2024年4月26日(金) 13:00-15:15 

心理学コロキウム 2024 北海道大学





〒060-0809札幌市北区北9条西6丁目 札幌駅から徒歩9分





Social perception and the action-observation method

James T. Enns,

Professor and Distinguished University Scholar, University of British Columbia

Everyday human interaction involves inferring people’s mental states, their intentions and future actions, by way of facial expression, body posture, eye gaze, and limb movements. I will describe an iterative method for studying action production and action perception, under the assumption that observers form predictive simulations to guide their behavior. Some studies involve single actors performing tasks (e.g., the mental effort of visual search, the kinematics of reaching, emotion perception while self-monitoring, gaze aversion during conversation). Other studies involve actors working in collaboration (e.g., the perception of jazz duets, collaborative visual search, moving furniture, joint exercise).

The Role of Brain Oscillations in the Attentional Blink

Kim Shapiro

Professor, Chair of Cognitive Neuroscience, Centre for Human Brain Health and School of Psychology, University of Birmingham

In recent years there has been an increasing drive to understand the role played by brain oscillations in human cognition. Neural oscillations are a plausible mechanism by which distributed brain areas can communicate in real time to support the spectrum of cognitive activity from stimulus representation to decision making. My talk will focus on the role played by oscillations in different frequency bands to facilitate attention by examining the phenomenon of the attentional blink. Understanding the role of brain oscillations will be made increasingly possible by advances in high-density EEG, MEG, transcranial electrical stimulation, and electrocorticography.

Knowing what’s real: The role of Attention in Banknote Authentication

Jane E. Raymond

Professor (Emeritus), University of Birmingham

How do people know the difference between genuine objects and counterfeit? What role does visual attention play in authentication judgements? Recent studies from my lab on how consumers authenticate banknotes have shed light on these questions. We found that counterfeit is generally detected very quickly by the brain’s sensory processes, but slower more cognitive processes involved in recognition of images, e.g., a portrait on a banknote, often override the initial impression that a banknote is fake. We also report that special print features that provide clear visual signals of authenticity can dramatically improve counterfeit detection but only if these features quickly capture fixation and provide simple, obvious cues that cannot be easily reproduced. These and other related findings point to the general principle that authentication is based on object features that are tangential to object categorisation but are themselves easily identified. Such findings are currently being used to improve the design of banknotes and other products to improve security for consumers.

13:00-13:40 Enns       Social perception and the action-observation method

13:45-14:25 Shapiro   The role of brain oscillations in the attentional blink

14:30-15:10 Raymond Knowing what’s real: The role of attention in banknote Authentication




河原純一郎 jkawa@let.hokudai.ac.jp 電話: 011-706-4154 (研究室)




James T. Enns

Professor and Distinguished University Scholar, University of British Columbia

ブリティッシュコロンビア大学心理学部教授。人間の視覚における注意の役割に関する研究を中心に,注意が意識の内容を変化させる方法や知覚が発達とともに変化する過程,そして最適な人間のパフォーマンスのための視覚ディスプレイの設計方法などの研究を行う。Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performanceの主編集者,Psychological Science,Consciousness and Cognition,Visual Cognition等の編集委員も務めている。 

Kim Shapiro 

Professor, Chair of Cognitive Neuroscience, Centre for Human Brain Health and School of Psychology, University of Birmingham

バーミンガム大学の心理学部および人間脳健康センターの認知神経科学の教授。機能的イメージング,脳波計および事象関連電位,脳磁気計,経頭蓋電流刺激など,幅広い神経科学的アプローチとツールを用いて,短期および長期記憶における注意の働きを研究している。本講演にも登場するAttentional blink(注意のまばたき)現象に関する最初期の論文をJane Raymondとともに発表している。 

Jane E. Raymond 

Professor (Emeritus), University of Birmingham

バーミンガム大学心理学部教授,Secure Perception Research, Ltd.のディレクター兼創設者。人間が複雑な視覚情報をどのように利用し応答するかに幅広い関心を持ち,ヒトの視知覚や認知機能のメカニズムを研究している。最近では政府紙幣発行機関や紙幣製造業者,紙幣デザイン組織と共同研究を行い,消費財の広告やグローバル企業の商標紛争,紙幣の信頼性の認識に関する問題に取り組んでおり,2010年にWPP/Googleマーケティングリサーチ賞を受賞している。 






