I would like to open "application/hal+json" response inline in my Chrome browser. The problem is that the Chrome browser doesn't recognize the HAL response and downloads it. Before I always used the JSON view extension for Chrome for checking my JSON response. But since swapping to HAL it immediately downloads my response so I cannot review it anymore.

When a Content-Disposition is inline (or unspecified), the browser will try to open the file in the default embedded viewer. This only works when the browser knows what file type it is, and the browser knows how to open that type.

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Upon receiving a file with an inline or unspecified disposition, the browser needs to try to open it within the browser if possible. To do this, it looks at the file type, and if it recognises the type it will try to open it. Most browsers will open any text/ type in a simple text viewer, will try to render text/html as a webpage, might open application/json in a special syntax-highlighted viewer, etc..

To see how PDFs are handled, we can delve a bit into web history. See, in the past, browsers had no idea what a PDF is. So they could not open it. But we've seen PDFs being opened in browsers long before built-in PDF viewers were a thing, so how did that work?

In the days of plugins, you would go and install Adobe Acrobat Reader, which would then install an ActiveX or NPAPI plugin that would register the application/pdf MIME type and tell the browser to open those types inline using the plugin.

However whenever I click a link to a Docs file, it opens in my Chrome browser, and then I have to go three dots/"open in docs", in order to force it to open in the separate window, rather than in Chrome.

Whenever I open a youtube link it just takes me to chrome rather than playing in the in app player like it used to. Been happening for a few weeks now. Can't remember if it was an app update or system update that broke it.

Have you tried downloading items in Chrome but they open instead of downloading? If you are using Google Chrome as your internet browser and notice this, don't worry, we can help! If the file automatically opens instead of saving when using Chrome, keep on reading or watch this video!

So, if you click "Always open files of this type (even once!)- ... what happens is that the file will automatically open instead of downloading to the folder, and will open in whatever the default program is for the file type. Then, the file automatically opens instead of saving when I download in Chrome

Click on "Settings" and you'll see a new page pop up in your Chrome browser window. Scroll down to Advanced Settings, click Downloads, and clear your Auto Open options. Next time you download an item, it will be saved instead of opened automatically.

Q: I have a Windows 7 laptop with both Internet Explorer (IE) and Chrome installed on it. In Chrome when I click to open a new tab, it opens two tabs at once in the browser window instead of only one. Alternatively if I close a tab by clicking on the "X" on the tab itself, it will close two tabs instead of one as well. This does not happen in IE. I have uninstalled and reinstalled my mouse (thinking it might be an issue with that) and uninstalled and reinstalled Chrome several times but nothing has changed. I also slowed down the click speed on the mouse to the original setting, in case that was the cause of the issue, but that too did not work either. Any ideas on how to correct this?

To fix, start by opening your Chrome Settings panel. To do this, launch Chrome and click on the three bars in the upper right corner of the program window (or the wrench icon, or the orange and white arrow icon, depending on your version of Chrome) and click on line reading Settings in the menu that appears. This will launch the Chrome Settings panel in a new browser tab.

If two tabs continue to appear, then chances are the startup command has been modified to include two tabs instead of one, or an extension installed into Chrome is causing that second tab to open automatically.

At least I know now that I have Browser Preview (as a backup) and the ability to manually put the localhost IP and port 5500 into the Chrome browser address bar (with Live Server enabled); these seem to be nice alternatives to Live Server just opening automatically in the Chrome browser. Thanks again for your help on this.

Additionally, in Chrome-based browsers, we've made the browser spawned byCypress look different than regular sessions. You'll see a darker theme aroundthe chrome of the browser. You'll always be able to visually distinguish these.

I want that when I open a link like this: -11b5-40f3-aa53-f278f070f5a7, my computer would open it in browser and then suddenly change to my desktop application. That's the behaviour I expect and that's how my home computer does the job (I'm using , where I can just click "View on evernote").

My problem, as described above, is that when I try to open a link like this: -44ed-4a76-b6ab-9e403f7e164fit opens in a web browser and then in my desktop app. Meanwhile, the work computer opens it only in a web browser leaving me without an opportunity to edit the note.

The reference describes the difference between Note Links ("used to reference a note in a web browser that when the recipient of the link already has access via notebook or individual note sharing") and In-App Note Links ("used within the Evernote application to link to a note from within another notes. In-app Links can also induce the launching and subsequent opening of the desired note in an Evernote client from other applications"); It looks like that Note Links, while you want a different behavior, which I think is evinced by use of In-App Note Links. I linked the article as something that maybe you could use to figure this out, as I didn't have time to research it fully myself. With reference to different types of Evernote note links, yes, I think that different formats do have something to do with different behaviors; that's certainly what the article implies.

Where notes are opened is controlled by a cookie in your browser. The first time you open a notelink you was served with a dialog prompting you to choose to open either in the browser or in the desktop client. It's not completely intuitive to users that this dialog sets a preference in this cookie and we have no user facing setting that controls it at this point.

@csihilingUnfortunately no there's no direct way to go from our notelink format into the native clients without opening it first in the browser. I'd like that as well but at present that's not possible.

On Mac OS X, when you hold Option key while opening the Contextual menu ("right-clicking") on a note, I can see the option "Copy Classic Note Link" ... such link, when clicked upon in a text document or in a document that displays in a web browser, will open the Evernote app and the note directly, circumventing the need to go to the web version of the note first.

Hi @csihilling. I just executed the procedure and it worked fine for me. I'm on a Mac with Sierra and my default browser is Chrome. When I click the daily email links they open on the desktop app (and open a browser window as well) ff782bc1db

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