The introduction calls the poem "the song of songs",[9] a construction commonly used in Scriptural Hebrew to show something as the greatest and most beautiful of its class (as in Holy of Holies).[10] The poem proper begins with the woman's expression of desire for her lover and her self-description to the "daughters of Jerusalem": she insists on her sun-born blackness, likening it to the "tents of Kedar" (nomads) and the "curtains of Solomon". A dialogue between the lovers follows: the woman asks the man to meet; he replies with a lightly teasing tone. The two compete in offering flattering compliments ("my beloved is to me as a cluster of henna blossoms in the vineyards of En Gedi", "an apple tree among the trees of the wood", "a lily among brambles", while the bed they share is like a forest canopy). The section closes with the woman telling the daughters of Jerusalem not to stir up love such as hers until it is ready.[11]

The Song was accepted into the Jewish canon of scripture in the 2nd century CE, after a period of controversy in the 1st century. This period of controversy was a result of many rabbis seeing this text as merely "secular love poetry, a collection of love songs gathered around a single theme",[33] and thus not worthy on canonization. In fact, "there is a tradition that even this book was considered as one to be excluded."[34] It was accepted as canonical because of its supposed authorship by Solomon and based on an allegorical reading where the subject matter was taken to be not sexual desire but God's love for Israel.[35][36][37] For instance, the famed first and second century Rabbi Akiva forbade the use of the Song of Songs in popular celebrations. He reportedly said, "He who sings the Song of Songs in wine taverns, treating it as if it were a vulgar song, forfeits his share in the world to come".[38] However, Rabbi Akiva famously defended the canonicity of the Song of Songs, reportedly saying when the question came up of whether it should be considered a defiling work, "God forbid! [...] For all of eternity in its entirety is not as worthy as the day on which Song of Songs was given to Israel, for all the Writings are holy, but Song of Songs is the Holy of Holies."[39]

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Through beneficent deeds and Jewish observance, the Jewish people restore cosmic harmony in the divine realm, healing the exile of the Shechina with God's transcendence, revealing the essential unity of God. This elevation of the world is aroused from above on the Sabbath, a foretaste of the redeemed purpose of Creation. The text thus became a description, depending on the aspect, of the creation of the world, the passage of Shabbat, the covenant with Israel, and the coming of the Messianic age. "Lecha Dodi", a 16th-century liturgical song with strong Kabbalistic symbolism, contains many passages, including its opening two words, taken directly from Song of Songs.

The Song of Songs is considered one of the five megillot (scrolls), which are read on major festivals. It is traditionally chanted in the synagogue during Passover, due to its thematic connection with springtime. Following the mystical tradition, some Sephardic and Hasidic Jews have a custom to recite it each week on Shabbat evening, as Shabbat serves as a renewal of loving vows between God and the Jewish People. While the tradition ascribes the its authorship to King Solomon (Song of Songs Rabbah 1:1), who lived in the 10th century BCE, modern scholars note the many literary parallels with other love poetry and wedding songs from both Babylonia and Egypt and suggest a later date of composition, perhaps around the fourth through sixth centuries BCE.

Make sure that all of your devices have Sync Library turned on and signed in with the same Apple ID that you use with Apple Music. If your music library is stored on your computer, check the cloud status of songs to find missing music and resolve issues.

Whenever you record a song that someone else wrote, you need to get permission from the copyright owners. This is true even if you are giving away your recording. Getting permission involves contacting the copyright owners for each song and it can be a real pain if you haven't done a lot of this. When you hire us, we take care of everything for you.

A common way to recognize intervals is to associate them with reference songs that you know well. For example, the song Amazing Grace begins with a perfect fourth. So when you hear an interval that sounds like the 2 first notes of Amazing Grace, you know instantly that it's a Perfect 4th.

Song lists are great, Ear Training is even better!

Using famous songs to memorize intervals is an easy way to memorize intervals, but that method has limits. At some point, you will need to recognize intervals instantly, almost instinctively. This can only be achieved with Ear Training.

The tune appears to be unoriginal. The author of this report is aware of versions of this song at Georgia Tech and the United States Naval Academy at Annapolis. Since Cal and Georgia Tech have had very few meetings, there is speculation that Georgia Tech may have acquired the tune after the 1929 Cal vs. Georgia Tech Rose Bowl.

It was once thought that only male songbirds were capable of song. However, in 64 percent of all songbird species, the females sing. Professor Naomi Langmore first made this discovery by recording a female fairy wren singing to defend her territory.

[ Superb lyrebird singing ] To persuade females to come close and admire his plumes, he sings the most complex song he can manage, and he does that by copying the songs of all the other birds he hears around him, such as the kookaburra.

LANGMORE: But now there's a new generation of female scientists coming through, studying birdsong all around the world, and discovering that actually female song is very common and occurs in more species than not.

[ Singing continues ] And what is lost when the songs fall silent is more than just an enchanting operatic backdrop to our own lives -- because, for the creatures that sing them, songs are far more than that.

Exposure and response prevention (ERP) is a form of CBT. When the song pops up (exposure) patients learn to inhibit their usual compulsive thoughts and behaviour (response prevention). Despite increased short-duration stress, eventually the songs may cease.1

While we agree that it's strange to have export features inside of an add songs screen, these are included as a way to export the contents of books. For instance, if you select a book, tapping on one of these options will automatically select all the songs in that book and open the Export or Email screens from the Share Menu.

If your slide show is longer than one song, you can add more songs. However, if you find that you're having trouble synchronizing the music with the slide show, you can use a third-party audio editing tool, such as Audacity, to string the songs together into one file so they play continuously throughout the slide show.

Table of contentsCiting songs in physical formatsQuoting lyricsOptional details to include in an MLA song citationFrequently asked questions about MLA citations

In an MLA song citation, you need to give some sort of container to indicate how you accessed the song. If this is a physical or downloaded album, the Works Cited entry should list the album name, distributor, year, and format.

However, if you listened to the song on a streaming service, you can just list the site as a container, including a URL. In this case, including the album details is optional; you may add this information if it is relevant to your discussion or if it will help the reader access the song.

In cities with intense low-frequency traffic noise, birds have been observed to sing louder and at a higher pitch. Several studies argue that higher song pitch is an adaptation to reduce masking from noise, and it has even been suggested that the song divergence between urban and nonurban songs might lead to reproductive isolation. Here we present models of signal transmission to compare the benefits of raised song amplitude and song pitch in terms of sound transmission. We chose two bird species that sing with higher pitch in urban areas, the great tit (Parus major) and the blackbird (Turdus merula). For both species, we calculated communication distances in response to different levels of urban noise and in their natural forest habitats. We found that an increase in vocal pitch increased communication distance only marginally. In contrast, vocal amplitude adjustments had a strong and significantly larger effect. Our results indicate that frequency changes of urban songs are not very effective in mitigating masking from traffic noise. Increased song pitch might not be an adaptation to reduce signal masking but a physiological side effect of singing at high amplitudes or an epiphenomenon of urbanization that is not related to signal transmission.

For a bird, singing can be draining. It is both energetically expensive and alerts predators. So then why do birds sing? Evidence suggests that in part, it is to proclaim and defend their territoriesin birds, the areas defended by males, pairs, or families as dedicated nesting sites and/or foraging areas. Studies have also shown that songs play a crucial role in attracting and impressing potential mates and may signal the overall health of the singer. As in humans, singing in birds is often a chance to show off.

Just as humans have regional accents, some bird species develop distinct, area-specific dialectsa unique set of sounds made by a subpopulation of animals of the same species. Such variation in song often arises when populations of the same species are isolated by geographic features such as mountains, bodies of water, or stretches of unsuitable habitat. These local dialects are then passed on to the next generation of young birds, which hear the songs being performed by their father and other local males. After many generations, the birds from one area can sound quite different from those the next mountain over. be457b7860

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