Artificial intelligence enables more efficient power grid

Hang Shuai (帅航)

I am a Research Assistant Professor of CURENT at UTK, in the research group led by Prof. Fangxing Li.

I was a Post-Doctoral Research Scientist of Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at UTK, in the research group led by Prof. Fangxing Li.

I was a Research Scientist in Department of Electrical, Computer, and Biomedical Engineering at URI, in the research group led by Prof. Haibo He.

I was a graduate student in SEEE at HUST, and my advisor was Prof. Jinyu Wen.


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Research interest

After my PhD, I'm mainly working on a power system resilience assessment project, and I also continute to study the application of deep reinforcement learning (DRL) techniques to power system operation and restoration, including MuZero based microgrid online optimization strategy and AlphaZero based distribution grid restoration technique.

During my PhD studies, my research interest lied in Approximate Dynamic Programming (ADP) theory, and its application in the optimal operation of microgrids and integrated gas and power systems.