
Ph.D in Department of Electrical Engineering, KAIST

Mar.2024 ~ Present

Advisor : Prof. Minsoo Rhu

M.S. in Department of Electrical Engineering, KAIST

Mar. 2022 ~ Feb.2024

Advisor : Prof. Minsoo Rhu

B.S. in School of Electrical Engineering, KAIST

Mar. 2016 ~ Feb. 2022

Double Major in School of Computer Science

Excellence in Leadership and Volunteer Activity


Undergraduate research intern at Vertically Integrated Architecture Research Group, KAIST

Mar. 2021 ~ Dec. 2021

Advisor : Prof. Minsoo Rhu

Undergraduate research intern at Cho's Circuits & System Laboratory, KAIST

Jul. 2021 ~ Dec. 2021

Advisor : Prof. Seonghwan Cho

Undergraduate research intern at Smart Sound System Laboratory, KAIST

Dec. 2017 ~ Feb. 2018

Advisor : Prof. Jungwoo Choi


Korea National Science and Technology Scholarship (Sep. 2018 ~ Jul. 2019)

ACM-ICPC Daejeon Regional 17th place (November 2017)