Hangman's Bane

Welcome to the Hangmman's Bane's tavern ! 

A pirate-themed tavern, where drinkin', reverly , fightin' and fun are all on the table. All our drinks don't cost in-game gil, tips are accepted but not expected. A big thank if you find our tavern provides exactly what you're looking for. If not a tip, a toast for the crew would do fine. Show'em your love!


-Mixed drinks

-Non mixed

-On Tap

-Food Menu

Mixed drinks

Sailor Ale

The perfect drink when you're in month six of a three month voyage. Lovingly recreated from Mama Swigs old recipe. Six month fermented fish brine, rum, ginger beer, and twist lime. Fish head maybe included upon request.

Ingame Flavor: Very salty with a lingering taste of ginger and rum.

Dead Man's Head

Smooth yet full-bodied drink, spiced rum and sassafrass topped with iced heavy cream. The perfect sipper for the milk-drinking landstanders.

Ingame Flavor: Heavy, malty and creamy with spiced undertones.

Black Waters

Peer into the void and hope it doesn't peer back. Absinthe, homebrewed bitters, agave liquor with lemon and a dash sage for flavor.

Ingame Flavor: The more uncommon Absinthe flavor of light white chocolate flavor with a slight herby fruity twist.

Odin's Wraith

Another drink from the mind of the sea witch, noxious concoction of dark liquors will keelhaul even the heaviest of drinkers. Drink this and be granted the favor of Odin. Or maybe just a quick trip to the floor...

Ingame Flavor: A mix between burning and regret.

Death in the Afternoon

For the sophisticated same day hangover. Absinthe and champagne.

Ingame flavor: Minty, light, pale with a hint of bubbly.

WARNING: Drunk in excess may cause inspiration or blindness.

The Hydra

A five-headed drink to never take lightly. Rum, vodka, gin, honey whiskey,and black cherry spirit. So careful, you might lose your head and you only have one of those. Salted for flavor.

Ingame flavor: Alcohol.

Blood on the Sand

Even if you lost the fight you can still taste victory. La Noscea oranges, vermouth, black cherry spirits and scotch.

Ingame Flavor: Rich, sweet, citrus with a malty spicy finish.


Tart and sour but sweet on the tongue, amaretto liqueur, bourbon, lemon, and pineapple. This drink will have you wanting more and more and more...

Please return the gold tray.

Ingame flavor: Tart, sweet, strong yet smooth.

Sweet Victory

A powerful but refreshing drink. Vodka infused with blueberry, blackberry, honey, and a twist of lime. Sure to quench the thirst of any fighter. 

Ingame flavor: Light, crisp, bubbly and sweet

Vagrant's Sangria

A drink hatched from the darkest part of sea witch's mind, a dreaded mixture of wine, gin and a slice of orange.  Few have endured one but none have braved two.

Ingame flavor: Desperation with a hint of fruit and juniper. 

A Fine Line

Walk this fine line carefully or you'll find yourself in the drink. Rye whiskey, vermouth, a dash of bitters and a cherry ran though to remind you to watch your back.

Ingame flavor: Smooth, sweet, slight spiced kick and a hint of vanilla.

Ruby Necklace

A drink recommended by Captain Merry. Bourborn whiskey, lime, hunk of pineapple and bitters. The most delicious warning you've ever had.

Ingame flavor: Tart, sour, sweet and with a hint of caramel.

 Non Mixed

 Lubbkhan Rum

"Some say you can still hear his laughter rolling on the waves..."

Cask made with the remnants of his once cursed ship. Barrel-aged rum, with or without ice. A house specialty.

Ingame flavor: Dark, full-body spiced rum.


It's just gin.

Ingame flavor: Gin made to taste like sake.

Smoke and Rum

Rum infused with smoke, earthy and spicy, the smoke further pushes the taste of our house rum even further. Take your time and enjoy the drink, you deserve it.

Ingame flavor: Smoky, earthy, herby and spiced.

Imperious Gold

Whiskey from the Golden coast, popular among Gyr Abanian soldiers this looted favorite is disstilled from the hardy wheat stores of the Garlean noble line and kept in the whitest of oak cask. There is nothing purer.

Ingame Flavor: Fullbodied, malty, rich and smooth

Death's Breath

A new brand of whiskey guarantees to take your breath away. Tastes like death but that maybe the charm.

Warning: Enchanted with minor ice magic.


Lolorito's Recourse

Are you brave enough? Then ask away and follow instructions.

OOC: A bookable three-round challenge for the brave.


Behemoth Blood Wine

Wine made from the boiling blood of a behemoth, fermented for months, and enhanced with a touch of grenadine and white rum. This rare drink has blood on its hands. 

An 'x' for every hunter killed.


Ingame flavor: Rich, Opulent, full-body,and heavy. Occasional zaps to the tongue.

   On Tap

Midnight Ale

A dark coffee ale, rich in flavor and heavy in body. When you want to drink the night away. 

Red Cap Mead

Brunt honey mead with a touch of red rum, a sweet, crisp and light drink. Only the reddest of reds will do. 

Spinebreaker Sour

A citrus treat when you have to get drunk and fight in the same night. Lemon mango ale, bubbly, bitey, and tangy. 

Full Moon Mead

A full bodied mead, using only the richest of honey and collected after three full moons. The mead will have you howling for more.

Mug O'Ale

It is indeed just a Mug O'Ale and nothing more.

Only served in Roe sized tankards, be ready to drink.

Ingame Flavor: Crisp, hoppy, sweet with a touch of bitterness.

Food Menu