Hyojun Seok
Associate Professor, Department of Physics Education, Seoul National University (2023-Current).
Associate Professor, Department of Physics Education, Kongju National University (2019-2022).
Assistant Professor, Department of Physics Education, Kongju National University (2015-2018).
Postdoctoral Research Associate, College of Optical Sciences, The University of Arizona (2014-2015).
Ph. D. in Optical Sciences, The University of Arizona, Tucson (USA), 2014.
M. S. in Optical Sciences, The University of Arizona, Tucson (USA), 2012.
M. S. in Physics, Seoul National University, Seoul (South Korea), 2009.
B. S. in Physics Education, Seoul National University, Seoul (South Korea), 2007.
Arizona Science Foundation Fellow
Contact Information
Email: hyojunseok@snu.ac.kr
Telephone: +82-2-880-9116
Mailing Address: Department of Physics Education, Seoul National University, 1 Gwanak-ro, Gwanak-gu, Seoul, South Korea 08826.
Research Interests
Quantum Optics, Quantum Acoustics
Cavity Optomechanics, Circuit QED
Quantum Metrology
Optics Education
National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF), MSIP (No.NRF-2022R1F1A1069187), 2022 - 2024.
National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF), MSIP (No.NRF-2019R1F1A1042286), 2019 - 2021.
Institute of Information & communications Technology Planning & Evaluation (IITP), MSIT (No.2019-0-00720), 2019 - 2022.
R&D Convergence Program of National Research Council of Science and Technology (NST), NSR (No. CAP-15-08-KRISS), 2019 - 2019.
National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF), MSIP(No.2015R1C1A1A01052349) (November 2015 - October 2018).
Initiative program funded by Kongju National University (March 2015 - February 2016).
2019 - 2022
Chang-Woo Lee, Jae Hoon Lee, Jaewoo Joo, and H. Seok, Quantum Fisher Information of an Optomechanical Force Sensor driven by a Squeezed Vacuum Field, Optics Express 30, 25249 (2022).
Hyein Shin, Jeongwoo Park, and H. Seok, Comparative analysis of the two paradigms in the hydraulic analogy, New Physics: Sae Mulli 72, 419 (2022).
Kwona Lee, Sangwoo Ha, and H. Seok, Analysis of the contents of transistors in physics II textbooks of the 2015 revised curriculum, New Physics: Sae Mulli 72, 409 (2022).
Sangwoo Ha and H. Seok, Analysis of the Principle of Semiconductor and Diode Presented in University Physics Textbooks, New Physics: Sae Mulli 71, 1044 (2021).
Jae Hoon Lee and H. Seok, Quantum Metrology Based on Nonclassical Atomic States, 물리학과 첨단기술 30(3), 8 (2021).
Chang-Woo Lee, Jae Hoon Lee, and H. Seok, Squeezed-light-driven force detection with an optomechanical cavity in a Mach-Zehnder interferometer, Scientific Reports(10), 17496 (2020).
Jangkyu Lee and H. Seok, Light Polarization Experiments using a Smartphone Screen Protector, 현장과학교육 13(3), 203 (2019).
2018 - 2015
J. H. Lee, J. Suh, and H. Seok, Dissipation-driven nonclassical-state generation in optomechanics with squeezed light, Physical Review A 98, 043821 (2018).
J. H. Lee and H. Seok, Quantum reservoir engineering through quadratic optomechanical interaction in the reversed dissipation regime, Physical Review A 97, 013805 (2018).
S. Park, J. Yeom, Y. Yoon, and H. Seok, Science teachers' perception of the refractive index of media, Korean Journal of Optics and Photonics 28, 334 (2017).
H. Seok and E. M. Wright, Antibunching in an optomechanical oscillator, Physical Review A 95, 053844 (2017).
F. Bariani, H. Seok, S. Singh, M. Vengalattore, and P. Meystre, Atom-based coherent quantum-noise cancellation in optomechanics, Physical Review A 92, 043817 (2015).
2014 - 2011
H. Seok, E. M. Wright, and P. Meystre, Dynamic stabilization of an optomechanical oscillator, Physical Review A 90, 043840 (2014).
H. Seok, L. F. Buchmann, E. M. Wright, and P. Meystre, Multimode strong-coupling quantum optomechanics, Physical Review A 88, 063850 (2013).
H. Tan, L. F. Buchmann, H. Seok, and G. Li, Achieving steady-state entanglement of remote micromechanical oscillators by cascaded cavity coupling, Physical Review A 87, 022318 (2013).
H. Seok, L. F. Buchmann, S. Singh, and P. Meystre, Optically mediated nonlinear quantum optomechanics, Physical Review A 86, 063829 (2012).
H. Seok, L. F. Buchmann, S. Singh, S. K. Steinke, and P. Meystre, Generation of mechanical squeezing via magnetic dipoles on cantilevers, Physical Review A 85, 033822 (2012).
2010 - 2007
S. Kim, S. Yoon, H. Seok, J. Lee, and H. Jeon, Band-edge lasers based on randomly mixed photonic crystals, Optics Express 18, 7685 (2010).
V. Ogay, M. Kim, H. Seok, C. Choi, and K. Soh, Catecholamine-storing Cells at Acupuncture Points of Rabbits, Journal of Acupuncture and Meridian Studies 1, 83 (2008).
Conference, Colloquium, and Seminar Presentations
H. Seok, Dissipation-driven nonclassical state generation in optomechanics with squeezed light (KRISS, South Korea, 2018).
H. Seok, Nonclassical mechanical state generation in nonlinear optomechanics, Atomic and Molecular Physics Division Workshop (Muju, South Korea, 2018).
H. Seok and J. H. Lee, Quadratic optomechanical interaction in the reversed dissipation regime, DAMOP Meeting of the American Physical Society (Ft. Lauderdale, FL, 2018).
J. H. Lee and H. Seok, Quadratic optomechanical interaction in the reversed dissipation regime, Gordon Research Conference on Mechanical Systems in the Quantum Regime (Ventura, CA, 2018).
J. H. Lee, J. Moon, S. Park, H. Lee, and H. Seok, Theoretical study of an optomechanical resonator in the reversed dissipation regime for ultralow temperature measurement, KPS Fall Meeting (Gyeongju, South Korea, 2017).
H. Seok, Aspects of cavity optomechanics (Pusan National University, South Korea, 2017).
H. Seok, Cavity optomechanics (Korea National University of Education, South Korea, 2017).
H. Seok, Antibunching in an optomechanical oscillator (Korea University, South Korea, 2017).
D. Kang and H. Seok, Second-order correlation of an optomechanical oscillator, DAMOP Meeting of the American Physical Society (Sacramento, CA, 2017).
H. Seok, Atom-based coherent quantum-noise cancellation in optomechanics (Ajou University, South Korea, 2015).
H. Seok, Atom-based coherent quantum-noise cancellation in optomechanics (KRISS, South Korea, 2015).
H. Seok, F. Bariani, S. Singh, M. Vengalattore, P. Meystre, Sensing of mechanical motion at the quantum level via a hybrid atom-optomechanical setup, DAMOP Meeting of the American Physical Society (Columbus, OH, 2015).
H. Seok, Nonlinear aspects of optomechanical systems, Advanced Lasers and Their Applications (Jeju, South Korea, 2015).
H. Seok, Nonlinear aspects of optomechanical systems (Inha University, South Korea, 2015).
H. Seok, Dynamic stabilization of an optomechanical oscillator (Hanbat National University, South Korea, 2015).
H. Seok, L. F. Buchmann, S. Singh, S. Steinke, and P. Meystre, Characterization of the motional state of a quantum mechanical oscillator by coherent state transfer, DAMOP Meeting of the American Physical Society (Anaheim, CA, 2012).
H. Seok, S. Singh, S. Steinke, and P. Meystre, Generation of squeezing: magnetic dipoles on cantilevers, DAMOP Meeting of the American Physical Society (Atlanta, GA, 2011).
S. Kim, H. Seok, J. Lee, H. Jeon, and H. Kim, Photonic band-edge shift in a randomly mixed photonic crystal system, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Pacific Rim (Shanghai, China, 2009).
M. Kim, B. Sung, M. Kim, V. Ogay, H. Seok, and K. Soh, Study on the Circulation Path of Acupuncture Meridian, The Korea Society of Veterinary Clinics (South Korea, 2007).