Many Redux apps have "reactive"-style logic that listens for specific actions or state changes, and runs additional logic in response. These behaviors are often implemented using the redux-saga or redux-observable libraries.

One slightly-better alternative was the ConnectedProps type that was added to @types/react-redux in v7.x, which enabled inferring the type of all the props that would be passed to the component from connect. This did require splitting up the call to connect into two parts for the inference to work right:

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With the release of RTK, reducers seem to have got the most changes and improvements, we will see how below, with the old redux versions of authReducer.js and statusReducer.js, the authReducer handles our core auth actions, and the statusReducer handles errors.

Create a file named src/redux/store.js. I choose to name the folder containing my store and slices "redux", in the documentation you will see it named "app", the convention is your choice. Inside the store.js file, import the configureStore() API from Redux Toolkit. You're simply just going to start by creating and exporting an empty Redux store:

To create your first slice, we'll be adding a new file generally named after what you will be performing the actions on, or the action itself. For this example, let's say we are creating an app that allows a user to create posts. I would then create a file named src/redux/PostSlice.js. Within that file, you would then import the createSlice API from Redux Toolkit like so:

As for context for state, I would advise against that: Context is a dependency injection mechanism meant for seldomly changing values - it is not meant for something like state (we tried that in react-redux 6 and performance was very bad) that might change a lot, especially since it does not support partial subscriptions. Give a read.

There are now a myriad of libraries (redux-observable, redux-saga, and redux-thunk to name a few) built around Redux to help us manage data from the backend, each adding a layer of complexity to an already boilerplate-heavy library. I believe most of these miss the mark. Sometimes we need to take a step back before taking a step forward.

React-Query and context api can never replace redux (they are not the same thing ).and he is not overkill , the one time i think redux is overkill is if you are working on small projects , you can argue that we can use other state management solutions like xstate maybe but to build a scalable and maintainable application we need a centralized state .

That is very true - they are not the same things. But that is exactly the point of this article: redux is a global state management library, while react-query (or SWR) are cache management libraries. And the reality today is that most web applications (I would dare to say more than 95%) do not need global state management at scale, they need sophisticated caching library, because "single point of truth" is not in redux state - it's in the DB, coming from your api.

And I would argue about following "to build a scalable and maintainable application we need a centralized state" - I've refactored so many relatively complex react applications away from redux and they all became a lot more predictable and thus more scaleable and easier to maintain (not to mention that number of lines became 5-10 times less).

I totally Agree with you.I've used redux for many year, and also redux-toolkit that has become the set of tools that is built by the redux team and is now the official library that the teams recommends. I agree that it has solved many redux problems in terme of boilerplate, complexe logic, etc..And it's more beginner friendly that redux.But, since last year, i've started using react-query.

When people say that redux and react-query don't try to solve the same problem, i don't really at 100%.Today redux is mainly used for trying to manager the server state if even it can be used for something else(for which the context API would be sufficient).What i really love is the way it's implements the concept of "single source of truth", cuz in the redux word, the "single source of truth" is just an plain JS object sitting in the client application, so to try make your redux store in sync with the API, they are many other solutions to plug on or reimplement some logic manually to make your redux logic more complex and less understandable.That's where react-query come in action, and i really believe that it will "kill" for "new projets" in some years, because of the concept of how it implements the "single source of truth" with your collection bound and in sync with the updated server state and for any other mechanism , no need to write complex code because everything you need you get if with just some few configurations.

There's also many other non-technical requirements for using redux that I won't speak to. For example, it makes interviewing or filtering easier. Yes redux, especially a lot of redux? You probably have enough frontend. No redux? You probably don't. If you work somewhere where everyone has a Ph.D. and skill is not an issue because everyone learned Redux in four hours then maybe everyone is excited and will use "centralized state". But if you don't, if you work somewhere with enterprise software where everyone wants to get home on time not work overtime and most important not spend hours and hours writing boilerplate (or engineering solutions to avoid boilerplate, a fraught business itself), then redux could be a curse.

However, redux might be a good choice for rich applications, where the front-end is practically a full-featured desktop application, and the back-end serves as mere storage for BLOBs (with metadata).

My opinion is based on experience with a large / enterprise application using Apollo GraphQL. And, that I've just migrated my pet project from custom-crafted very-sub-optimal redux caching solution to react-query.

I agree that there is a tendency in the community to use redux before it becomes necessary and to do so without understanding the benefits it provides. However, to suggest SWR and and React Query as an alternative to redux is harmful and MISLEADING. You could pair them with redux to form a pretty effective stack.

I have shipped complex production apps with and without using redux. It usually depends on the use case, app's requirements and complexity in the application's state management. I've found that in applications where redux is not a good fit, apollo client is. This is because apollo client utilizes a normalized state in to form of apollo cache. Apollo client sort of abstracts out the custom plumbing you would otherwise have to write if you were using redux and if the out of the box features in apollo client are enough for you, it may just be enough. Some of those apps still benefit from redux like patterns though, like using the useReducer hook in complex components.

In the Redux docs, it has plenty of examples of using it for storing backend state (, so I disagree with you that that was never the intention, not to mention all the libraries that have sprung up (mentioned in the article above, such as redux-saga) to deal with backend state. If it was never the intention, I would expect Redux docs to warn against this very tempting use case instead of showing you how to do it. From experience, I would say there are plenty of people using it for this reason, maybe even the majority.

As a heavy back-end (mostly rails) dev who can work on front-end, it always seems redux is an overkill to me with a massive blilerolate. I will explore this option of react query which seems very simple. Thanks for sharing this with us.

Import the createStore function from redux, then pass a function that returns an object. In this case, return an object with a field called birds that points to an array of individual birds. Each bird will have a name and a views count. Save the output of the function to a value called store, then pass the store to a prop called store in the Provider:

Like with context, every child component will be able to access the store without any additional props. To access items in your Redux store, use a Hook called useSelector from the react-redux package. The useSelector Hook takes a selector function as an argument. The selector function will receive the state of your store as an argument that you will use to return the field you want:

Fortunately, during salvage operations, 3030 Deathwar Redux handles in a more standard manner. In this side-scrolling mode, WASD moves Falcon around the rotted-out husks of derelict craft while the mouse activates a weapon and operates a scanner which helps track down loot, including crew members who can be brought back for cash payouts.

Looks pretty reasonable? Assuming you update references to understand the new all lowercase variation of the value you wouldn't expect any issues right? But there were issues... Users who had visited the client's site prior to this change would have their Redux state persisted via redux-persist using the Web Storage API. And when the user returns to the site this old Redux state will be loaded back into memory from window.localStorage and now our app is in a state that should never exist!

Thankfully redux-persist provides the tools to deal with this problem using what it calls versions and migrations. It keeps track of an internal version of your state. If you tell redux-persist each time you change the type of your Redux store and provide it a way to transform the old state into the new state (a migration) then it will do this reconcilation before loading the old state in. Et voila! Problem solved. Maybe?

The simplest solution we landed on was a unit test which checks the hash of the Redux store type and compares it against a hash stored in the codebase. If the hash changes but the version is not bumped then the unit test (which runs in our CI/CD pipeline) will not pass and the PR won't get merged! The version number used by redux-persist and the type file hash are colocated in the same file so you can't forget to change one without the other. Here's an example of how that unit test might look: be457b7860

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