “Separate Policy”) for a specific service separately from this privacy policy. In such case, the Separate Policy will prevail in case of contradiction between this privacy policy and the Separate Policy and the matters not provided for in this privacy policy shall be governed by the Separate Policy.

1. Handling of personal information

The Company complies with the Personal Information Protection Act as well as any other laws, regulations, and rules applicable to personal information handled by the Company.

2. Acquisition of personal information

The Company obtains personal information properly without using deception or other wrongful means.

3. Purposes of use of personal information

The Company will use personal information it has acquired for the following purposes only, and will not use it for any other purposes unless specified to do so by laws or ordinances:

・for users to smoothly use the services provided by the Company;

・to compile statistical data on the use of the services provided by the Company;

・to conduct questionnaires regarding the services that the Company currently provides or considers providing in the future;

・for identification and authentication services;

・for the Company to charge fees;

・for system maintenance and responding to system issues;

・to respond to inquiries from users of the services provided by the Company;

・to provide information through e-zines and the like about services of the Company and promotional information from advertisers who are business operators other than the Company;

・to formulate plans for, provide, and deliver advertisements about, the Company’s existing services or future services;

・for lotteries and delivery of prizes and goods for promotional campaigns and the like;

・to make communications as necessary, such as important notices about a service of the Company; and

・for other purposes separately set out in each service provided by the Company.

4. Safety measures for personal data

The Company takes appropriate safety measures to prevent leakage of, loss of, or damage to, the personal data it handles and properly manages personal information.

5. Supervision of employees and entrusted parties

The Company appropriately supervises its employees with respect to their handling of personal information.

Also, in cases where the Company entrusts the handling of personal data to third parties, it appropriately supervises such third parties to ensure proper safety management of the applicable personal data.

6. Provision of personal data to third parties

The Company does not provide personal data to any third party without the consent of the person in question unless specified to do so by laws or ordinances (including the following cases):

・if pursuant to a law or regulation;

・if it is necessary to protect the life, body, or property of an individual, and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the person in question;

・if there is a special need to improve public health or promote healthy child development, and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the person in question;

・if it is necessary to cooperate with a national government organ, local government, or a party entrusted thereby with performing the functions prescribed by laws and regulations, and obtaining the consent of the person in question is likely to interfere with the performance of those functions; or

・if the third party is an academic institution, etc. and needs to handle personal data for the purpose of study and research (including the case where a part of the purpose of handling the personal data is for study and research, and excluding the case where the handling is likely to unjustly infringe personal rights and interests).

In cases where it is separately set out in the services of this Company to provide personal data to third parties (including, but not limited to, the case where the Company set out in the Separate Policy), this will be performed in a lawful manner in accordance with laws and regulations.

7. Handling of personal information at linked sites

The Company might display links to external sites in connection with the Company’s services, but the Company is not liable for personal information registered or collected at those external sites.

8. Disclosure, correction, etc.

If the Company is requested by a person to indicate the purposes of use of the person's retained personal data, or if it is requested to disclose the retained personal data, etc. (including disclosure of records of provision to third parties); to correct, add content to, or delete content from it (“correction, etc.”); to discontinue its use or to erase it (“discontinuation of use, etc.”); or to discontinue its provision to a third party (disclosure; correction, etc.; discontinuation of use, etc.; and discontinuation of provision to a third party are collectively referred to as “disclosure, etc.”), the Company will respond without delay in accordance with laws and regulations, in a reasonable period of time and within an appropriate scope. However, the Company will not respond to a request for disclosure, etc. if it is unable to confirm that the request is from the person in question.

9. Personal information of minors

If a minor uses a service provided by the Company and submits his or her personal information, the minor must obtain consent from the person who has parental authority over the minor or any other statutory agent of the minor, and if a request is made to the Company by the person with parental authority or any other statutory agent for disclosure, etc. of the retained personal data of the minor, the Company will comply with the request.

10. Information of deregistered users

If a user deletes the user's account for a service provided by the Company, the Company will properly process the user information in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations and the rules separately established by the Company.

11.Information collection modules

The Company might use information collection modules selected by the Company and listed in (1) below to improve services provided by the Company or to develop new services, and might accordingly submit customer information to the providers of such information collection modules. These information collection modules will collect customer information listed in (2) below without including any information which could be used for personal identification, and the collected information will be managed according to the privacy policies prescribed by the providers of each information collection module as well as other related regulations. “Information collection module” as used here refers to a program created by a third party which is independent from the functions of an application itself and performs operations such as displaying advertisements and analyzing the frequency of the application’s use. For details on the items of information acquired, their purposes of use, and their submission to third parties, please refer to the Terms of Use and privacy policies of each respective service.

(1) Information collection modules used by the Company

(i) Programs provided by advertising SDK provider companies

Acquisition method: Acquisition after the user’s approval

Purpose of use: Measurement of advertising effectiveness; ad placements

Information to be acquired: Device model name; OS version; IP address; play status

(ii) Programs provided by data analyzing companies

Acquisition method: Acquisition after the user’s approval

Purpose of use: Ascertainment of user behavior

Information to be acquired: Device model name; OS version; IP address; play status

(iii) Programs provided by middleware development companies

Acquisition method: Automatic acquisition

Purpose of use: Ascertainment of user behavior

Information to be acquired: Device model name; OS version; app version

(2) Customer information to be collected

(i) Device model name

Acquisition method: Automatic acquisition

Whether information is transmitted outside the Company or submitted to third parties, and whether information collection modules are used: Transmitted to data analyzing companies, middleware development companies, and advertising SDK provider companies

(ii) OS version

Acquisition method: Automatic acquisition

Whether information is transmitted outside the Company or submitted to third parties, and whether information collection modules are used: Transmitted to data analyzing companies, middleware development companies, and advertising SDK provider companies

(iii) IP address (acquired as an access log and not saved in a database)

Acquisition method: Acquisition after the user’s approval

Whether information is transmitted outside the Company or submitted to third parties, and whether information collection modules are used: Transmitted to data analyzing companies, middleware development companies, and advertising SDK provider companies

(iv) Location setting

Acquisition method: Acquisition after the user’s approval

Whether information is transmitted outside the Company or submitted to third parties, and whether information collection modules are used: Transmitted to data analyzing companies, middleware development companies, and advertising SDK provider companies

(v) Language setting (saved in the app and not saved in a database)

Acquisition method: Acquisition after the user’s approval

Whether information is transmitted outside the Company or submitted to third parties, and whether information collection modules are used: Transmitted to data analyzing companies, middleware development companies, and advertising SDK provider companies

(vi) Time setting on device

Acquisition method: Acquisition after the user’s approval

Whether information is transmitted outside the Company or submitted to third parties, and whether information collection modules are used: Transmitted to data analyzing companies, middleware development companies, and advertising SDK provider companies

(vii) Android advertising ID (if Android is used)

Acquisition method: Acquisition after the user’s approval

Whether information is transmitted outside the Company or submitted to third parties, and whether information collection modules are used: Transmitted to data analyzing companies, middleware development companies, and advertising SDK provider companies

(viii) IDFA (if iOS is used)

Acquisition method: Acquisition after the user’s approval

Whether information is transmitted outside the Company or submitted to third parties, and whether information collection modules are used: Transmitted to data analyzing companies, middleware development companies, and advertising SDK provider companies

(ix) Apple ID information (if iOS is used)

Acquisition method: Acquisition at users’ discretion

Purpose of use: Used for data migration

Whether information is transmitted outside the Company or submitted to third parties, and whether information collection modules are used: None

(x) Google Account information (if Android is used)

Acquisition method: Acquisition at users’ discretion (information is saved after encryption)

Purpose of use: Used for data migration

Whether information is transmitted outside the Company or submitted to third parties, and whether information collection modules are used: None

(xi) Facebook account information

Acquisition method: Inputted by users at their discretion

Purpose of use: Used for data migration

Whether information is transmitted outside the Company or submitted to third parties, and whether information collection modules are used: None

(xii) LINE account information

Acquisition method: Inputted by users at their discretion

Purpose of use: Used for data migration

Whether information is transmitted outside the Company or submitted to third parties, and whether information collection modules are used: None

12. Use of cookies

Cookies are used for the purpose of enhancement of convenience for users by saving user settings, for the purpose of security by maintaining and protecting sessions, and for the purpose of provision of better services by ascertaining users' frequency of access to, users' manner of use of, and number of users of, service of the Company.

Each user can allow or refuse the use of cookies, but if the user refuses to save cookies, the user might not be able to use all or a part of services of the Company, such as services that need a login.

13. Update to privacy policy

This privacy policy might be revised. In that case, notification will be made of the revised content by making the revised privacy policy available for viewing in the website of the Company.

Please stay apprised of the latest privacy policy by checking the Company’s website from time to time.

14. Inquiries

If there is any unclear point with respect to this privacy policy, or if there is a question, complaint, or matter for consultation with respect to the handling of personal information in any of the services provided by the Company, please contact us in game.