Career Summary
2002.8 서울대학교 산업공학과 학사 BS., Industrial Engineering, Seoul National University
2013.8 서울대학교 산업공학과 박사 Ph.D, Industrial Engineering, Seoul National University
2008-2009 유진투자증권 퀀트운용팀, Quant Management Team, Eugene Investment & Securities Co.
2012-2013 아이엠투자증권 투자공학팀, Investment Engineering Team, IM Investment and Securities Co.
2014-2015 심네트 @합동참모본부 분석실험실, Simnet @Analysis and Experimentation Directorate, Joint Chiefs of Staff
2015-Present 한밭대학교 산업경영공학과 조교수/부교수, Assistant/Associate Professor, Department of Industrial Management and Engineering, Hanbat National University
Research Interest
수요예측 Demand Forecasting 확산모형 Diffusion Models
경제성 분석 Economic Evaluation 비즈니스 어낼리틱스 Business Analytics with Data
국방과학 Defense Science 모델링 & 시뮬레이션 Modeling and Simulation
Teaching Area
경제성 공학 Engineering Economics 투자공학 Investment Engineering
통계적품질관리 Statistical Quality Management 품질경영 Quality Management
이산수학 Discrete Mathematics
예측이론 및 응용 Forecasing Theory and Application
학술논문작성법 Research Paper Writing