The majority of the eighteen pieces in Borjesson's book are about hard-working > - Between them, the authors of the incendiary new book Into the Buzzsaw, out this month from Prometheus, have won nearly ... to the ideals of their profession, who stumble into the buzzsaw and have their careers and reputations eviscerated. -

"Buzzsaw may not be a common term in Japan. It's typically a saw with a large diameter open and dangerous blade (400mm would be small, 600mm common, 1000 mm not unknown). These are used in timber yards and for log and firewood cutting, usually by experienced users. The blades are often "open" with no guards or partial guards. Death is usually half a metre or less away from the user at all times. "Stumbling into a buzzsaw" in real life would be a catastrophic life changing or fatal experience. It's not what you are there to do (of course) BUT it's a constant danger to be aware of.

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Transferring this as a metaphor into journalism or most areas of life "stumbling into the buzzsaw of xxx" would be to have your carreer or life destroyed by failing to take due account of the risks to your profession or reputation posed by xxx - often in the heat of the moment, perhaps when excessively enthusiastic and keen to get a news scoop, publish a story, take a top photo etc.

The tool they have to influence the sell of an artist is a soft skill - reviews, personal relationship, networking, etc. But the effect of that is deadly (much like a buzzsaw) to the art and the artist.

Oh, no! It was like watching someone walking backwards toward a buzzsaw. I could hardly bear to look. You don't say things like that in the age of We-Can-Fact-Check-Your-Ass!

What's more, Bulley had said this in a thread where Steve Jones was participating. Steve has (how shall I put it?) never worried unduly about whether his smartness-to-niceness ratio might stray above 1.0 sometimes. I knew he would grab an electronic copy of Twain and check immediately, and Bulley could expect no mercy. Sure enough, a few comments later, there was Steve, with a response even more brilliantly acid than I was expecting:

The buzzsaw is not exclusive to those two planes, however. The Boeing 777 and Airbus A330 have buzzsaw effects that can be heard, and even smaller aircraft like the 717, 737, and A320 have noticeable buzzsaw sounds, as does the Boeing 757 shown here. Even newer, quieter aircraft like the Boeing 787 and Airbus A350 and A380 have audible buzzsaw noises on takeoff.

For the example of removing upgrades; The first ever buzzsaw user we see is the Flying Dual Buzzsaw Skibidi Toilet. This toilet was capable of using its massive buzzsaws to saw the Black Helicopter Speakers off Cinemaman's back in one clean motion.

I've been enjoying the RR engines in the 767. However I noticed a large number of bugs. First of all, the sound cuts in and out repeatedly. The buzzsaw sound also comes in too early, at 1.2 epr. In real life it doesn't start till around 1.5. Finally, (This is more a general criticism of all the engines) the engines are far too loud at high altitudes. At higher altitudes the engine sound should fade away 589ccfa754

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