But when I open it directly into a browser (I've opened in chrome, firefox and explorer), everything works except the images doesn't show. (my background image, logo, icons, pictures will not display).I transfer all files to my other laptop and same result

All my images are in CSS using the background attribute. Everything else works, font color, shadow, border, hover etc. except the images wont display (except in live server). Has anyone else have this issue and if so, how did you resolve it?

Hus Will Not Show Up As Images

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I've attached a screen capture of my code...I commented out all information in body. commented out the other css file and commented out all css code except for body tag, should work, but still will not show the body image. the picture file is located in the same location as the html file. I've used quotes and without quotes around the url address and same results.

The issue is, I cannot make the images show up in my posts .md pages. I used the most basic markdown code when the images were in the /static folder, which was: ![Some description](/image01.png). This worked just fine.

I understand half of these are plain wrong but I was just throwing them at the wall to see if anything will stick. I also tried moving images from the assets/images folder directly to assets, and again trying out different file paths. No luck either.

Also, how will imagename.jpg path from that statement recognize that I have imagename.jpg picture in the assets/images folder? Do I need to modify it to say something like images/imagename.jpg or similar?

I still do not understand how to tell Hugo to look for images in the assets/images folder instead of static. There is a plethora of examples online on how to process images but virtually all of them require for the images to be put in the same posts subfolders together with the .md file.

The issue is, I cannot make the images show up in my posts .md pages. I used the most basic markdown code when the images were in the /static folder, which was: ![Some description](/image01.png) . This worked just fine.

You can not use it like this (in markdown). Resizing only works on resources as you assumed correctly. A resource is a file in the resource directory or a file in a page bundle. To access resources in markdown you will have to use a shortcode.

I have the same problem which was introduced with 10.0 and then claimed to be solved with 10.4 (release notes). Sometimes killing the Evernote process in Android and restarting leads to an image loading sometimes not. I did a lot of testing. For my devices (Samsung Galaxy A50 and Samsung Galaxy Tab A) it does not matter what image format is embedded or which size or where the image came from. The problem is with any of the notes. Sometimes the image show up, mostly they don't (even on the same notes). The image displaying is still inconsistent. Reading the play store comments, this is one of the major errors users report...

Same issue. Since last update Evernote PC app shows all images in exising notes as attachments, which can't be opened. No way to log a support case with Evernote unless you are a business premium customer. This has effectively killed the app and most of my notes are usless now. This is completely unnaceptable

I had the same problem with this app. In this app, I write scripts for Facebook posts. I have a personal page on this social network to post aesthetic photos and videos. In Evernote, I'm trying to schedule a feed and to do that. I need to upload pictures there. When I had a problem uploading images, I contacted customer service, fixing the error. I am now able to upload photos there. I recently found a vintage color palette to create story templates and posts. I want to design some pictures and upload them to the planned feed.

I'm actually having the same issues with quite a few of my notes. The Web version shows just fine though. Am a bit surprised at how poorly Android Evernote manages images and other attachments, there seems to always be an issue loading them, but appears elsewhere.

Could you check to see if the images are really what they claim to be? Evernote had a bug a while back that images where being saved as imagename.jpg while they were actually png images (or some similar problem). That confused some clients which then tried to display the image thinking it was a jpg when actually it was a png.

On Android go to settings of your device, then go to "Apps" and search for Evernote. Then click on Storage and at the very bottom is "Clear Cache". Click on it and restart your device mand Evernote. Now these missing images are rendered properly. For the moment all seems to be fine.


I've been having issues with embedded images for a while. Including the issue discussed in this thread. Another related one is that even when an image will finally, thorough persistence and some magic will show up finally, it won't show up in a thumbnail view of the note. I corresponded with EN's support. And their final answer was a tepid: we are aware of the problem. Our devs are working on it. And that was months ago.

I see this frequently even still with 10.24. It does not matter if jpeg oder another image file format. It is a bug of the software / EN system that support confirmed to me too many months ago but is unable or unmotivated or what ever to dive into as with many issues. Possible workarounds: cold-restart the app, if this does not work even restart device. Cache clearing/fresh install does not help. After a fresh install you (at least me) get exactly zero images displayed in your notes for the first 1-2 hours after setting up the app. To me it seems to be a design bug on how the EN servers perhaps pre-process and than deliver image data to the app or it's cache. But only guessing, obviously even EN devs don't know how to fix permanently.

On Android go to settings of your device, then go to "Apps" and search for Evernote. Then click on Storage and at the very bottom is "Clear Cache". Click on it and restart your device mand Evernote. Now these missing images are rendered properly. For the moment all seems to be fine.

On the iOS client I can only download the file, but not display it. On the Mac when I choose open (or double click), the file is opened in the Macs Preview app, which nicely interacts with the client. But in the note itself it only shows the file symbol.

Unfortunately, TIFF images are not supported in Chromium, and thus probably not supported in Electron (which is based on Chromium). And since Evernote v10 on desktop is based on Electron, that is probably why TIFF images are not viewable inside Evernote v10.

Since this is the Android thread on the intitial issue (EN not showing images regardless of file type) I would again update my experience with the new 10.39 version. For me the image rendering bug is still present and pops up regularly when using the app. Nearly 2 years now, development must have lost control.

This will sound a little obnoxious, and will only continue the thread drift, but please bear with me a minute. I read A LOT of "Legacy is gone, life is over, the new version *****" posts here, and my impression is that "*****" means "looks very different and requires me to learn new habits." I sincerely apologize if that is not what's going on with you. But my recollection is that when I first started using Evernote 10 years or so ago, there was a learning curve. This thing could do things nothing else had done for me before, and it required me to learn new habits. And I learned them. A couple of years ago I slowly, hesitantly, and somewhat begrudgingly began using v. 10. I find that it can do things Legacy had never done for me before, although it required me to learn some new habits. Whatever didn't make it into v. 10 is apparently something I can live without. What is there now, for instance the common interface and functionality across platforms, backlinks, the remarkable new syncing introduced (with a loud and unamusing faceplant at first) this spring, has been well worth the learning curve. My 3.7 cents, adjusted for inflation (and the Evernote price increase).

I am using the X Theme (latest version). I had set up an Envira Gallery a while ago that worked fine. I recently added a new gallery to use in a Portfolio page, but it does not work. When I add the short code to the page I do not see any images or thumbs although where the images should be it is clickable, and the images will open in lightbox.

This is a very strange case and unfortunately, we could not find the cause of the problem. We are out of options here but my last suggestion will be this to at least narrow down the problem cause for your further investigation:

Move your website to another test server, or your local machine and test the case. If it is working then there is something off on your hosting service provider and I will suggest that you consider using our hosting.

The docker images command takes an optional [REPOSITORY[:TAG]] argumentthat restricts the list to images that match the argument. If you specifyREPOSITORYbut no TAG, the docker images command lists all images in thegiven repository.

This will display untagged images that are the leaves of the images tree (notintermediary layers). These images occur when a new build of an image takes therepo:tag away from the image ID, leaving it as : or untagged.A warning will be issued if trying to remove an image when a container is presentlyusing it. By having this flag it allows for batch cleanup.

I am having an issue with rendering a scene in Blender. When not in rendering mode, Blender shows my reference image with ease. But as soon as I hit F12 to render the image, my reference image disappears. I need that reference image because in my scene, I am depicting some sentient cubes watching TV, and I need an image for the TV to show. I have searched around Blender for quite some time and have not found a setting. If it is not possible to show reference images during the rendering process, could you please show a way to do it without a reference image? By the way, if it helps, I am using Blender 2.80. be457b7860

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