To use gulp-sass, you must install both gulp-sass itself and a Sass compiler. gulp-sass supports both Dart Sass and Node Sass, although Node Sass is deprecated. We recommend that you use Dart Sass for new projects, and migrate Node Sass projects to Dart Sass when possible.

gulp-sass must be used in a Gulp task. Your task can call sass() (to asynchronously render your CSS), or sass.sync() (to synchronously render your CSS). Then, export your task with the export keyword. We'll show some examples of how to do that.

Gulp Sass

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gulp-sass can be used in tandem with gulp-sourcemaps to generate source maps for the Sass-to-CSS compilation. You will need to initialize gulp-sourcemaps before running gulp-sass, and write the source maps after.

By default, gulp-sourcemaps writes the source maps inline, in the compiled CSS files. To write them to a separate file, specify a path relative to the gulp.dest() destination in the sourcemaps.write() function.

gulp-sass version 5 requires Node.js 12 or later, and introduces some breaking changes. Additionally, changes in Node.js itself mean that Node fibers can no longer be used to speed up Dart Sass in Node.js 16.

We used to recommend Node fibers as a way to speed up asynchronous rendering with Dart Sass. Unfortunately, Node fibers are discontinued and will not work in Node.js 16. The Sass team is exploring its options for future performance improvements, but for now, you will get the best performance from sass.sync().

gulp-sass is a light-weight wrapper around either Dart Sass or Node Sass (which in turn is a Node.js binding for LibSass. Because of this, the issue you're having likely isn't a gulp-sass issue, but an issue with one those projects or with Sass as a whole.

When running the compile_sass task and watching the output (dist) folder, I see the css files get generated from the compile_bower_sass task (so font-awesome.css, bootstrap.css, custom_bootstrap.min.css). I notice that the top_menu.scss file gets copied across too, but does not get compiled, so I guess this is why the error occurs.

I was getting the error trying to migrate from Gulp 3.9.1 to 4.0.2, which requires a different way of setting up the gulpfile.js. I tried the line breaks in my file and also the wait just incase it was a race condition.

As of now, I only have assets/css/sass/guest.navbar.scss and this code locates the scss files correctly and puts the output css file in the correct directory BUT the css is named as guest.navbar.css which I didnt expect. I want it to be named as navbar.css but how to?

gulp-sass doesn't take any file name parameters. Use gulp-rename to rename your files. If you have more than one .navbar.scss files you want to concatenate into one navbar.css files, feel free to use gulp-concat. This one takes a file name parameter :-)

First, open the command line and install node.js on your computer. It comes with a Node Package Manager(npm) which you can use to install Gulp. After installing, you can install Gulp by running npm install gulp -g. The -g instructs npm to install Gulp globally on your computer (this means that you can use gulp commands anywhere on your computer.)

After running npm-init, type npm install gulp --save-dev, this instructs npm to install Gulp into your project. By using --save-dev we store Gulp as a dev dependency in the package.json.

I got to know about gulp while building a bootstrap blog template. While navigating the themes on Bootstrap, I got informed about a very important tool that web developers were using - That tool was gulp.

I started using gulp this year, and I've found a very superb tool in it. 

Gulp is so helpful especially with cool things like minifying and autoprefixing - Gulp does even more.

Setting up gulp was kind of tedious for me since it was my first time using it. Anyway, things finally worked out. But then, not everything worked out fine as "sass modules will not be processed" - Somehow, gulp failed to process my sass modules.

Sass partials were not working. Both the @use and the @import rules failed to pull in a sass module.

Gulp seems not to have a good community base where releases and latest updates are published and discussed - maybe there is one I don't know of. But it took me days to finally figure out what was wrong with my gulp-sass plugin.

I have started a new theme & I am using Gulp, Gulp-Sass & Node-Sass so far. I have just finished my Gulpfile.js & I have successfully gotten Gulp to recompile & watch my SASS files. Everytime I save my SASS files, gulp recompiles them & watches them, but ghost does not take the changes. I have to go into Ghost CLI & type ghost restart. Why is this?

In addition to development or optimization processes, you can also add write JavaScript unit tests with gulp-jasmine and even deploy your dist folder onto your production server automatically with gulp-rync.

Thanks for the article. Which clearly expalins the gulp without comparing its peer grunt. I have doubt Here why callback is used in some task function and how to use task:varianttask i am new to this gulp.

You should be using gulp 4.0 (alpha) and the third party gulp-watch library instead of gulp 3.x and recommended by this post. gulp 4.0 has built-in methods to explicitly run tasks in sequence or parallel, and gulp-watch notices files added while the build system is running.

My project was still configured to use the gulp.sass package version 4 instead of version 5. When upgrading to version 5, I discovered that I needed to include a SASS compiler such as the sass or node-sass package, although node-sass has been deprecated.

The watcher tells gulp to keep running and monitoring the sass folder for changes. When a change in your file happens (while you're editing) it'll run the specified task (in this case "styles") so while you work your Sass files will get compiled on-the-fly.

I just wanted to make sure I understand your folder structure. The sass folder is within the project folder correct? So when you're at the root of the project you see both your gulpfile.js and your sass and cssone folders?

Your gulpfile.js and your package.json file should be at the root of the folder. The only thing in your sass folder should be your sass files. That's it. All of your gulp and node modules are all at the root of your project.

im new to using sass, i am i correct in this that all the sass files i make with .scss will confile into my cssone folder when i type gulp sas into the command prompt, and with your peice of code (watch) you gave me if i type gulp before i start working on a scss file that my css style sheet will be updated automatically. This may seen silly questions but i just want to be sure i am understanding things properly. :)

You're correct, if you just type in gulp in the command line of the project folder that will start the watcher so it will compile everything on the fly and your CSS files will be compiled into your /cssone/ folder. Otherwise you can also run gulp sass and that will do a one-off compile of your Sass code into that folder.

Streams are supported in Browsersync, so you can call reload at specific points during your tasks and all browsers will be informed of the changes. Because Browsersync only cares about your CSS when it's finished compiling - make sure you call .stream() after gulp.dest

If you use gulp-ruby-sass with the sourcemap: true option, additional .map files will be generated. These files end up being sent down stream and when browserSync.reload() receives them, it will attempt a full page reload (as it will not find any .map files in the DOM).

Sometimes you might just want to reload the page completely (for example, after processing a bunch of JS files), but you want the reload to happen after your tasks. This will be easier in gulp 4.x.x, but for now you can do the following (make sure you return the stream from your tasks to ensure that browserSync.reload() is called at the correct time).

One more benefit is that when we decide to drop support for a particular browser (or as browsers advance in versions), all we need to do is remove that browser from our gulpfile, recompile the CSS, and all relevant prefixed statements will be gone! 006ab0faaa

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