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Below are the nominees for various Missouri book awards of the current school year at the elementary level. Mrs. Bradley reads the Building Blocks to students in Preschool-K and the Show Me books to students in grades 1-3, then has them vote at the end of the year. Fourth and fifth grade students can check out the Mark Twain nominees from the Learning Commons. Those students get a chance to earn prizes like book fair gift certificates and posters, and pass quizzes to be invited to our Trivia team. 

Our 2022 trivia team competed against all FHSD elementary schools at Castlio and tied for 3rd place. Congrats, readers!

Statewide, students will read and vote on their favorite award-nominee books read from our libraries.

22 Mark Twain Award nominees (4th-6th) Book Trailers!

22 Show Me Award (1st-3rd)

2022 Building Block Picture Book Awards (PreK-K)