“Look-UP in Lock-Down”

an Online event organized by

GVM Institute of Technology and Management, Sonipat (GVMITM).

The event will consist of 5 competitions with the purpose of spreading awareness about the contribution of Covid-19 warriors like police ,doctors, nurses, social workers, cleaning staff etc.

"Let’s explore a new in us"


  • E-certificates will be given to each participant.

  • Winners will be awarded in up-coming event after getting victory over corona at GVMITM, Sonipat

  • Submit your entries in various competitions by clicking on the link mentioned

1. Essay Writing:

Rules for the Contest

• Topic : “My responsibility as a young citizen during COVID-19”

• Write your Essay in English only.

• The completed essay should contain 600-1000 words.

• The candidates must send their documents in docx format.

• Name of the file should be your name and roll no e.g: Alisha19501

2. Indoor Photography :

Rules for contest:

• Topic: The Indian Lockdown.

• Only one entry per participant

• You have to upload three picture in one file.

• You are required to provide a unique title and description for each image submitted

• Name of the file should be your name and roll no e.g: Alisha19501

3. Poetry:

Rules for contest:

• Topic: Lockdown ,Covid-19

• Only one entry per participant

• Time limit:1-2min

• Entries must be submitted before 15th May,2020

• Name of the file should be your name and roll no e.g: Alisha19501

4. Dance:

Rules for contest:

• No topic for this

• Only one entry per participant

• Time Limit is : 1 min

• Entries must be submitted before 15th May,2020

• Name of the file should be your name and roll no e.g: Alisha19501

5. Short Video:

Rules for contest:

• Topic: Being at home during Lockdown

• Only one entry per participant

• Time limit:1 min

• Entries must be submitted before 15th May,2020

• Name of the file should be your name and roll no e.g: Alisha19501

"Stay Home, Stay Safe"