Hanna Virtanen

Welcome! I am an Academy Research Fellow and a Chief Research Scientist at Etla Economic Research. Im also an Associate at the Centre for Economic Performance at London School of Economics, and a Research Fellow at IZA. Furthermore, I serve as a member of the Editorial Board of Kansantaloudellinen aikakauskirja (KAK), which is a Finnish language journal of the Finnish Economic Association.

I am an applied microeconomist working on questions in economics of education. My research focuses on causes and consequences of schooling choices, and I am particularly interested in understanding how education policy can reduce inequalities and social exclusion as well as improve employment and productivity.

You can find my CV here and more information on my research in the Research section of this site and on GoogleScholar.

Email: hanna.virtanen(at)etla.fi

Twitter: @hanna_virtanen_Â