Haimanti Bhattacharya
Professor, Department of Economics
University of Utah
Academic degrees
Ph.D. (Economics), University of Arizona 2007
M.A. (Economics), University of Arizona 2005
M.S. (Agricultural & Resource Economics), University of Arizona 2003
M.A. (Economics), Delhi School of Economics, Delhi University 2000
B.A. (Economics), Delhi University 1997
Academic employment
Professor, Department of Economics, University of Utah (2023 - )
Associate Professor, Department of Economics, University of Utah (2015 - 2023)
Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, University of Utah (2008 - 15)
Post-Doctoral Fellow, The Earth Institute, Columbia University (2007 - 08)
Affiliated Faculty, Asian Studies Program, University of Utah
Affiliated Faculty, Global Change & Sustainability Center, University of Utah
Research areas
Environment, Resource, & Food
Behavioral Economics
Gendered well-being
Teaching experience
Undergraduate: Applied Statistics and Econometrics, South Asian Economic History & Development
Graduate: Environmental Economics, Applied Econometrics
Academic awards
Faculty Fellow Award, University of Utah 2012
Quality of Research Discovery Award - European Association of Agricultural Economists (EAAE) 2011
Peer-reviewed journal articles
Environment, Resource, & Food
Bhattacharya, Haimanti and Innes, Robert (2008) "An Empirical Exploration of the Population-Environment Nexus in India." American Journal of Agricultural Economics 90(4): 883-901. Received 'Quality of Research Discovery Award' from European Association of Agricultural Economists in 2011.
Bhattacharya, Haimanti and Lueck, Dean (2009) "The Role of Property Rights in Determining the Environmental Quality-Income Relationship." Ecological Economics 68(10): 2511-2524.
Bhattacharya, Haimanti and Innes, Robert (2013) "Income and the Environment in Rural India: Is There a Poverty Trap?" American Journal of Agricultural Economics 95(1): 42-69.
Bhattacharya, Haimanti and Osgood, Daniel (2014) "Weather Index Insurance and Common Property Resources." Agricultural and Resource Economics Review 43(3): 438-450.
Bhattacharya, Haimanti and Innes, Robert (2016) "Concentration, Product Variety and Entry-for-Merger: Evidence from New Product Introductions in the U.S. Food Industry" American Journal of Agricultural Economics 98(5): 1360-1376. Media mention in Forbes.
Bhattacharya, Haimanti (2019) "Do pro-social students care more for the environment?" International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education 20(4):761-783.
Bhattacharya, Haimanti (2020) "Environmental and Socio-economic Sustainability in India: Evidence from CO2 Emission and Economic Inequality Relationship." Journal of Environmental Economics and Policy 9(1): 57-76.
Behavioral Economics
Dugar, Subhasish; Bhattacharya, Haimanti and Reiley, David (2012) "Can't Buy Me Love? A Field Experiment Exploring the Trade-off Between Income and Caste-Status in an Indian Matrimonial Market." Economic Inquiry 50(2): 534-550.
Bhattacharya, Haimanti and Dugar, Subhasish (2012) "Status Incentives and Performance." Managerial and Decision Economics 33(7-8): 549-563.
Bhattacharya, Haimanti and Dugar, Subhasish (2013) "Contests for Ranks: Experimental Evidence." Southern Economic Journal 79(3): 621-638.
Bhattacharya, Haimanti and Dugar, Subhasish (2014) "Partnership Formation: The Role of Social Status." Management Science 60(5): 1130-1147.
Dugar, Subhasish and Bhattacharya, Haimanti (2017) "Fishy Behavior: A Field Experiment on (Dis)honesty in the Marketplace." Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics 67: 41-55.
Dugar, Subhasish and Bhattacharya, Haimanti (2019) "Can concerns for social status mitigate the 'Lemons Problem'? Experimental evidence from the Indian caste hierarchy." Journal of South Asian Development 14(2): 151-179.
Bhattacharya, Haimanti and Dugar, Subhasish (2020) "The Hidden Cost of Bargaining: Evidence from A Cheating-prone Marketplace." International Economic Review, 61(3): 1253-1280.
Bhattacharya, Haimanti & Dugar, Subhasish (2022) "Business Norm versus Norm Nudge As A Contract-enforcing Mechanism: Evidence from A Real Marketplace." European Economic Review 144 (104078).
Bhattacharya, Haimanti & Dugar, Subhasish (2023) "Undervaluation versus Unaffordability As Negotiation Tactics: Evidence from A Field Experiment." Journal of Economic Psychology 96 (102609).
Gendered well-being
Bhattacharya, Haimanti (2015) "Spousal Violence and Women's Employment in India." Feminist Economics 21(2): 30-52.
Margaret Carlson, Akiko Kamimura, Ha Ngoc, Trinh, Wenjing Mo, Niwako Yamawaki, Haimanti Bhattacharya, Hanh Nguyen, Angie Makomenaw, Ryan Birkholz, Lenora Olson (2015) "Perceptions of Violence Against Women Among College Students in the US, Japan, India, Vietnam and China." Public Policy and Administration Research 5(11).
Bhattacharya, Haimanti (2016) "Mass Media Exposure and Attitude towards Spousal Violence in India." Social Science Journal 53(4): 398-416.
Akiko Kamimura, Ha Ngoc Trinh, Hanh Nguyen, Niwako Yamawaki, Haimanti Bhattacharya, Wenjing Mo, Angie Makomenaw, Lenora Olson (2016) "Bystander Attitudes to Prevent Sexual Assault: A Study of College Students in the US, Japan, India, Vietnam and China." Journal of Sex Research 53(9): 1131-1138.
Stephens, T., Kamimura, A., Yamawaki, N., Bhattacharya, H., Mo, W., Birkholz, R., Makomenaw, A., & Olson, LM. (2016). "Rape Myth Acceptance Among College Students in the United States, Japan and India." Sage Open 6(4).
Sharon L. Talboys, Manmeet Kaur, James VanDerslice, Lisa H. Gren, Haimanti Bhattacharya, Stephen C. Alder (2017). "What is Eve Teasing? A Mixed Methods Study of Sexual Harassment of Young Women in the Rural Indian Context." Sage Open 7(1).
Akiko Kamimura & Haimanti Bhattacharya, Mindy Steadman, Samin Panahi, Adrienne Griffiths, Hsien-Wen Meng, Kathy Franchek-Roa. (2022). "Dating/intimate partner violence and social media use among college students." Violence and Gender 9(4): 187-192.
Gunseli Berik, Haimanti Bhattacharya, TP Singh, Aashima Sinha, Jacqueline Strenio, Sharin Naomi, Sameen Zafar, Sharon Talboys (2024) "Men’s Perspectives on Public-Space Sexual Harassment of Women in South Asia." Global Public Health, 19(1).
Other publications
Bhattacharya, Haimanti (2008) "Inter linkages between Environmental Change and Development." Newsletter of Indian Young Professionals Network.
Bhattacharya, Haimanti (2011) "Effects of Financial Incentives on Status-based Discrimination in a Marriage Market." Harvard College Economics Review, IV(2): 19-20.
Bhattacharya, Haimanti (2011) "Vegetation and Development in Rural India." Ailaan, Newsletter of National Council for Rural Institutes (NCRI), India, II(VI), 27-31.
Bhattacharya, Haimanti (2015) "India" in Encyclopedia of World Poverty, 2nd Edition, Sage Publications.
Bhattacharya, Haimanti (2022) "Climate Justice Implications of the Relationship between Economic Inequality and Carbon Emissions in India" in Prakash Kashwan (ed.) Climate Justice in India, Cambridge University Press.
Teaching experience
University of Utah
ECON 3640 -- Probability and Statistical Inference for Economists (Spring 2009 onwards)
ECON 4650 -- Principles of Econometrics (Fall 2008 - Spring 2014)
ECON 4651 -- Econometrics for BEA (Fall 2019 onwards)
ECON 5430/6430 -- South Asian Economic History and Development (Spring 2021 onwards)
ECON 7251 -- Advanced Environmental Economics (Fall 2010 onwards)
ECON 7590 -- Econometrics (Spring 2015 - Fall 2019)
ECON 7800 -- Econometrics I (Spring 2010 - Spring 2020)
ECON 6960/5960 -- Behavioral Economics (co-taught) (Spring 2015)
STAT 6003/5003 -- Survey of Statistical Computer Packages (co-taught) (Fall 2011)
ASTP/LAS 6800 -- Research Design for Area Studies (co-taught) (Spring 2022, Fall 2023)
University of Arizona
AREC 517 -- Introductory Mathematical Statistics (Fall 2005)
AREC 580 -- Mathematics for Economists (Fall 2004)
Centre for Development Studies, Thiruvananthapuram
Mini course on Social Preferences in Behavioral Economics (2017)