H1B Visa Lottery

H1B Visa 2022-2023 Cap Season: The Definitive Guide

H1B Lottery: An Overview

Worried about H1B VISA LOTTERY, its process, or registration? Visit the Techfetch H1B website, where you can find immigration-related guidelines and up-to-date information regarding H1B visas. The government established the H1B visa bracket to allow highly qualified individuals with bachelor's degree to get jobs in the United States in various professions, including information technology, dentistry, computer science, medicine, architecture, engineering, accounting, and many more. Employers who wish to file visa applications for the 2022-2023 fiscal year, including those who qualify for the higher degrees exemption, must register online and pay the $10 as a registration fee per H1B employee. Each business may only submit once. If your application is selected, the sponsor must certify that he will file a visa petition in its entirety.

Employers seeking to hire H1B employees must register online or through one of their approved representatives. Only the most basic data about the business and each employee sought are needed. USCIS will apply for a random selection mechanism for those electronic records. The only people allowed to file an H1B petition subject to the cap are those who have elected registrations.

The US Master's cap Lottery is held after the regular USCIS's H1B VISA LOTTERY. The draw order increases the probability that those with a master's degree from the United States will be chosen. For the fiscal year 2021–2022, USCIS conducted three rounds due to low filing in each round.

The registration period for the visa 2022-23 is open this year from noon (Eastern Standard Time) from March 1 to March 18, 2022. New registrations begin at 12 p.m on February 21, 2022. The deadline for representatives and applicants to enter their beneficiary details and raise the application along with the fee is March 1, if enough records are received by March 18, 2022. A number of applicants will be chosen randomly by USCIS, and people will be notified online by March 31, 2022.

How can I find out the results of the H1B lottery for 2022–2023?

There will be One in four statuses associated with your case when you view your record online. The cases will be as follows:

If submitted: In a nutshell, this indicates that your request has been submitted successfully. However, your statement may remain "submitted" until this year's end. This indicates that while USCIS is reviewing your record, it has not been rejected.

If selected: This means USCIS has chosen its 2022 H1B lottery applicants, and the sponsor can now file a petition from April 1, 2022. To ensure efficient scrutinizing of all cases subject to the cap, USCIS may assign various deadlines for presentation to selected registrants. The filing end date will be indicated in the USCIS official notice.

If the applicant is not chosen: If you are not selected, remember that until the end of the fiscal year, any record that USCIS has not rejected will remain "Submitted." As a result, until October 1, 2022, If USCIS has not selected you, it will not show "Not Selected."

If Denied: This happens only when an employer submitted multiple records for the same employee. In this situation, USCIS will reject any record this sponsor submits on behalf of this beneficiary.

Master's Cap

USCIS initially carries out the standard limit. USCIS selects certain master's degrees in the standard cap without participating in the master's degree lottery, despite having all records subject to the cap. After this, USCIS will add all Master's unselected records to the Master's lottery.

What if I cannot obtain an H1B through the lottery in 2022?

Consider applying for an H-2B visa or even an L1. Employers with domestic and international offices can move staff between locations for up to five years using an L1B visa, another non-immigrant alternative.

There is also the possibility of using the J1. This visa is derived from a government-approved program instead of being associated with a specific company. Among the various occupations that can benefit from this visa are students, doctors, counselors, and nannies.

Cap waiver requests

A petition that was previously capped by USCIS is known as a cap-exempt petition. It can also be one that was used to modify the conditions or extend the stay of the visa worker in the country. However, the following three major occupational groups are automatically recognized as waivers from the cap:

  • Positions available at a higher education institution

  • Positions in NPOs linked to higher education institutions

  • Positions in government research institutions

Some people maybe tempted to believe that they can easily apply for a cap-waiver job and change after they enter U.S to get around the cap because there are cap-exempt jobs.

It is crucial to remember that every time you change jobs, your employer must file a new petition. USCIS will enter the petition in the H1B lottery if the business is not exempt from the cap. You will not be able to make this transfer if it is declined or not chosen. For more information on the H1B VISA LOTTERY and other topics related to US immigration, visit Techfetch H1B website.

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