HA-GMT-PDE Seminar
A senior student/postdoc series on harmonic analysis, geometric measure theory, and partial differential equations, brought to you by the Analysis & PDE working groups at the University of Minnesota and the University of Missouri.
This is the page for the Spring 2021 series. For past talks of the Summer 2020 and Fall 2020 series, see the top of this page.
Please note that recordings of all talks have been made unavailable due to limited storage capacity. If you are interested in watching a recording of a talk, please do not hesitate to email me to inquire about it, to my email address bgpoggi dot math at gmail dot com.
Please note that recordings of all talks have been made unavailable due to limited storage capacity. If you are interested in watching a recording of a talk, please do not hesitate to email me to inquire about it, to my email address bgpoggi dot math at gmail dot com.
Table of Contents
Previous talks (and some recordings)
January 19, Tuesday, 11:00am-11:50am (CST) - Max Engelstein (University of Minnesota, Minnesota)
Zoom link. https://umn.zoom.us/j/95724260234
Title. Lojasiewicz Inequalities and the Zero Sets of Harmonic Functions
Abstract. Whereas $C^\infty$ functions can vanish (almost) arbitrarily often to arbitrarily high order (e,g, $f(x) = e^{-1/x}$ vanishes to infinite order at zero), the zero sets of analytic functions have a lot more structure. For example, you learn in intro to complex analysis that the zeroes of a Holomorphic function are isolated.
The Lojasiewicz inequalities (partially) quantify this extra structure possessed by analytic functions. Developed originally by algebraic geometers, Lojasiewicz inequalities have been used with great success to study geometric flows. In this talk, I will give a brief introduction to these inequalities and then discuss some joint work (and maybe some work in progress) with Matthew Badger (UConn) and Tatiana Toro (U Washington), in which we use Lojasiewicz inequalities to study the zero sets of harmonic functions and, more interestingly, sets which are infinitesimally approximated by the zero sets of harmonic functions.

January 25, Monday, 11:00am-11:50am (CST) - Darío Mena Arias (Universidad de Costa Rica, Costa Rica)
Zoom link. https://umn.zoom.us/j/97330666898
Title. Sparse bounds for the Discrete Spherical Maximal Function
Abstract. We prove sparse bounds for the spherical maximal operator of Magyar, Stein and Wainger. The bounds are conjecturally sharp, and contain an endpoint estimate. The new method of proof is inspired by ones by Bourgain and Ionescu, is very efficient, and has not been used in the proof of sparse bounds before. The Hardy-Littlewood Circle method is used to decompose the multiplier into major and minor arc components. The efficiency arises as one only needs a single estimate on each element of the decomposition.

February 01, Monday, 11:00am-11:50am (CST) - Simon Bortz (University of Alabama, Alabama)
Zoom link. https://umn.zoom.us/j/97809481449
Title. New Developments in Parabolic Uniform Rectifiability
Abstract. In the 1980’s the $L^2$ boundedness of the Cauchy integral was established (by Coifman, McIntosh and Meyer) and this $L^2$ boundedness was quickly generalized to `nice’ singular integral operators (Coifman, David and Meyer / David) on Lipschitz graphs. David and Semmes then asked the natural question: For what sets are all `nice’ singular integral operators $L^2$ bounded? They were remarkably successful in this endeavor, providing more than 15 equivalent notions and called these sets “uniformly rectifiable” or UR. These sets are still studied extensively today, most recently in their connection to elliptic partial differential equations.
Among the characterizations of UR sets provided by David and Semmes is a quadratic estimate on the so-called $\beta$-numbers, which measure the flatness of the set at a particular location and scale. In a paper of Hofmann, Lewis and Nyström a notion of “parabolic uniform rectictifiable sets” was introduced by taking the definition as a “quadratic estimate on the parabolic $\beta$-numbers”. There are no correct proofs of ANY of the analogues of the David Semmes theory; for instance, it is not known if $L^2$ boundedness of parabolic singular integral operators characterizes parabolic uniformly rectifiable sets.
In this talk I will discuss some recent progress in the direction of establishing the parabolic David-Semmes theory and some open problems that remain. On one hand, we have made significant progress and provided some useful characterizations of parabolic uniform rectifiability. On the other hand, we have also discovered that many of the `elliptic’ characterizations do not hold in this parabolic setting. This is joint work with J. Hoffman, S. Hofmann, J.L. Luna and K. Nyström.

February 08, Monday, 11:00am-11:50am (CST) - José Manuel Conde Alonso (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, España)
Zoom link. https://umn.zoom.us/j/91341120335
Title. Weak endpoint estimates for Calderón-Zygmund operators in von Neumann algebras
Abstract. The classical Calderón-Zygmund decomposition is a fundamental tool that helps one study endpoint estimates for numerous operators near L1. In this talk, we will discuss an extension of the decomposition to a particular operator valued setting where noncommutativity makes its appearance. Noncommutativity will allow us to get rid of the -usually necessary- UMD property of the Banach space where functions take values. Based on joint work with L. Cadilhac and J. Parcet.

February 15, Monday, 11:00am-11:50am (CST) - Georgios Dosidis (Charles University at Prague, Czech Republic)
Zoom link. https://umn.zoom.us/j/95248478720
Title. The uncentered spherical maximal function and Nikodym sets
Abstract. Stein's spherical maximal function is an analogue of the Hardy-Littlewood maximal function, where the averages are taken over spheres instead of balls. While the uncentered Hardy-Littlewood maximal function is bounded on Lp for all p>1 and pointwise equivalent to its centered counterpart, the corresponding uncentered spherical maximal function is not as well-behaved.
We provide multidimensional versions of the Kakeya, Nikodym, and Besicovitch constructions associated with spheres. These yield counterexamples indicating that maximal operators given by translations of spherical averages are unbounded on Lp for all finite p.
However, for lower-dimensional sets of translations, we obtain Lp boundedness for the associated maximally translated spherical averages for a certain range of p that depends on the Minkowski dimension of the set of translations. This is joint work with A. Chang and J. Kim.

February 22, Monday, 11:00am-11:50am (CST) - Blair Davey (Montana State University, Montana)
Zoom link. https://umn.zoom.us/j/92095338432
Title. A quantification of the Besicovitch projection theorem and its generalizations
Abstract. The Besicovitch projection theorem asserts that if a subset E of the plane has finite length in the sense of Hausdorff and is purely unrectifiable (so its intersection with any Lipschitz graph has zero length), then almost every linear projection of E to a line will have zero measure. As a consequence, the probability that a randomly dropped line intersects such a set E is equal to zero. This shows us that the Besicovitch projection theorem is connected to the classical Buffon needle problem. Motivated by the so-called Buffon circle problem, we explore what happens when lines are replaced by more general curves. This leads us to discuss generalized Besicovitch theorems and the ways in which we can quantify such results by building upon the work of Tao, Volberg, and others. This talk covers joint work with Laura Cladek and Krystal Taylor.

March 01, Monday, 11:00am-11:50am (CST) - Polona Durcik (Chapman University, Canada)
Zoom link. https://umn.zoom.us/j/98087789433
Title. Multilinear singular and oscillatory integrals and applications
Abstract. We give an overview of some recent results in the area of multilinear singular and oscillatory integrals. We discuss their connection with certain questions about point configurations in subsets of the Euclidean space and convergence of some ergodic averages. Based on joint works with Michael Christ, Vjekoslav Kovac, and Joris Roos.
March 08, Monday, 11:00am-11:50am (CST) - Silvia Ghinassi (University of Washington, Washington)
Zoom link. https://umn.zoom.us/j/91770370986
Title. On the regularity of singular sets of minimizers for the Mumford-Shah energy
Abstract. The Mumford-Shah functional was introduced by Mumford and Shah in 1989 as a variational model for image reconstruction. The most important regularity problem is the famous Mumford-Shah conjecture, which states that (in 2 dimensions) the closure of the jump set can be described as the union of a locally finite collection of injective $C^1$ arcs that can meet only at the endpoints, in which case they have to form triple junctions. If a point is an endpoint of one (and only one) of such arcs, it is called cracktip. In this talk, I plan to survey some older results concerning the regularity of Mumford-Shah minimizers and their singular sets, and discuss more recent developments (the talk is based on joint work with Camillo De Lellis and Matteo Focardi).
March 15, Monday, 11:00am-11:50am (CDT) - Sean McCurdy (Carnegie Mellon University, Pennsylvania)
Zoom link. https://umn.zoom.us/j/91471008662
Title. The Analysts' Traveling Salesman Problem in Banach spaces
Abstract. This talk discusses recent work (joint with Matthew Badger, UCONN) on generalizations of the Analysts' Traveling Salesman Theorem to uniformly smooth and uniformly convex Banach spaces (e.g., l_p spaces). In 1990, motivated by problems in Singular Integral Operators, Peter Jones posed and solved his celebrated Analysts' Traveling Salesman Problem: namely, to characterize all subsets of rectifiable curves in the plane. Since then, many authors have contributed, proving similar results in Euclidean spaces, Hilbert Spaces, Carnot groups, for 1-rectifiable measures, etc. This talk will give a broad overview of some of these results and their core ideas. In the end, we will discuss the challenges in Banach spaces and what generalizations hold there. This talk will include lots of pictures and examples.

March 22, Monday, 11:00am-11:50am (CDT) - Laurel Ohm (Courant Institute, New York)
Zoom link. https://umn.zoom.us/j/97214138395
Title. Mathematical foundations of slender body theory
Abstract. Slender body theory (SBT) facilitates computational simulations of thin filaments in a 3D viscous fluid by approximating the hydrodynamic effect of each fiber as the flow due to a line force density along a 1D curve. Despite the popularity of SBT in computational models, there had been no rigorous analysis of the error in using SBT to approximate the interaction of a thin fiber with fluid. In this talk, we develop a PDE framework for analyzing the error introduced by this approximation. In particular, given a 1D force along the fiber centerline, we define a notion of `true' solution to the full 3D slender body problem and obtain an error estimate for SBT in terms of the fiber radius. This places slender body theory on firm theoretical footing. In addition, we perform a complete spectral analysis of the slender body PDE in a simple geometric setting, which sheds light on the use of SBT in approximating the `slender body inverse problem,' where we instead specify the fiber velocity and solve for the 1D force density. Finally, we make some comparisons to the method of regularized Stokeslets and offer thoughts on improvements to SBT.

March 29, Monday, 11:00am-11:50am (CDT) - Robin Neumayer (Northwestern University, Illinois)
Zoom link. https://umn.zoom.us/j/98166893010
Title. Quantitative stability for minimizing Yamabe metrics
Abstract. The Yamabe problem asks whether, given a closed Riemannian manifold, one can find a conformal metric of constant scalar curvature (CSC). An affirmative answer was given by Schoen in 1984, following contributions from Yamabe, Trudinger, and Aubin, by establishing the existence of a function that minimizes the so-called Yamabe energy functional; the minimizing function corresponds to the conformal factor of the CSC metric.
We address the quantitative stability of minimizing Yamabe metrics. On any closed Riemannian manifold we show—in a quantitative sense—that if a function nearly minimizes the Yamabe energy, then the corresponding conformal metric is close to a CSC metric. Generically, this closeness is controlled quadratically by the Yamabe energy deficit. However, we construct an example demonstrating that this quadratic estimate is false in the general. This is joint work with Max Engelstein and Luca Spolaor.
April 05, Monday, 11:00am-11:50am (CDT) - Mariana Smit Vega Garcia (Western Washington University, Washington)
Zoom link. https://umn.zoom.us/j/95075343173
Title. Almost minimizers for obstacle problems
Abstract. In the applied sciences one is often confronted with free boundaries, which arise when the solution to a problem consists of a pair: a function u (often satisfying a partial differential equation), and a set where this function has a specific behavior. Two central issues in the study of free boundary problems are:
(1) What is the optimal regularity of the solution u?
(2) How smooth is the free boundary?
The study of the classical obstacle problem - one of the most renowned free boundary problems - began in the ’60s with the pioneering works of G. Stampacchia, H. Lewy, and J. L. Lions. During the past decades, it has led to beautiful developments, and its study still presents very interesting and challenging questions. In contrast to the classical obstacle problem, which arises from a minimization problem (as many other PDEs do), minimizing problems with noise lead to the notion of almost minimizers. In this talk, I will introduce obstacle type problems and overview recent developments in almost minimizers for the thin obstacle problem, illustrating techniques that can be used to tackle questions (1) and (2) in various settings. This is joint work with Seongmin Jeon and Arshak Petrosyan.
April 12, Monday, 11:00am-11:50am (CDT) - Cruz Prisuelos-Arribas (Universidad de Alcalá, España)
Zoom link. https://umn.zoom.us/j/97639815760
Title. Vertical square functions and other operators associated with an elliptic operator
Abstract. Although, in general, vertical and conical square functions are equivalent operators just in $L^2$, in this talk we show that, when this square functions are defined through the heat or Poisson semigroup that arise from an elliptic operator, there exist open intervals of p's containing 2 where the equivalence holds in $L^p$. As a consequence we obtain new boundedness results for some square functions. We also show how similar ideas lead us to improve the known range where a non-tangential maximal function associated with the Poisson semigroup is bounded.
April 19, Monday, 11:00am-11:50am (CDT) - Moritz Egert (Université Paris-Sud (Orsay), France)
Zoom link. https://umn.zoom.us/j/91776991623
Title. Boundary value problems for elliptic systems with block structure
Abstract. I’ll consider a very simple elliptic PDE in the upper half-space: divergence form, transversally independent coefficients and no mixed transversal-tangential derivatives. In this case, the Dirichlet problem can formally be solved via a Poisson semigroup, but there might not be a heat semigroup. The construction is rigorous for L2 data. For other data classes X (Lebesgue, Hardy, Sobolev, Besov,…) the question, whether the corresponding Dirichlet problem is well-posed, is inseparably tied to the question, whether there is a compatible Poisson semigroup on X.
On a "semigroup space" the infinitesimal generator has (almost?) every operator theoretic property that one can dream of and these can be used to prove well-posedness. But it turns out that there are genuinely more "well-posedness spaces" than "semigroup spaces". For example, up to boundary dimension n=4 there is a well-posed BMO-Dirichlet problem, whose unique solution has no reason to keep its tangential regularity in the interior of the domain.
I’ll give an introduction to the general theme and discuss some new results, all based on a recent monograph jointly written with Pascal Auscher.
April 28, Wednesday, 11:00am-11:50am (CDT) - Murat Akman (University of Essex, United Kingdom)
Zoom link. https://umn.zoom.us/j/97459532983
Title. A Minkowski-type problem for measure associated to A-harmonic PDEs
Abstract. The classical Minkowski problem consists in finding a convex polyhedron from data consisting of normals to their faces and their surface areas. In the smooth case, the corresponding problem for convex bodies is to find the convex body given the Gauss curvature of its boundary, as a function of the unit normal. The proof consists of three parts: existence, uniqueness, and regularity.
In this talk, we study a Minkowski problem for certain measure associated with a compact convex set E with nonempty interior and its A-harmonic capacitary function in the complement of E. Here A-harmonic PDE is a non-linear elliptic PDE whose structure is modelled on the p-Laplace equation. If \mu_E denotes this measure, then the Minkowski problem we consider in this setting is that; for a given finite Borel measure \mu on S^(n-1), find necessary and sufficient conditions for which there exists E as above with \mu_E =\mu. We will discuss the existence, uniqueness, and regularity of this problem in this setting.

May 03, Monday, 11:00am-11:50am (CDT) - Erisa Hasani (Florida Institute of Technology, Florida)
Zoom link. https://umn.zoom.us/j/96861877118
Title. On the compactness threshold in the critical Kirchhoff equation
Abstract. We study a class of critical Kirchhoff problems with a general nonlocal term. The main difficulty here is the absence of a closed-form formula for the compactness threshold. First we obtain a variational characterization of this threshold level. Then we prove a series of existence and multiplicity results based on this variational characterization.

May 10, Monday, 11:00am-11:50am (CDT) - Cole Jeznach (University of Minnesota, Minnesota)
Zoom link. https://umn.zoom.us/j/91459188075
Title. Regularized Distances and Geometry of Measures
Abstract. I will present joint work with Max Engelstein and Svitlana Mayboroda where we generalize the notion of the regularized distance function $D_{\mu, \alpha}(x) = ( \int | x - y |^{-d-\alpha} d\mu(y))^{-1/ \alpha}$ to functions with more general integrands. We provide a large class of integrands for which the corresponding distance functions contain geometric information about $\mu$. In particular, we produce examples that are in some sense far from the original kernel $| x - y|^{-d - \alpha}$ but still characterize the geometry of $\mu$ since they have nice symmetries with respect to flat sets. In co-dimension 1, these examples are explicit, but in higher co-dimensions, our proof of existence of such examples is non-constructive, and thus we have no additional information about their structure.

May 17, Monday, 11:00am-11:50am (CDT) - Linhan Li (University of Minnesota, Minnesota)
Zoom link. https://umn.zoom.us/j/96811202870
Title. Carleson measure estimates for the Green function
Abstract. We are interested in the relations between an elliptic operator on a domain, the geometry of the domain, and the boundary behavior of the Green function. In joint work with Guy David and Svitlana Mayboroda, we show that if the coefficients of the operator satisfy a quadratic Carleson condition, then the Green function on the half-space is almost affine, in the sense that the normalized difference between the Green function with a sufficiently far away pole and a suitable affine function at every scale satisfies a Carleson measure estimate. We demonstrate with counterexamples that our results are optimal, in the sense that the class of the operators considered are essentially the best possible.
This work is motivated mainly by finding PDE characterizations of uniform rectifiable sets with higher co-dimension. I’ll talk about this motivation and backgrounds, our recent results, as well as possible directions in the future.

May 25, Tuesday, 11:00am-11:50am (CDT) - Stefan Steinerberger (University of Washington, Washington)
Zoom link. https://umn.zoom.us/j/95260802468
Title. Mean-Value Inequalities for Harmonic Functions
Abstract. The mean-value theorem for harmonic functions says that we can bound the integral of a harmonic function in a ball by the average value on the boundary (and, in fact, there is equality). What happens if we replace the ball by a general convex or even non-convex set? As it turns out, this simple question has connections to classical potential theory, probability theory, PDEs and even mechanics: one of the arising questions dates back to Saint Venant (1856). There are some fascinating new isoperimetric problems: for example, the worst case convex domain in the plane seems to look a lot like the letter "D" but we cannot prove it. I will discuss some recent results and many open problems.

Calendar of upcoming talks
The organizers would like to thank the following individuals for support and guidance: Prof. Dmitriy Bilyk (University of Minnesota), Prof. Svitlana Mayboroda (University of Minnesota), Prof. Simon Bortz (University of Alabama).
Bruno Poggi Cevallos (University of Minnesota)
I am a fifth-year graduate student and doctoral dissertation fellow at the University of Minnesota working with Svitlana Mayboroda. Contact me if you have any questions, or if you want to join the announcements mailing list.
E-mail: poggi008@umn.edu
Website: http://www-users.math.umn.edu/~poggi008/
Ryan Matzke (University of Minnesota)
I am a fifth-year graduate student and doctoral dissertation fellow at the University of Minnesota working with Dmitriy Bilyk.
E-mail: matzk053@umn.edu
Website: http://www.ryanmatzke.com/
José Luis Luna García (University of Missouri)
I'm currently a grad student at the University of Missouri-Columbia, working with Prof. Steve Hofmann.
Email: jlwwc@mail.missouri.edu