would force my local copy to push changes to the remote one and make it the same. It does force the update, but when I go back to the remote repo and make a commit, I notice that the files contain outdated changes (ones that the main remote repo previously had).

[I] tried forcing, but when going back to master server to save the changes, i get outdated staging. Thus, when i commit the repositories are not the same. And when i try to use git push again, i get the same error.

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git push --force-with-lease introduced in the git 1.8.5 (thanks to @VonC comment on the question) tries to address this specific issue. Basically, it will bring an error and not push if the remote was modified since your latest fetch.

This is good if you're really sure a push --force is needed, but still want to prevent more problems. I'd go as far to say it should be the default push --force behaviour. But it's still far from being an excuse to force a push. People who fetched before your rebase will still have lots of troubles, which could be easily avoided if you had reverted instead.

@linquize brought a good push force example on the comments: sensitive data. You've wrongly leaked data that shouldn't be pushed. If you're fast enough, you can "fix"* it by forcing a push on top.

Unlock infinite copies for your character: If you have collected every piece of this armor set and have worn it on your character, it will become available in your collections - which means you can get free copies of this set any time from Collections, and you are free to destory the original. Just make sure it doesn't have any dyes or mods you want to keep in it!

In terms of gameplay, the Imperial Guard is all about desperately holding on for the first half of the game. The basic squad of Guardsmen will get decimated by every other faction in the game, so the Imperial Guard try to make up for this by having a -75% sale on all the time and hurling entire squads to their death. But if you can stay alive for a while the Imperial Guard get access to the best mechanized forces in the entire bloody game, including the mighty Leman Russ tank and my personal favourite; the Basilisk artillery. And with the right upgrades the basic Guardsmen suddenly become exceptionally good in the late-game.

The campaign follows the same template as the base game: linear missions and cutscenes. But it did improve upon the writing, especially for the commanders of the various factions. While the core game focused almost entirely on the Blood Ravens, Winter Assault switches things up by having you swapping between the forces of order (Imperial Guard and the Eldar) and the forces of disorder (Chaos and Orks.) It can make the campaign feel more disjointed but it also helps bring extra variety to the missions, while an extra focus on scripted events lead to some epic moments.

Dark Crusade also brought two new factions to the game, starting with the implacable Necrons. These evil-looking metal bastards are slow to get going, quite literally as their movement speed could make an old Granny look like an Olympic level athlete. Although vulnerable in the early game, the Necrons can slowly become a nearly unstoppable force capable of soaking up punishment while steadily advancing. By the time they unlock the full power of their Monolith, essentially turning their base into a mobile death machine capable of pumping out units, the enemy might as well just give up and go home.

Meanwhile on, say, DuckStation or PCSX2, you can play (your legally dumped ISOs) at whatever resolution you want, and have been able to for many years. These modern remasters of games are already largely pointless if all they do is a res boost - but this doesn't even do that properly.

On one hand I guess this is an answer to all the people complaining about putting too many resources into remasters/remakes rather than new games. Don't want them to try then here's a flat port with no bells or whistles.

Dear oh dear,what a waste of time if bare minimum done on this ,as people have said quake 2 made for ps4/ps5 shows how it should be done sds like another red dead situation again,if yr gonna make these remasters etc then at least give all gamers whether they've bought game yrs before or not ,a reason to wanna thinking about buying it,do it properly or not at all in my humble opinion

Big ooph here... Looks like I'll just pass on this then. I already have the old HD collection from PS3 and Xbox 360. What's worse is I'd assume those games haven't updated the controls either then which sucks. We need an updated controller layout for those games.

This isn't going to go over well. People were rightly complaining about the laziness of the Red Dead Redemption release which thankfully at least came out with the bare minimum 4K and FSR2 on PS5. A collection with 720p for MGS 2-3 is just laughably bad in a depressing way.

@Wilforce i think that might have to do with the studio that did the GameCube game

the original is better, anyway.

sure, Twin Snakes looks better, but some changes were made and the voice acting falls flat in alot of areas. it doesnt have the ruggedness of the original

One of my all time fav game series getting a collection which has been dead for 8 years since Hideo Kojima left Konami with no chance at all of MGS6 ever happening. Still very much gutted about it all tbh. Yh still own all these games physically except for the early non PlayStation versions but having them all available again on modern consoles makes me very happy. I'll take anything we get considering I thought Konami and MGS were forever dead in the gaming world. MGS collections yes please, Snake Eater remake yes please and Silent Hill 2 remake yes please

My purchase decision went from switch (no because of empty cartridge and mandatory download) to ps5 (possibly a downgrade to my ps3 legacy collection) down to emulation on steam deck... way to make money Konami ?

As Newell said, it all comes down to the question of service.

this is too funny. konami does not have the know-how nor is it willing to pay bluepoint to do an internal 1080p/4k upscale version of its 10-year old remaster collection. so... all they did was hire some subpar devlopment studio to port it over and call it a day. the bare minimum with a full price tag attached. why oh why do people forget just how bad konami is? they are a creatively bankrupt publisher that cares little about its own history/IP and cares even less about its fans. please stop giving them a free pass when they have done absolutely nothing to earn our trust and respect back.

i don't think there is a single native 720p game on ps4 so this may be the first. 720p on the ps5 is hysterical. better hope your tv does decent upscaling then haha. oh, we should also keep expectations in check that this rehashed collection is bug free and doesn't suffer from performance issues since afterall, bluepoint had nothing to do with the porting process. better off sticking to the ps3 release and save your money. konami of this era doesn't deserve a penny.

@Dominator2885 i believe the retrotink 4k will have hdmi in so that will be a great way to upscale various ps3/ps4 era games as well as this mgs collection (since konami cannot be bothered to do it natively). of course, the retrotink 4k will cost around 750USD when it launches so that is something to considerĀ 

I had a feeling people were jumping the gun a bit on this. Say what you will about Konami but they don't phone in their legacy content. They've done a great job with their Castlevania collections for example. I continue to look forward to this collection.

Oh thank god. Was getting this collection anyways regardless. What are you gonna do about it when I pick up my preorder on release day and then pop it into my PS5, nothing because there's nothing you can do about it. When you adore something so bloody much you simply dont care

@Orpheus79V That doesn't mean they shouldn't push for higher def. It means that they weren't able to get them to run at 4K - because these are very probably being emulated rather than running natively which in itself is already an issue. They're charging for it - they might as well actually port the games instead of having them run through an emulation layer. An since they're emulating - they could've gone for the actual PS2 versions that have more content than HD collection. It just doesn't seem like a good product.

@XboxTheBestBox you see more of this with Xbox because of the system architecture is similar or built upon over the generations. PS3 was stupid to code on and took a lot of time to master, so rebuilding the engines to perform they way we expect and this being Konami, this is par for the course.

Only reason I'm gonna buy this is the hope of enough people buy it I finally might get to play mgs4 in a mgs master collection 2. I almost bought a PS3 to play mgs4 but every copy I found was 50-100 so I'd rather be ripped off by konami, at least I'll get a few extra mgs games and hopefully mgs4 after this collection

Redis instances have a configuration parameter called slave-priority. This information is exposed by Redis slave instances in their INFO output, and Sentinel uses it in order to pick a slave among the ones that can be used in order to failover a master:

For example if there is a slave S1 in the same data center of the current master, and another slave S2 in another data center, it is possible to set S1 with a priority of 10 and S2 with a priority of 100, so that if the master fails and both S1 and S2 are available, S1 will be preferred.

You can use the Firebox System Manager Failover Master command to force the cluster master to fail over. The backup master becomes the cluster master, and the original master device becomes the backup master.

HA failover can be forced on an HA primary unit.Ā 

The unit will stay in a failover state regardless of the conditions.Ā 

The only way to remove the failover status is by manually turning it off.Ā 

Note that this is only used for testing, troubleshooting, and demonstrations.

Do not use it in a production environment. be457b7860

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