A new mall called Amity mall has opened up, owned by Mr Manchanda (Arif Zakaria) and Mr Khan (Asif Basra) who claim it to be Asia's largest mall. The film starts off with a security guard talking to someone on phone but displays being paranoid. He looks towards a smokey apparation and begs it to let him go, but a chase ensues and he rapidly gets into his car, trying to escape but while going through the ramps of the basement, the car crashes and the man is eventually killed by an unknown force who strangled him using the seat belt.

A week later, Vishnu (Jimmy Shergill) goes to the mall to apply for the position of Head of security. Mr Khan interviews him but is interrupted by Tischa, the marketing director who says there's something important he must attend to. Mr Khan joins the others(Mr Manchanda, Mr Saini and Tischa) in a meeting room where the TV shows a news reporter covering up on the death of the security guard. The mall is reputed as being haunted because of various deaths of construction workers and mall staff and hence people refrain from working there, but Mr Khan hires Vishnu after he agrees to work there despite the claims. Vishnu quickly changes into his uniform in the locker room where the locker of the previous guard(who was killed) mysteriously opens, where a file falls down. On examining it, Vishnu finds photographs of camera footage from various areas of the mall all with the smokey apparation caught on camera.He catches someone spying on him and on confronting, it turns out to be a small girl whom he questions about her parents, but while he is distracted, the girl disappears. Vishnu seems perplexed but soon brushes it off and continues to the surveillance room along with his assistant, Rana. He does a quick search of the room and finds a some spilled jam which comes of as rather suspicious to him. He then sends Rana to check all cameras to make sure they're working but while in the basement, the storage room door opens by itself and on being ordered by Vishnu, Rana checks it out, but is shortly killed by an unknown apparation.

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There is an opening of the mall including a lavish party where Mr. Khan and Mr. Manchanda inform the media that they will stay at the mall with their kids just to prove the mall is not haunted. This goes awry as people start getting killed by the same dark figure whereas Vishnu keeps getting random things (a small old box with random trinkets, pennies etc).

He also has random apparitions of a small girl. Eventually Mr. Khan's son is killed and he exclaims that they should not have done what they did the other night and Mr. Manchanda is to be blamed for his son's death. They keep running away and eventually a ghostly dark figure strangles Mr. Khan leaving Mr. Manchanda his daughter Ahana and Vishnu alive.

They try to escape via AC ducts but an unknown force pulls Vishnu away and he gets separated from Ahana and her father. There he sees the small girl again who reminds him that he was in fact Arjun and they all lived together in an orphanage which belonged to Mother who was in charge of the 22 kids. She was very loving and caring but also strict. One day Arjun was stealing some jam and on hearing some noise hides in the cupboard and hears the transaction between Mr. Khan, Mr. Manchanda and Mother for the land on which the orphanage was built but Mother declines the offer and sends them away.

Vishnu and Ahana are escaping when she is pulled and thrown against a pillar violently. Vishnu goes to help her but notices her skin being set on fire, he begs Mother to forgive her but when he sees that is not helping he hugs Ahana in order to be killed with her but seeing him being burnt Mother spares them both and leaves with the 21 kids in a white light having attained salvation. Ahana and Vishnu leave the mall together in bright daylight.

After the film, I made the mistake of using the ladies restroom inside the mall. Since the show was over, and it was still relatively early in the day, the mall was empty, quiet. Maybe the true measure of Darr @The Mall was the speed at which I finished my business and ran out into the warm afternoon sunlight.

Darr @ the Mall, as the name implies, is about strange occurrences at a mall. The main actor in the film is Jimmy Shergill whom I have been growing more fond of lately as an actor. People labeled him a failure very quickly in his career but he has pulled through that and has become a popular supporting actor and lead actor. He does serious roles well, he has made a niche for himself.

This film is about a mall which has been getting a bad name because of the repeated deaths that have been taking place there. Those who work there say that the mall has ghosts and after the death of the last head of security at the mall, no one wants to take the job. Then arrives Vishnu Sharma (Jimmy Shergill) who agrees to take the job and becomes the new head of security. As soon as he joins work however, he too starts noticing strange things at the mall. He also comes across some images that the previous security head had kept, images of ghosts at the mall. Vishnu continues seeing and experiencing strange things and realizes that there is paranormal activity at the mall.

However, the mall owners and administrators do not believe him and have a big event at the mall to attract customers. But things go awry when deaths start occurring during the event and strangely, those who die are either in the same family or are connected to one another. Vishnu finds clues about why the deaths may be occurring and it turns out that there is a reason why he is there.

As is the trend with many horror films involving ghosts, there is a good reason why the ghosts are hanging out at the mall and troubling the people that they do. You will have to see the film to know why.

Darr @ The Mall might be an absolute failure in the horror genre but as a revenge drama, it is refreshingly simple and does manage to pull a few heartstrings at the end of the day, writes Paloma Sharma.

 The mall is ready.

 This is the second inauguration.

 It needs more business. It needs a better image. But most of all, it needs an exorcist.

 Amity Mall, know to the rest of us as Growel's Mall which is located in western suburbs of Mumbai, is haunted. 9 'accidental' deaths have occured so far.

 Only one man can put an end to this - and that man is clearly the one on the life-size posters of the film (like d'uh).

 Vishnu Sharma (Jimmy Shergill) is requested to be hired as the new security chief by the old security chief of the mall, Solanki, during the last phone call he ever makes, following which he burns to death in his car without the automobile receiving as much as a scratch.

 Vishnu, as it turns out, was called upon by the supernatural presence in the mall for a specific reason. Something in his past holds the key to unlocking the mystery of the haunted mall. Only he can undo the curse and stop the untimely, brutal deaths of all those related to the construction of the mall... but all of that is possible only if he manages to survive the night.

 Inexplicable stuff happens. Ghostly children show up everywhere. More people burn. Eerily familiar tunes from our childhoods are played to add to the fear factor. Scenes from Insidious, The Mummy, The Conjuring and Horror Story flash by.

 Badly animated child ghosts mar the film. Something similar to the Black Bride from Insidious pops up. Production design feels a bit like CID-meets-Aahat. But that shouldn't stop you from enjoying the film.

 Darr @ The Mall might be an absolute failure in the horror genre but as a revenge drama, it is refreshingly simple and does manage to pull a few heartstrings at the end of the day (sorry, Spike Lee).

 If you can look past the basic technical issues and focus on the story, Darr @ The Mall just might turn out to be slightly enjoyable.

 However, the enjoyment will only come after enduring a long, torturous film that doesn't seem like it is going anywhere.

 It would be a bit of a risk to call the last 10 minutes of the film innovative, yet - in all honesty - the scene where the culprit gets transported into the victims' worst nightmare really drives the point home. The glory doesn't last too long, though.

a party gone very wrong in a neon hyper-digital haunted mall with a music video in the middle. lots of my favorite horror movie cues (frantic google search, creepy toys, bad jump scares). an incredible JAWS riff (the shark is ghosts). more high def than reality, more focused on human than horror.

Anyway, this is a "Bollywood" movie about a haunted shopping mall. Our hero, Vishnu, starts as a security guard at a brand new mall. 9 people have died "accidentally" during the previous few months. The mall was built on the site of a torched orphanage where twenty kids and a nun died. That's never a harbinger of delightful commerce.

Probably more interesting because it's a Bollywood film (interesting to see cultural differences) and not a typical North American made vengeful ghost picking people off one by one at a mall movie. The story is pretty standard stuff but there are some decent build ups to tension, a few good jump scares, and some semi-grisly deaths that occur off screen but you just know they hurt and they do show some blood. And yes, there is a music and (awful song!!!!) dance/music video thrown into the middle of the movie, but at least it makes sense being there and doesn't wreck the serious horror mood of the rest of the movie.

It begins well, when Vishnu (Shergill) walks into a large mall at night, and asks to become security in-charge. A mall is scary even in broad daylight, with all those AC ducts recycling stale air, and flinty-eyed ladies overloaded with shopping bags, and maids standing by the table overseeing bratty kids as their maaliks eat overpriced junk in ill-lit restaurants. At night, it is a nightmare. be457b7860


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