Influencer marketing has become a hot button topic in the world of how to conduct viral marketing campaigns. Not only does everyone want to work with influencers but the market has become flooded with people trying to become their own influencer in the space or craft they specialize in. Considering how crowded the the influencer landscape has gotten can make things quite confusing to navigate.

I think this story in particular can demonstrate to entrepreneurs that oftentimes creating more simple marketing campaigns for your company can end up producing the largest results. If young entrepreneurs can keep in mind some of the concepts and strategies above they should be able to see some of their own companies go viral, but for all the right reasons!

Mark Cubans Powerful Hoverboard Hits The Market

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Millions of people are searching and catching Pokemon left and right, but this time in the most realistic fashion to date using their cell phones. Pokemon figures are coming to life through the new mobile augmented reality approach. This new approach is allowing people to discover Pokemon in places like their living room, kitchen, local parks, super-markets and more.

5. Augmented reality is the future. - Pokemon's use of augmented reality is perfect timing. This industry is emerging and people are steadily beginning to recognize the power this technology industry offers. Pokemon recognizes the future of this technology and the place it will have in society. They are simply tapping augmented reality early on knowing that the future is promising, and so that they can be considered a market leader in the space.

6. They're tech savvy - With its latest capturing of the augmented reality trend, Pokemon is demonstrating again how their continued use and leveraging of advanced technology will continue to keep them at the top. They were one of the first massively popular games for Game Boy Color when it came out and saw the potential of this early innovation from Nintendo. Now they're doing the same thing with augmented reality. The best part is that they have all the tech resources and manpower in the world to expand their capabilities so that they can keep pace with demand or market changes that come with this emerging industry.

Why so? What is it about these fad products that brings about their immediate rise to the top, followed by sudden disappearance in the marketplace? How could something get so popular and in such a short time period become almost non-existent?

1. Confusion Of The Marketplace: Consumers after just a couple months were being offered hundreds of Hoverboard options to choose from. The overwhelming number of options simply confused consumers into not knowing which device to purchase. Every single Hoverboard looked identical. For many consumers this completely turned them off from the product because it raised many questions. Which one is best? Which one is safest? What are the differences between PhunkeeDuck, Sky Walker, IO Hawk and various other brands? These questions I believe ultimately resulted in many consumers purchasing a different kind of personal transportation device altogether. Why risk $1,500 or $300 on a product that has all these question marks? Alternatively consumers could find a product that had been in the marketplace longer, looked equally as fun, and had been vetted by past consumers allowing you to make an educated buying decision.

2. For example, if you are a small company and have developed software technology, what is to stop a big software company from copying your software technology, seeing what the software technoloy does, using their programmers to reproduce the functionality without see the underlying code for the software technology so there is no copyright infringement and then using their market dominance to prevent your small company from ever gaining a foothold in the marketplace?

Also, if someone came to you with a new product would you invest in it without checking out if they just copied it from someone else? You probably want to know what else is on the market and how the new product relates to what is already there. You would want to get an idea if they are just copying what is out there or if they really have something new. Patents searches are just the same game.

However, very few patent professionals, including myself, are business experts or marketing experts like Mr. Cuban. Yet, I think many of us are regularly approached by our clients for help in this area. So any insight Mr. Cuban could provide with respect to bringing innovative products and services to market would be invaluable to many of the small businesses we represent as patent professionals.

Patents owned by someone else are his biggest threat to taking the market. If there is someone else out there with patents critical to the board, that other person may be able to get the capital they need to compete in the market thus thwarting, at least in part, Cuban plans. At minimum, this adds risk to his plan.

Ceballos-Crump largely connected with customers through social media marketing and direct consumer events on frequent trips from Chicago to Philadelphia, Atlanta, New Orleans, and Washington, DC. As sales and distribution increased, Honey Baby Naturals soon landed in more than 400 retail stores, including Target and Meijer. In 2018, the brand is expanding to 1,600 locations, including Sally Beauty, Walmart, RiteAid, and CVS.

On this 34th episode of The E-Comm Show, our host and BlueTuskr CEO Andrew Maff is with Nezar Akeel of MaxPro Fitness. Nezar appeared on Shark Tank late last year where he bagged a deal with Mark Cuban. Tune in to this episode with Andrew and Nezar as they talk about their Shark Tank journey, marketing in the time of COVID, and how MaxPro Fitness has completely changed the fitness game in just 20 months.

the aspect of the company? Yeah, you know, I don't think there's any better time to be an entrepreneur. And our product is hardware as a hardware platform, and then also a software app. It's pretty comprehensive. And I did not have funding. There was not this is a self-funded operation bootstrap everything yet, you would imagine entrepreneurs would do. I did bring this forward. And this is again, not a kitchen widget is a pretty complicated product and has many facets to it. So it was just a pretty daunting task. But I say that is the best time to be an entrepreneur because there are so many resources, global resources available to you at your fingertips, literally. And so at the up to my ability where I could afford, I was getting resources to help me engineer and design the product and move it just inching along day by day. It really took five years of development in this one A because of lack of funding, just self-funding to get the product to the level that you see it now. So the resources in terms of design engineering, also the rapid prototyping capabilities that are available out there now to help, you know, reduce the costs of prototypes, and also the ability to market directly to people through the internet, and Facebook, Instagram, that's all been unheard of, to bypass the big marketing companies and things like that in the past. So those were the things I had going for me, money was not going for me. But regardless, that didn't stop me. And I felt, you know, honestly, if I could create something that I would use that I know I needed, and then someone other person felt the value or saw the value of that product, and was willing to pay their hard-earned money for it, then that would have been a sign of success for me right from the start.

obviously, you're talking about COVID. That was timing was perfect, and not perfect, in a different sense. Because we had the Kickstarter in 2019. And it was about a year later that we deliver the product. But up to that point, when the COVID hit, the pressure for us to deliver became immense. And my philosophy or strategy was to grow slow, get the product out there, and first of all, make sure that the product is okay, not just flood the market with the product. And that will that would I can see that as being a disaster. Honestly, if things go wrong, and sure enough, there were a few things that went wrong. So the built-in is the built-in demands because COVID was obvious and we were pre-selling. So as we were pre-selling prior to deliveries, that was also helping us with the cash cycle to keep the development going. So that was a very fortunate thing for us. And all along. You know, there haven't really been any product deliveries until July of 2020. And then, um, we're kind of waiting, waiting to see what the result is going to be what you know, up until that point, there's a lot of people who support you because you're an entrepreneur and young company, and they're willing to forgive delays or quality late I supported this, this business. But from that point on, those are people random people, who stop finding your product line and then buy it and don't know you from Adam. And they're gonna tear into you if your product isn't just right. And we did have a few quality issues early on that we had to communicate very openly and honestly. And we had to stop shipments we had to rework parts and get those results within the first two months of shipment shipping. And that was also COVID because I couldn't visit my manufacturing partner overseas during the launch or prior to the launch to make sure everything was perfect. So that was another negative of the whole COVID era launch. In the end our product. Really very fortunate to have it very well received. You can see the reviews online, you know on our website or Google or Amazon that People just absolutely love Max pose versatility and power and

capability. So, you know, obviously, COVID While unfortunate for many did help a lot of entrepreneurs that had businesses that can benefit from you know, at Home Fitness specifically, how is it you were able to market this and stand out from the others that theoretically are still competition, you know, like the peloton and the tunnels and the mirrors and all those like, you know, how have you been able to get people to incorporate your, your product as well as your software into their workouts along with all of these other fitness brands that are doing something similar with their own equipment? Yeah, it's be457b7860

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