Han Seo

I am a postdoctoral reseracher in UC Berkeley after having earned my Ph.D. in Economics from California Institute of Technology. I am an experimental economist who is interested in both theory and the experiment. In my job market paper, I show how individuals have heterogeneous other-regarding preferences that are consistent across different experimental settings. I also worked on a market-based auction-like solution to a transportation problem where there are non-convexities. My other works deal with how tick size changes in financial markets affect liquidity and the price aggregation process and how the unreliability of a news source can disrupt the information cascade.

Research Field

Primary: Experimental Economics, Microeconomic theory, Behavioral economics

Secondary: Applied microeconomics, Organizational Research


cre8tive [dot] han [at] gmail [dot] com


Charles Plott and Han Seo. 2020. “Winner’s curse in multi spectrum auctions”. Games and Economic Behavior.

Han Seo. 2020. “Consistency of Others-regarding Preference: Theory and Experiment”. Working paper.

Stefano DellaVigna and Han Seo. 2020. “Pricing in US Retail stores and Bias in Field Experiments”. Revise & Resubmit to Experimental Economics

Butkovich, Lazarina, Nina Butkovich, Charles Plott, and Han Seo. 2019. “Fake News, Information Herds, Cascades and Economic Knowledge”. Submitted to Experimental Economics.

Plott, Charles, Richard Roll, Han Seo, and Hao Zhao. 2019. “Tick Size, Price Grids and Market Performance: Stable Matches as a Model of Market Dynamics and Equilibrium”. Revise & Resubmit, Games and Economic Behavior.

Lee, Hsing-Yang, Travis Maron, Charles Plott, and Han Seo. 2019. “A Testbed Experiment of a Smart Market Based Student Transportation Policy”.

Teaching Fields

Experimental Economics, Microeconomics Theory, Game Theory, Auction Theory

Teaching Assistant

Microeconomics Theory.

Ec 11. Introduction to Economics.

PS/Ec 172. Game Theory.

PS 12. Introduction to Political Science.