Me and madmonkey have spent many hours creating the modules system for hakchi/hakchi2 (they are compatible) to let people create, share and download various modules for NES Classic Mini with custom skins, music, emulators, etc. It's time to write a guide to let you create your own modifications! I'll show you some examples below. So if you can't understand a word, please read to the examples section.

It was very difficult to create mods without this cable and soldering skills. But I've discovered a method which allows accessing NES Mini's file system and command line using only USB connection. I called it "clovershell", and it's built into hakchi2 since version 2.14. So you don't need any extra hardware to explore NES Mini. Yes, a UART cable is still recommended. However, everything can be done without soldering now, you need only software.

Hakchi2 Modules Download


Modules for hakchi/hakchi2 should be distributed as files with an ".hmod" extension. In fact, it's just a renamed .tar.gz archive, so you can rename any .hmod file, unpack and inspect how it's made. There are several such files in "mods\hmods" directory of hakchi2 (these are pre-installed mods: the controller hack, font hack, and clovershell daemon). Also hakchi2 can install unpacked hmods if it's a directory. You can find such an example in "user_mods\music_hack.hmod", this mod replaces menu music (with silence by default, but you can change the wav file to your favorite music track).

But what if you want to share your mod? Open "user_mods" directory inside hakchi2's directory and create a folder named "my_skin.hmod" there. You can choose any name, but it must be with ".hmod" on the end.Then just copy all files you created inside NES Mini into this "my_skin.hmod" folder. You must keep all directory structure under "/var/lib/hakchi/rootfs", so it must contain "usr\share\clover-ui\resources\sprites\nes.png" and "etc\preinit.d\p8032_skin" files.

After this we have "awesome_skin.hmod" file, which can be easily shared with other users. All they need to do is just drag-and-drop this file on hakchi2's window. And it's still compatible with madmonkey's original hakchi. Honestly, I'm not sure it's totally legal to share skin files based on original NES Mini's files.

But we will not do it. We will use an other method. Open "user_mods" directory inside hakchi2's directory, create a folder named "remove_thumbnails.hmod" there, and create a file named "install" inside it. Now we have an installation script, which will be executed during the mod installation process. We can make the needed changes during this process by placing the following lines right into the file:

Just upload one of those files using FTP and reboot your console. Don't forget also to change "Console type" in hakchi2, select foreign "Original 30 games", and sync if you want to get foreign games too, not only foreign GUI.

Yes, you can use web installer now: 

This is static link, it always points to installer of latest version. Also it will install all required components if they are not installed. This version supports automatic update just in one click. So it's very recommended to use installer instead of classic portable version. Please note that all user files (kernel, config, games, etc.) will be stored in "My documents\hakchi2" folder by this version. So just copy your files there if you want to migrate to non-portable version.

I'm now in the process of installing some sega genesis games. Unfortunately, I have been unable to install the extra modules required. I have followed the prompts on hackchi but then my system fails to reboot.

7. You will need to install the core of the console you want to play. Go to the KMFD Cores tab and download and install the core of your desired console (note: each core module uses up memory so only install the modules you plan on using). Popular cores include gambatte for Game Boy, genesis_plus_gx for Sega Genesis, Mupen64Plus for Nintendo 64, mednafen_pce_fast for Turbografx 16, mgba for Game Boy Advance, picodrive for Sega 32x, Reicast for Dreamcast, etc.

If you are having issues with any game, try using a different core. Some games may run better on a different core but some games might not run well at all regardless of which core you use. To switch cores, highlight the game in hakchi2 and right-click it then go to Select emulation core... e24fc04721

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