Hana Rudová

associate professor

Masaryk University, Faculty of Informatics

Brno, Czech Republic

I am working on various problems related to scheduling and routing, such as educational timetabling, vehicle routing, or scheduling for distributed environments. My work is inspired by real-life problems coming from practice, and I concentrate on approaches that allow the solving of practical problems such as course timetabling in the UniTime system, vehicle routing with Wereldo company, warehouse planning with Notino company, or computer job scheduling in CERIT national infrastructure. I solve these problems using metaheuristics, constraint programming, or mixed integer programming.

I work as the Head of the Department of Machine Learning and Data Processing at the Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University in Brno, Czech Republic. I co-authored more than 120 research papers from 1998. I am the associate editor of the Journal of Scheduling and a member of the PATAT steering committee. I co-chaired the (Novel) Applications track at the ICAPS conference in 2023, 2018, and 2017 and co-chaired as well as co-organized the PATAT 2006 conference in my home town. I serve in program committees of conferences such as ICAPS, AAAI, IJCAI, ECAI, EvoCOP, and PATAT. I co-organized the International Timetabling Competition (ITC 2019) with almost 600 registered users from 66 countries, preparing benchmarks from ten universities on five continents. I spent a half year at Carnegie Mellon University in 2016 and Purdue University in the USA in 2001. I am teaching courses on Artificial Intelligence, Scheduling, and Constraint Programming, and I served as a vice-dean for bachelor and master studies from 2011 to 2015.



