I took your advice and reported it to Apple. Hope it gets fixed, because it's a pain in the ***! I guess until then, no customizing already set textones or contact sounds, unless it's a ringtone. So stupid. So inaccessible. I count on my phone making certain noises to indicate certain people and events. And I like custom tones, because it sets them apart from everyone else who has an iphone!

Apparently this isn't a bug but done purposely, the only text tones (affects new voicemail, new mail, sent mail, calendar & reminders) you can now use are purchased ones which are their bought ones but not your own free ones however custom ones as noted by others are only visible to ringtones. Apple being Apple have also reduced the volume of text tones (something to do with EU something or other - there are articles on this on the web and many complaining) so there is no bug and not likely to be a fix as it seems a decision has been taken to do just this. Apple like to dictate how you use their products now seemingly how loud your text tones are, to me it's the final straw and another reason now to go to Android. Pointless raising issues and wasting your time sending feedback they pay no attention to it so you either put up & shut up or jump ship.

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True, but if you tap into the menu settings to choose a new tone, it disconnects the previous tone entirely and *poof* you're now stuck with nothing to choose from. This is what happened to me and how I discovered this issue.

Seems like a huge step back that users can no longer use purchased or custom tones for anything else but ringtones, and if custom contact ringtones and textones are used, they still work as they should, but the user cannot change them, except to the newer crappy tones, or the classic ones. Very disappointing indeed. Almost worthy of a downgrade.

I'm having the same problem and when I click on "Download All Purchased Tones" they won't download again. When I go to the iTunes Store I see the ringtones but now I have to RE-purchase them. I'm really hoping this is just a glitch with iOS 17.0.1 because I just purchased these ringtones a couple of days ago and Mama ain't happy!

I would find being forced to use paid tones again annoying, but that isn't even the case. It's not that I can't use just custom tones, but even purchased tones don't appear in the list of tones one can use for things like textone, reminder alerts, calendar alerts, etc. For every other instance but strictly ringtones, I'm limited to the new tones and the classic, with no options for my purchased tones or my custom tones. Of course there's a button to go to the tone store, but nothing else.

I have a similar problem as described in this old post from a year ago: incoming call are not indicated via ring-tone. The pop-up window appears, but I do miss this window regularly. So I really would appreciate an audible notification.

No matter what adjustments to standard apps or sound devices settings i make, not ring-tone. It used to work but stopped all of a sudden some month ago. I have no indication whatsoever what could have cause this behavior.

I'm currently on 1909.1833.110, no update on 2004 is currently available for my system, otherwise I'd have tried this, too. I also removed all other devices to avoid interdependence issues, did not help either.

To my knoweldge not, I'm still tyring out different scenarios. but I'm slow in doing so because of my project work. 

Next step will be the setup of a clean profile, which is not that easy with my corprate managed notebook.

I had the same problem and it was based on a permission not been met. I moved the AppData folder outside user/my_user folder to another drive and setting a symbolic link for apps to reach the app data.

To get the ringing tone for incoming calls, I had to set 'play sound for notifications; to on (under profile picture//settings///notifications) - this mean syou get all the annoying pings everytime someone messages you BUT, you can turn these off for channels within specific teams (one by one) although apparently not on any chat threads. Kind of annoying that they don't let you distinguish between incoming calls and new messages - another one for the wish list.

Thanks, that certainly didn't fix it for me, but it does identify why I was not getting a ring tone for incoming calls. 

Here we are another year later and there's still a ridiculously stupid option: "Play sound for incoming calls and notifications". No thank you, if it's all the same to you I'd rather have a sound for incoming calls when someone is trying to speak to me, while at the same time actually concentrate on my work without pings for all other Teams messages. 

So that is not a fix for me, and for now I'll have to miss some calls for the sake of my sanity. I'll try to follow this up with Microsoft through my company.

I completely agree with you OceanMan-8994. Microsoft did many things right with Teams but completely missed the boat with others and they stubbornly refused to fix their mistakes for years. For example,

1) This thread's main issue, as they completely fail to understand that voice calls have a much higher priority on our attention than written messages. Let's face it, when people have something urgent they will call by voice, because they know that answering text messages is something most people do "at their own convenience". They even missed the boat with recognizing that we might want to be notified when we receive messages from certain people (like our own immediate team) but not from anybody else or worse... some of those extremely spammy group chats. They need to give us the ability to choose whether to be notified by text chat, and regardless of choice give us the ability to flip the choice for specific people or group chats.

2) Another big (but unrelated) miss that they just won't let us have a SMALL window for team, like old IM apps used to do. Just show a list of names of recent chats, an icon to show if there are messages pending (or a call missed), and the text of the selected chat. It would be so simple to implement such a compact interface, but nope, although they've promised it... years have passed and nothing.

I have my headset set as the audio device for Teams. Before, this didn't affect whether my laptop speakers would play the ringtone when I got a call, but since a few weeks ago it would stay silent and I would only be able to see I was getting a call from the pop up notification.

So in Settings > Devices, there is a section to set your Audio device, which I still have as my headset. But if you scroll down, there is a section called "Secondary Ringer" and I have set that to my laptop speakers.

This was the solution for me too - the "secondary ringer" option is there and should be for everyone. I'd just add that the settings referred to in this answer are those within MS teams desktop application itself as opposed to your PC/laptop's settings and you have to scroll down a little to find the secondary ringer option,

Note: Microsoft is providing this information as a convenience to you. The sites are not controlled by Microsoft. Microsoft cannot make any representations regarding the quality, safety, or suitability of any software or information found there. Please make sure that you completely understand the risk before retrieving any suggestions from the above link.

Sorry, I was on vacation and didn't have time to try it yet. It's a little bit difficult to create a new profile as this is a company managed system with quite some restrictions regarding users/profiles. I've to find a way to test this on my system.

Hi Steve, I'm very sorry but I have significant trouble to investigate this further as my sound completely died on me with a driver update from HP :-( This does not impact any USB connected audio device. Status is: still no ring tone an any (external) device, I'm looking into fixing the internal sound driver issue first to avoid any side effects from this. But again, that might take a while as I'm doing this in parallel to my normal work.

I just encountered the same issue. 

Teams is working just fine, except for no ringtone in my speakers when receiving calls or any dial tone when calling someone. just silence and then all of the sudden they answer.

My problem was in the Windows audio mixer. 

That was somehow set up to play through the Targus external Jack plug audio port. 

When I told Windows to not use that device, it defaulted to my Logitech speakers and everything was working fine again. 152ee80cbc

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