I can also recommend the RPI4 for projects. I run a VPN server and ddns on mine. No direct application to audio although it does mean I can browse my FLAC collection or frighten burglars by turning on my NS172 when away from home!

Closed captioning provides a transcript of the audio track for video presentations synced with the video and audio tracks. This benefits those who are deaf or hard of hearing and anyone who cannot hear the audio due to background noise. Most of our video content includes captions. Learn how to turn captioning on and off on YouTube.

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Come and discover how Happy Campers Second Edition focuses on global values and gives students the perfect opportunity to reflect on, understand and put into practice what they have learned, while developing their collaboration skills. Click to access the interactive booklet with a package of materials including videos, audio files, worksheets and more!

I have a UX2, driver version and firmware 1.02, running on Win10, with goshknowswhat updates Microsoft has pushed down recently (two forced reboots this week for updates). Regardless, it's all up to date as far as can be updated at the moment.

Also running POD Farm 2, version 2.59. I use Reaper for recording/mixing, and Adobe Audition 3.0 for all other audio needs.

The BSOD is totally new and started within a day or so of installing and using the UX2. The setup is as-is for more than a year, except for the addition of the UX2. I also have a GuitarPort - many years old. It's never blue screened. The UX2 was bought as a replacement for the GuitarPort. Installing the UX2 seemed to pull down more up to date drivers (could be just timing as I hadn't tried to update the GuitarPort in a while)

Except for updating the drivers and software, which are up to date, are there any suggestions to work around this? I'm assuming it's a driver issue, as any user level code (POD Farm) is mostly isolated from direct access to the kernel where the crashing is happening (that is what the driver is for afterall).

(Yes, I know Microsoft is making it hell for audio driver developers with the constant updates, and Win10 in general. Many of us are not happy campers because of this.)


I believe you are onto something, in that Windows 10, Chrome, has something to do with it.

I have four computers - 3 laptops and a desktop. Three of them have Windows 10, on Windows 7. All four have the same audio apps, and are setup for the same external hardware (USB2 and USB3).

The desktop uses a ZOOM UAC-8. It's my main audio DAW. One older laptop has only 4G of memory, runs Win7, another had 8G, came with Win8.1 and upgraded to Win10, and has been a major disappointment since day one. It's been relegated to internet use only...put out to pasture. I still use the Win7 machine for GuitarPort only - it too slow for current Chrome - too little RAM.

Chrome is my browser of choice on all four. One thing Chrome does is suck up memory, specifically when Facebook is up. One session of Facebook will use as much a 2G of memory for that one process after a time...as if it's leaking. Even though there are 5 tabs open as my default web pages only Facebook does this, so I blame it for many Chrome issues. That said, Chrome itself seems to be one issue why Facebook uses so much. Other browsers use a lot when logged into facebook in them, but not as much as when in Chrome and they don't seem to go up. Facebook is alway loading data so we can scroll down to it. Regardless, Chrome uses 2-4G of RAM for the whole session, typically, all pages. Even 4G usage isn't that bad in the big scheme of things if the machine has enough physical RAM in the first place. It does seems typical usage for Chrome with my tabs.

I've had all these machines for over a year, and three of them over 3 years each. While Chrome uses a lot of RAM, only the newer main laptop is having blue screen issues. The one difference? It's the only one the UX2 is installed on. The blue screen started after installing the UX2.

I suspect two things, neither of which we can do anything about easily. 1) It's memory fragmentation. Even though there's plenty of physical RAM, if it's fragmented and someone needs big chunks, as the UX2 might need via the ASIO drivers then all bets are off. Someone is running out of contiguous memory and not handling it well. And 2) There is memory corruption in the ASIO driver. Past experience (my day job for almost 20 years) has shown many times this to be an issue with drivers that try to be super low latency while not being high CPU users. Some of the first ASIO drivers to come out years ago were great but very unstable. (Rule of thumb was to cold reboot before a session, then cold reboot when done.) Yes, it's possible and likely both of these issues are the "cause" in that they set up the scenario someone isn't handling well.

There are other gotchas that are relevant. Insertion and removal of the USB Audio Device, the UX2, forcing Windows tries to flip around what it's current audio device is. I'm keeping a eye on "exactly" what the situation is then a blue screen happens. Have I removed the UX2? (usually) Is the audio app still open? (no). None of the audio apps will automatically switch to the default audio device, by design. Other apps, and Windows itself will, and sometimes it's flaky, as when using bluetooth. The blue screens are unrelated to bluetooth. Don't use bluetooth device very often.

The wires were switched out for another pair, and at the same time we were provided with a new modem and new DVR and new HDMI cables. And that's when the audio-sync issues began. Fixing this problem requires unplugging the TV. Annoying. I find now that I can usually get the audio back in sync with the moving lips on the screen by cycling through the audio sources and back to the sound bar once again. Still annoying but not as bad as having to go over and unplug the TV.

I recently decided to upgrade to Internet-75 where a second pair of wires is connected to the modem. Internet speed is nice. WiFi fast. But now the sound on the TV intermittently drops for a few seconds. Randomly, but frequently enough to be most annoying. Back up the DVR a bit and replay and the sound is there. So I think this is something inside the DVR that loses the audio momentarily for some reason. The sound is there, but it doesn't get sent to the TV unless I back it up.

This type of sound cutting out and/or audio sync problem shows up in a number of other posts, but I have not found a definitive solution in any of them. You'd think someone would have an answer by now?

Observation: We just watched the entire DVR'd Oscars without a single audio interruption. Next I will experiment watching live vs. recorded. If it's just live it might be a clue to help Telus resolve the issue.

A second show recorded on the DVR had audio interruptions when replayed, but when backed-up subsequently played the audio that it had skipped. And live TV can have audio skips. So there appears to be no exemption from this. Random occurrence, but then frequently.

Telus support did a factory reset on the modem, stating that this should correct the audio-dropping problem. I've not seen the problem in the last 24 hours (we only watch TV in the evening), but I also didn't see it during the Oscars before the reset. Time will tell.

However, we have noticed on several occasions that the video and audio simply stall for a number of seconds, then picks up - but skips over the lost seconds. Rewinding and replaying shows the same stall and loss of video/audio. This has been observed to date only on CTV, 0-3 times over the course of viewing a program. Yesterday we did not encounter any.

I asked the question after watching this video APPLE MUSIC, TIDAL or QOBUZ? The MOST POPULAR 'audiophile' streaming service (AS VOTED BY YOU ??) - YouTube in which peoples highest vote was for Tidal.

I updated to 17.2 on my ATV. It killed 5.1 audio on apps I have tried. No programs on Netflix is 5.1 that are listed as 5.1 come thru that way. They all come through as Stereo PCM. Same for YTTV. Even shows that say they are 5.1 in the guide come thru as stereo. Atmos still works correctly at least. Seems to be an issue with non-Dolby sources.

Hello, happy camper over here. Received my TP link u500 BT 5.0 adapter, disabled the Intel Wireless Bluetooth device and installed the TP link driver. Works like a charm. The Q35 sounds great, thanks for the good advice.

When is a Denon DVD-3910 universal A/V player not a Denon? Answer: When it’s an Exemplar. Exemplar Audio’s modifications and internal rebuild of the Denon DVD-3910 go far beyond the usual mods of branded audio equipment. As a starter, the Exemplar sticker on the faceplate indicates that the originally solid-state player now includes tubes. Other internal changes transform an already respectable player into one fit for the best audio systems.

John Tucker is Exemplar Audio. He designs and produces a single-ended 300B power amplifier, a line-level preamp, and D/A converters, and offers services in modification and custom design for individuals and other manufacturers, including a new "statement" amp for DK Design Group. In addition to the DVD-3910, he also modifies Denon’s DVD-2910 and DVD-5910 universal A/V players. In fact, I first heard of Exemplar through audio buddies who were enthusiastic about the DVD-2910. Tucker’s website, www.exemplaraudio.com, can give you more detailed descriptions of his work and product line, and a list of ten Exemplar dealers around the country.

Like other modifiers of stock equipment, Tucker does the usual job of upgrading to audiophile standards a product’s resistors, rectifiers, and capacitors. But the most important changes are these three: replacement of the clock circuit, active loading technology, and replacing the solid-state output section with tubes. The stock internal clock is replaced by the high-performance Tent Engineering Clock Circuit. Tucker’s custom, actively loaded shunt regulator powers it. He then adds even more to Denon’s existing circuitry, including the new shunt-regulated tube stage. This high-voltage solid-state circuitry also replaces the usual resistors in a tube output stage. Tucker is quick to share credit for this advanced active loading technology with his late mentor and friend, John Camille. e24fc04721

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