Hanyong Kim 

I am  PhD student in the Department of Applied Artificial Intelligence at Sungkyunkwan University and a member of Data eXperience Lab, advised by Professor Eunil Park.
I obtained my Master's degree in Statistic from Inha University under Professor Woojoo Lee.

 Additionally, I am Data Analysis  at Woowa Bros. 

My research interests are broadly in the areas of User eXperience, Deep Learning, and Data Analytics.




김한용, & 이우주. (2017). 불균형적인 이항 자료 분석을 위한 샘플링 알고리즘들: 성능비교 및 주의점. 응용통계연구, 30(5), 681-690.

최창현, 김종성, 김정환, 김한용, 이우주, & 김형수. (2017). 통계적 방법론을 이용한 호우피해예측함수 개발. 2. 한국방재학회 논문집, 17(3), 331-338.

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