Help & Advice

'Mental Health and Wellbeing Information and Support'

There are lots of online resources available if you need to speak to someone. Please remember that if it is an emergency, call 111 or 999... SHOUT is an organisation that can provide 24/7 crisis support if you’re feeling anxious, worried or stressed. Text SHOUT to 85258 and a counsellor will text you back. Childline has a huge amount of support and resources available on their website, and they also have an app. You are able to speak online to a counsellor. NHS has created a list of Apps that have been/are being tested by them to help improve Mental Health. You can find them here – most are free but a couple have a cost An amazing library of helpful suggestions of self-care strategies SeeMe is a Scottish organisation that work closely with schools and young people. They have lots of information to help you speak about your Mental Health. – Cool2Talk is an online advice and counselling service run by NHS Tayside.– The Samaritans are emergency crisis counselling available online or over the phone.

Mental Health and COVID-19

The uncertainty and unpredictability in the current climate can be unsettling for everyone, especially if you already have feelings of anxiety. Have a browse of these resources and taken note of some really helpful tips on protecting your own, and others, physical AND emotional health.

Coronavirus and your Wellbeing – an excellent resource from the Mental Health charity Mind.

Coronoavirus: How to protect your Mental Health – the BBC have produced an excellent, interesting and helpful page making links between Coronavirus and Mental Health.

'UCAS and College Help'

UCAS are working with all of the universities, as well as the SQA, to make sure that no student is disadvantaged because of what is going on just now. They are likely to be contacting you directly, through the email you provided when you applied, in order to keep you updated. However, it's best that you also keep up to date as much as possible by following @ucas_online on Twitter, in addition to following the Universities that you have applied to.

* For now, don't be worried if you are still waiting on offers and don't hear anything, there are unlikely to be updates over the next few weeks.

* Also, don't feel rushed into accepting any offers, UCAS have intimated that the deadline for choosing your courses will be extended.

* Make sure you follow @saastweet on Twitter too. SAAS will be paying your tuition and providing a student bursary or loan if you are studying in Scotland. You will need to keep up to date with their news and it's impact on deadlines. Please be aware however that SAAS will also be dealing with a lot of queries from existing University students, so you may not hear from them quickly.