That is all fine and dandy and didn't work. The link said "open" but there was no 1pw extension to activate.

The solution is to go to the help menu in 1pw and chose trioubleshoot >> 1pw extension. 

I found those instructions and now I have the extension in Safari

Problem: I use 1P 8.9.15 and Safari on macOS Ventura. The 1P extension is now requiring I use the password after the app time limit which I think I have set for 1 hour. (Meaning, 1P is supposed to accept Touch ID after that hour at the very least.) Then when the 1Password app itself is unlocked. This was working fine until just recently, like, within the last day. What could have gone wrong? What do I need to do to get back to the behavior before, meaning, I can use Touch ID with the Safari extension. I haven't fiddled with any of the preferences of the app or the laptop.

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I rebooted my MacBook Air, no change. I entered in the master password, and then put the screensaver on to make me need to auth with 1P again. Went to a site to login, and clicking the locked 1P widget in the login user name field, the 1P extension modal opened and requested my password. There was no fingerprint icon next to the PW field which would prompt me to touch the keyboard widget.

1Password for Safari relies on the 1Password for Mac desktop app for things like Touch ID. It sounds like the communication between the Safari browser extension and the desktop app broke down which is why you could no longer use Touch ID in Safari. The browser extension in Firefox would have it's own separate connection to the desktop app so it makes sense that Touch ID was still working there. Closing and then reopening both the browser and the desktop app allows for the connection to be reestablished.

@scottrier, you mentioned your 1Password Mac app was up to date, could you confirm your 1Password browser extension is as well? You can find some additional guidance for this on our website if you're interested: How to keep 1Password up to date in your browser

Andrew, yesterday I confirmed it was resolved. My followup was in response to Dave mentioning closing and reopening the browser reestablished a connection. I explained, I did do those things already when it was not working and that did not help. The only thing that worked was that my 1P for Safari extension app got an update. I was just curious what might have gone wrong, but it's all conjecture, I realize. Again, this is no longer an issue, I was just providing my additional context to what made it work (when it should probably not have broken at all). That's it- this probably has no real answer, I get that- software glitches are ephemeral.

I have the same issue but on Sonoma (beta 4) and nightly - looks like the browser extension just won't communicate with the app at all. Touch ID not working in browser, and if I unlock app, browser remains locked, and vice versa.

I went to use 1Password in Safari today, as I do every day. I noticed the other day that the extension disabled itself and reappeared in a different part of the toolbar. Weird, but I didn't think much of it. Now, even after quitting and reopening 1Password (also quitting the helper services), restarting my Mac, and uninstalling the extension from my Mac and redownloading it from the App Store, it will not show up in Safari Preferences so I can turn it on. The button to open Safari Preferences in the little instruction window that appears when you "open" the extension also doesn't work. Maybe it's related.

I would probably add something like "Still not showing up in the extensions pane? Click here to learn how it's Apple's fault and how to fix it!" (except more professional...). Basically just something to point me towards the fix instead of me having to search through these forums.

Back at WWDC 2018 Apple announced that the Safari Extension Gallery -- the source of all the old ".safariextz" extensions -- since Safari 12 and later use the newer Safari App Extensions built into apps themselves (like 1Password 7, for the past year), and it appears that's finally happened. With the impending release of Safari 13, which requires the newer extensions, in beta since June, we've been trying to get folks to update to prepare for that as well:

Safari 15.0 on MacOs and 1Password extension 2.17.0. The extension appears active but doesn't do anything. I have dug deep into the support database and tried rebooting, turning on/off the extension between doing so, opening the app and selecting Help->Troubleshooting->Rebuild missing Safari extension, etc. all to no avail. The 1Password icon appears to the left of the place you type in the website address in the browser, but when I click it, it just brings up a blank new tab. Chrome works fine, but I need this in Safari. Any other ideas before I have to go through the painful process of migrating an entire Family Plan over to another solution? The past year or more I have just dealt with too many bugs and getting to the end of my patience.

I just updated the Safari extension to version 2.14.0 and now the extension no longer works. If I try and use the extension, nothing happens. If I click on the 1Password icon in the Safari toolbar, I get "Oops, something went wrong while loading."

Interesting, so the extension is loading now, but it doesn't give me any option to unlock except putting my password in (I'm on a MacBook Pro with Touch ID and the app itself lets me use Touch ID, as did the extension until some point recently), and the "Integrate with 1Password app" option within the extension > Settings still says it's having problems connecting.

...and I just locked the extension (right-clicked on the icon in the toolbar and chose Lock) and now it's blowing up with the "Oops" message again except this time disabling and enabling the extension didn't do anything.

Also, if I click on the 1Password extension icon in Chrome, I get the message: **Oops, something went wrong while loading. ** I can't find anything about this in the 1Password support articles; what do I do now? Thanks.

Hey, 1Password, can we download the previous extension version (crx) somewhere for a temporary fix... assuming it's the browser plugin and not the 1Password itself.. in which case a standalone installer would be great until macOS App Store catches up.

As above reporting using Chrome browser, extension autofill doesnt work at all. Also extension and bottom of screen full app are not in sync anymore. I.e. locking extension and app worked in unison, locking one would lock the other and vice versa. Getting OOPS message. tried rebooting and pretty well what has already been listed before. Quickly losing confidence. Posted on other seemingly linked problem. Apologise in in advance, unsure as first time using this site. Tks Paul

Can confirm what boby51 said above: uninstall the extension from Chrome, close Chrome, open Chrome, reinstall extension. You can also reinstall the extension from the 1Password app, just go to Settings>Browser. The extension now works fine for me. Thanks for all the help, 1Password . . . * eyeroll *

Someone in another thread found a fix, at least for Chrome. Uninstall the extension from Chrome, then close Chrome, open 1Password app, go to Settings>Browser, click on "Get 1Password for your browser." This will take you to the Chrome webstore's page for the extension, where you can reinstall it. The extension should work properly after that.

1Password 6 was retired over a year ago and, as an older app, it still relies on an extension from the Safari Extensions Gallery. Safari 13 offers a better browsing experience all around, but to embrace the new, we have to let go of the old.

I have already clicked on the support site link mentioned with the error message, and have reinstalled the extension, following by restarting the browser followed by restarting the Mac, but to no avail.

Salvage Update: It is observed that that the mini app which is resident in the Menu Bar is no longer recognizing the browser extension and asking to install it. Clicking on the install browser extension button directs to the Agilebits Safari Extension Galley web-page which acknowledges the extension installation. Removing and re-installing the extension has no effect.

For background to this post, you can read yesterday's Apple vandalized my icon in the latest betas and The Safari extension blues from a few weeks ago. In this post I want to document the mass confusion and dislike over Safari extension toolbar icon tinting, which started with Safari version 14 in 2020, continues to the present, and was just made worse in the Safari 15.1 beta.

It's important to note that is there's no official Apple documentation explaining the significance of Safari extension toolbar icon tinting. I've looked everywhere in Safari and also searched extensively in Apple's support pages. The only way that anyone knows how this works is that occasionally a Safari engineer will respond to someone's perplexity. But this haphazard approach obviously doesn't scale to over a billion Safari users.

It's also important to note that due to confusion, users tend to blame Safari extension developers for the color instead of Apple. We get the complaints and the support issues about it, not Apple. In fact Apple doesn't even "eat its own dog food" and ship Safari extensions of their own to users. (Of course if they did, Apple would probably exempt itself from the icon tinting.)

The links I've collected here are anecdotal data, but I challenge anyone to try to collect anecdotal data to the contrary, showing Safari users who enjoy the extension toolbar icon tinting, find it useful, and would rather keep it than eliminate it. I haven't seen any. Safari's tinting "feature" seems to engender unanimous confusion and dislike.

Thanks again. One of the big changes in 1Password version 8 is that its Autofill feature is supposed to autofill logins within apps, not just in browsers that accept its extension or plugin. That would be the main reason I would upgrade, despite the fact that it no longer supports local vaults. Pity ff782bc1db

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