When a slash command is invoked, Slack sends an HTTP POST to the Request URL you specified above. This request contains a data payload describing the source command and who invoked it, like a really detailed knock at the door.

If you don't do this, the user will be shown an error message that indicates that the slash command didn't work - not a great experience for the user, so you should always acknowledge receipt (unless you didn't receive the command, but then you wouldn't know not to respond, and now we've fallen into a logical paradox).

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Last weekend, I had the opportunity to watch Lisa Sugar, Founder and President of POPSUGAR, give a keynote at a conference. Something she said about work-life balance really stood out to me, " you have to balance your passions not your time ." A statement I wholeheartedly agree with. She shared her story of her own slash career. While working in advertising she didn't feel fulfilled creatively, so she began writing about topics she loved on a website she created.

For five years she managed both careers before deciding to leave her job in advertising to run POPSUGAR. Her definition of balance, and managing simultaneous careers to achieve fulfillment, got me thinking that slash careers could be a step in the right direction for millennials looking for greater work-life satisfaction.

In her book One Person/Multiple Careers: The Original Guide to the Slash Careers, Marci Alboher popularized the phrase "slash career." People with slash careers are those making multiple income streams simultaneously from different careers.

By adopting a slash career, a millennial who feels unfulfilled in a particular area, can work towards achieving balance in another area while still paying the bills and getting certain needs met. For example, if a person is no longer feeling intellectually stimulated in his job, he may teach himself a new skill like coding during off hours. That skill overtime can turn into an additional career path. Perhaps someone else no longer feels like he is getting his spiritual or physical needs met. He decides to complete a yoga teacher training and begin teaching after his traditional job.

The possibilities of slash career options are truly limitless. By taking a step back and determine what area you are lacking fulfillment, you can begin to explore new career options that can support what work-life balance looks like for you.

Slash careers can make you more enticing to an employer. They give you greater discipline, creativity, and a broader skill set. Companies are always looking for self starters and innovators on their team to help them get to the next level, and people who have taken the initiative to develop a slash career, are more likely to bring those qualities into their office.

It's no secret that millennials are struggling with money. In a recent national financial literacy survey, 18-34 year olds did worse than any other age group. They had higher rates of being late with mortgage payments, overdrawing checking accounts, and trouble with medical costs. A slash career might not help with the financial literacy aspect, but it could help pay some of those bills.

Alboher recommends developing slash careers over time. She believes it's better to deeply immerse one's self in a particular career, master it, and then layer in another slash. Personally, when I look back on my own slash career, I find this to be true as well. I began as a mental health counselor, which spun off to coaching, which led to consulting opportunities, and eventually monetizing my blog and becoming a social media influencer. When I graduated, I never would've predicted my career path, but knew that I would never solely remain a mental health counselor.

Alboher suggests people consider virtual work when looking to add another slash career. Jade echoes the sentiment,"it's so much easier to get online now to start your business, research tips on websites, attend virtual trainings and collaborate with other people all over the world." Especially for those who work traditional 9-5's, virtual work gives more freedom to do things when a schedule permits, and "balance your passions," like Sugar says.

I've recently had the issue of Obsidian not showing the list of available commands after inputing a /. I have tried source mode and live preview. It maybe be that I installed a plugin that has broken something. Any ideas on how to get slash commands back? Is there a way of resetting the application to defaults?

A simple fix for this would surely be to cancel the slash-command function if you type a space after it? The function window works fine popping up after you first type the slash so why does it insist on hanging around when you obviously aren't trying to type a command in!

I'm used to just typing my slash commands, like /join #channel or /msg @whoever. But now as soon as I type the slash, a popup for 'search shortcuts' messes up my rhythm. How can I disable that popup?

Slash is debris, from nature, such as tree limbs, prunings and pine cones. If not removed, slash can add to potential fire hazards on your property. The importance of mitigating and preparing your property for wildfire cannot be overstated - and again this year, Jefferson County is your partner in this effort.

Thank you very much for your answer. I am afraid of loosing my very good google ranking. I am currently using Squarespace. All sites are currently available with and without the trailing slashes at the end of the url, but the canonical link of every site is using the version with the trailing slash. What is your opinion? Should I move to webflow? A loose of my ranking would be horrible as it runs my whole business. Thanks in advance for you help! My website is www.klavierstunde-muenchen.de

We have Pretty URL optimization activated on all the subsites, and when visiting a page without a trailing slash on this subsite it gets redirected to the URL with the trailing slash. (ex: -pt.netlify.app/pt/saude-dos-homens)

Because it is not possible to create 301 redirects to get a trailing slash in netlify.toml, it is a nesseccary feature for us to enable 301 forwarding if we use the internal proxy to get content from servers outsite of netlify.

Although, if I request a path like "/test/example/", it keeps the trailing slash, and returns "test/example/" in the capture group...? Basically what I wanted to avoid. (So, all it's doing is removing the starting slash)

"After a long debate, we discovered that the definitive correct behavior for a URL representing a directory was to end in a slash. Personally I liked the look of the nonslash ending urls better, but a compelling enough case was made to change my mind. Ending in a slash works on every web server out of the box without any additional configuration. Consequently we have not enabled a way to go back to the previous (erroneous) behavior.

If the URN has a hierarchical nature, then the slash delimiter shall be used in the URI encoding; If the URN has a hierarchical nature, the most significant part shall be encoded on the left in the URI encoding;

@bep, you say support for URLs without a trailing slash is do-able now. Do you have a solution in mind which affects all urls, or one that can be customized? A general option which can be overridden would be nice and flexible.

the slash is a bit special as it denotes glyph names. If you copy text form the edit view that contains glyphs without unicode, it puts the glyph name in the string instead. You can see that in the title of the tabs, too. So if you copy text with a slash it adds another slash to make sure that it is a slash and not a glyph name.

My current plan is to go with (2). I could have a plugin where, on detection of a slash, at-sign, or hashtag, the plugin state is updated to reference the node containing the activating symbol. The render logic for the node would have to check this state and adjust appropriately.

Slash is a fandom term used to refer to a type of fanwork in which two or more characters of the same gender are placed in a sexual or romantic situation or relationship with each other. The term is also used as a verb and an adjective. The verb form of slash, to slash, refers to the creation of a slash fanwork or the interpretation of a relationship between characters in a given canon as homoerotic. The adjective form of slash, slashy, refers to character relationships that may be homoerotic in nature and fanworks that may be described as slash without being explicitly stated as such.

Terms like gen and het arose to distinguish these types of stories from slash. Although heterosexual narratives can of course be explicit on the level of an R, X or NC17 rating, they were more acceptable than slash at that time. Labeling a story as slash could provide a warning of criminal risk as well. In the early 1970s, any literature depicting homosexuality, even if not explicit, was considered pornography in most states (see Slash Controversies#Illegality of Slash) and illegal to be sent through the U.S. mail.

Fans certainly wrote and kept private, or shared with only a few friends, homosexual stories about Holmes and Watson, Bruce and Dick,[note 1] Nayland Smith and Dr. Petrie, Ilya and Napoleon in The Man From UNCLE[note 2], James and Artemus, or Buz and Tod,[note 3] but it was Star Trek: The Original Series that popularized the slash subgenre. The first such story may have been The Ring of Soshern, written by Jennifer Guttridge in 1967 or 1968 and circulated only privately.

The first slash story to be published in a fanzine was "A Fragment Out of Time" by Diane Marchant, published in Grup in 1974. After this, other Star Trek slash stories appeared in some fanzines, slowly picking up steam through the end of the decade with entire fanzines devoted to slash, and eventually slash conventions. e24fc04721

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