Haibo Jiang

Department of Finance, ESG UQAM

Local DS-3179

315 rue Sainte-Catherine Est, Montreal QC H2X 3X2    

Tel (office): (514) 987-3000 ext 5521

Email: haibojiang dot finance at gmail dot com  or jiang dot haibo at uqam dot ca    

UQAM Finance Brown Bag Seminars: 2024-2025 schedules

UQAM Finance Workshops: 2024 Pre-NFA program


Academic Experience

School of Management, University of Quebec at Montreal (ESG UQAM)

Associate Professor of Finance, June 2023 - present

Assistant Professor of Finance, June 2019 - May 2023

Freeman School of Business, Tulane University

      Visiting Assistant Professor of Finance, July 2016 - June 2019

Research Interests


1. Riding the Blockchain Mania: Public Firms' Speculative 8-K Disclosures, 2019 (Management Science, Vol. 65, No. 12, December 2019, pp. 5901-5913), with Stephanie Cheng, Gus De Franco, and Pengkai Lin

       Media mention: Bloomberg Opinion, Columbia Law School Blue Sky Blog

Working Papers

2. Extrapolative Expectations and Corporate Risk Management, with Nishad Kapadia, Yuhang Xing, and Yifan Zhang

3. Social Media and Bitcoin Price Dynamics, with Pan Liu, Alexandre F. Roch, and Xiaozhou Zhou 

4. Machine Learning and High Frequency Bitcoin Trading, with Xiaozhou Zhou 

5. FinTech under COVID-19: A Step Forward or Survival of the Fittest? with Maya Cara and Lora Dimitrova 

6. Oil and Equity Return Predictability: The Importance of Dissecting Oil Price Changes, with Georgios Skoulakis and Jinming Xue

7. Oil Price, Bond Return, and Breakeven Inflation 

Work in Progress

8. Decentralized Finance (DeFi) and Blockchain – A New Fintech Revolution? Evidence from the Crypto Disruptors and Disruptees 

9. ETFs and Institutional Investors' Risk Shifting and Attention Reallocation, with Jingyu Zhang

10. Risks and Returns of the Non-fungible Token (NFT) Markets, with Alexandre F. Roch

11. Assessing and Pricing Firm-level Exposure to Climate Change Risk, with Gus De Franco, Nishad Kapadia, and Pengkai Lin

12. Academic Network and Productivity, with Ted Fee and Hugh Hartzog  

    (Related website: www.financerankings.com Citation-Based Finance Research Rankings & Highly Cited Articles )

Teaching Experience

UQAM, 2019-present

FIN8524: Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies, and Applications in Finance (a brand-new Graduate FinTech course) (Winter 2022, Winter 2023)

           FIN5580: International Finance (Winter 2020, Winter 2021)

FIN5523: Bond Market and Interest Rates (Fall 2021, Fall 2022, Winter 2023, Fall 2023)   

FIN5521: Security Analysis (Fall 2019, Fall 2021)

           FIN3500: Financial Management (Winter 2021)

Tulane University, 2016 - 2019

FINE7130: Advanced Financial Management (MBA course) (Spring 2019)

FINE4140: Risk Management (Fall 2016, Spring 2017)

FINE4110: Investments in Equities (Fall 2016, Spring 2017, Fall 2017, Fall 2018)

University of British Columbia, 2014

COMM374: Applied Financial Markets (Winter 2014)

Awards and Honors

Grants and Funding 

Ad-Hoc Journal Reviewer



Citizenship: Canada 

Languages: English, French, Mandarin