Sangat Jio, I just finished having a long discussion with my dad. He doesn't believe that it is possible to have darshan of any Guru besides Guru Granth Sahib Jee. So he doesn't think its possible for anyone to have darshan of all the 10 Guru's from Guru Nanak Dev Jee to Guru Gobind Singh Jee. I disagreed with him, but since I don't have too much knowledge on this topic, I was not able to back myself up too much. :wub: So we stopped talking and decided to talk about it some other time. So I was wondering what the sangat's views on this were. Please let me know, am I right? or is my dad? So that the next time we(me and my dad) talk about it, I'll know whether or not to agree with him. And i will also know for my own knowledge. So please let me know!!

daas personally thinks that once a sikh is a true gursikh.. it can have dharshan of anything.. dass himself has met and talked to a true gursikh bsb jeevan singh jee. when people sit around gursikhs and converse with them.. u can feel a certain glow.. bhai sahb never boasts about himself but the amount of gurbani he knows and remembers is amazing for example. we had an akhand paath going on at our house and my mummy jee was doing paath at the moment. she prounounced a tuk of gurbani wrong and bhai sahb was sleeping on the other end of the gurdwara hall at our house. he repeted that same line correctly. yall can decide by ureself if he is a true gursikh or not.. haha retorical question.. . i would think he can have dharshan of guru jee. as any true gursikh can. since daas is the dust of a moorakh.. i dont know if im right or wrong. but thas my two cents on this topic.

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theres a sakhi, once bhai pritha and bhai kedhya went to see guru nanak dev ji in kartarpur (i think). they asked him to let them always be with him, and always have vision of his charan. guru ji said my charan is in the sangat, shabad is my heart. so yes, when you go gurdwara you do have darshan of the gurus, sangat is guru ji charan, shabad guru is guru jis heart.

now, if your on about dreams wise. you can have darshan of all the gurus. baba nand singh ji had darshan of guru anank dev ji, this darshan was painted. bhai rama singh ji had darshan of guru gobind singh, who told him to take amrit. however, others can fill me in, if they have come across people having darshan guru angad dev ji etc.

i alsoagree with kandola ji, guru granth sahib ji is da highest but darshan of other ten guru sahib baan is possible, all depends on kirpa, like kirpa on bhai rama singh ji, he only used to do sukhmani sahib da paath an,,,,,,,pathsha ne kirpa kethe , nalay darshan hogaee athay amrit de dhaat also depends greatly on ur karam an bhaag, but dats all in da hands of guru sahib, his karta of evry1 anything is possible. i hav also herd 4m gursikhs, dat it as u get closer to becomein a pooran gursikh like bsb jeevan singh ji, bhai rama singh ji,,,,,,,,,,,,,ur simran bhagat an ur bani bana is a big factor which takes u towards gurusahib jis darshans, u develop a certain sight dat a normal human like us jus don hav. i know a veerji.....bhai sahib bhai nashatar singh ji(in england rite now but aint told no1, soo if any of da sangat from englad meets him, jio plzzzz plzz inform me jio, ill be great ful of u guys)..... in da 2002 aussie smagam, wen bhai manmohan singh ji was doin da best keertan i had eva herd him do, an we singhs were talkin abt it, veerji came up to us an sed der was somfin goin on das y bhai sahib was doin extra glorious keertan(he had a lil laugh), da singhs forced him to tel an he sed, dat guru raamdas jio him self had com der an was blessing bhai sahib while he was doin keertan,...................its a totally diff of point of viewing with gursikhs.

This event offers an immense privilege to be in the Grace of the Guru and soak in the environs of a consecrated space. For every seeker, a moment of receptivity and complete willingness in the presence of an enlightened being has the potential to open new doors to deeper dimensions of perception and experience within.

Before and after attending this event, we also welcome you to spend time at the Isha Institute, a deeply consecrated space and a destination for the science of Yoga in its full depth and dimension. Here, you can take the opportunity to deepen and intensify your sadhana (spiritual practices) while Sadhguru is on the premises.

This event is offered for free. However Isha Foundation incurs considerable costs to facilitate an event of this scale. Your generous contribution will allow us to offset the costs and continue to offer powerful tools for inner transformation to all seekers, fostering a conscious planet for all.

Adiyogi: The Abode of Yoga is a powerful energy source designed for anyone to enhance their wellbeing in all aspects of life. Visitors may enhance their receptivity to the energies and Grace of the Abode through various offerings and processes, or by simply being in the space. Sitting within the Abode allows one to reach an elevated state of consciousness and know yoga as an inner experience beyond mere knowledge, philosophy, or technique. Click here for more information. 

Living Isha offers the possibility of residing in the sphere of a consecrated space. You can choose from individual homes, apartments, or studios, and craft your life within the grace of an exuberant space. Click here for more information.

A captivating night in the presence of Sadhguru brought together seekers from various locations to experience his wisdom. With typical wit and wisdom, Sadhguru revealed the constraints of mental and emotional bonds, and led participants in a guided meditation.

Sadhguru: On Guru Purnima, there is a certain alliance between the Moon and the planets, which creates a receptivity in people to that dimension which we refer to as the Guru. So, this month is seen as the best time to receive the Grace of the Guru and make yourself receptive to the process. This is a good time to earn that attention from Grace.

On that full moon night of Guru Purnima, 15,000 years ago, as Adiyogi turned his attention to the seven sages, for the very first time in the history of humanity, human beings were reminded that they are not a fixed life. If they are willing to strive, every door in the existence is open. A human being need not be confined by the simple laws of nature.

Everybody desires completeness in life. An ordinary human being relates this to money, power, name, fame and what not. he lack of such things keeps vexing a person entangled in the illusion of earthly possessions. Even after achieving one thing, the want for another thing starts baffling him. And this cycle of wants, desires, and greed goes on ceaselessly.

As a matter of fact, the lives of ordinary human beings get consumed in earning money, accumulating wealth, building properties to name a few. When the final time comes, we realise the emptiness in life. It also happens that in the pursuit of worldly possessions, many times unethical means are used. This vicious process of wealth accumulation results in the accumulation of ill Karma. No one knows in which yoni (life) they shall be reborn as they cannot escape the fruits of their karmas. Eventually we leave the mortal world without realizing that we wasted this beautiful gift called Life.

But in spirituality, the purpose of life is not about materialistic desires or socio-economic status. A person with a spiritual bent of mind seeks something beyond all these materialistic things. For him the path to reach God matters the most. He knows that it is only the Divine who is poorna (complete) in Himself. Only He is beyond any limitations. He is infinite. He is constant whereas human beings have their own limitations.

So, to achieve this limitlessness, it is important to seek Guru Darshan during poornima (full moon) of each month. Guru Darshan is a sacred and unique ritual of seeing and being seen by The Divine Master. In his closeness, we must submit ourselves in His Divine aura. By doing so the spiritual energy emanating from the Guru purifies the subconscious being of the devotee and rekindles the lamp of wisdom in him. Guru darshan helps in washing away sins and instilling positive energy giving the devotee a fresh start on the path of spiritual growth.

Guru Purnima is an auspicious occasion dedicated to the greatness of our ancient Gurus. In Sanskrit, Gu means Darkness and Ru means remover. So, a guru is the person who dispels all kinds of darkness from our lives and shows us the righteous path of Dharma through his teachings. And Guru Purnima is the day to express our gratitude towards the great Gurus who have been the torchbearers of Divine wisdom from time immemorial.

One such great guru was Sant Ravi Das , a great saint of medieval India, who preached the removal of caste and gender from the society. His devotion for God was supreme. His profound teachings spread the message of love, equality, peace, unity, and harmony. Meera bai, the great devotee of Lord Krishna, learnt the true meaning of devotion and sacrifice from him.

He is responsible for imparting the pure knowledge to his disciple that removes physical and mental barriers helping him to move towards the spiritual realm in this lifetime. Teachings of a Guru prepare the disciples to face every hardship in life with utmost courage and wisdom. Guru empowers and nourishes his disciples helping them bloom like a lotus flower.

The presence of an awakened Guru enlightens the life of his disciple. The knowledge imparted by him also shapes the future of mankind and society. Having such Guru is indeed a blessing. There is no doubt that the guidance and good values imparted by a Guru build the strong foundation of a civilized society. Everyone must seek Guru Darshan on Purnima and especially Guru Purnima as it is a unique opportunity to attain self-realization and God-realization.

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