Clone Hero is a classic instrument based rhythm game for Windows, Mac, Linux, and Android. It's playable with any 5 or 6 fret guitar controller, any midi drum kit, any game controller and even your keyboard!Jam out with Drums, 5-fret Guitar, or 6-fret Guitar online or local!

Is it an abonimation and a general pox upon the music scene, or can it expose gamers to music, songs, bands and guitar players they would otherwise not get to hear, and encourage them to take up guitar for real?

Guitar Hero Computer Game Free Download

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I admit that at first I was sceptical and thought it was just another gimmacky computer game, but when searching old threads on this topic, I noticed oilpit mention it was something which encouraged him to take up learning guitar after hearing stuff like Sweet Child and Hells Bells and the like, which is a good thing, IMHO.

The most difficult thing is that the part your supposed to play sometimes switches between lead and rythm guitar, and off course if it is a song you already know then it feels just stupid learning how to play it with buttons..

People keep taking those rubbish guitar starter packs back to the shops where they bought them, complaining that they don't sound like guitar hero and can they have their money back, 'cause it is trash and hurts their fingers and ears.

I can see the fun in it... Even tried it myself. And yes, I did suck at it too... I suppose it's harder for a musician(particularly a guitar player) to play. It defies logic... Say for example you're "playing" a song, and in the first verse, a certain button seems to subsitute for an A chord in the verse... By the time you get to the second verse, you start getting cocky, and when it comes time to "play" that A again, the computer tells you that you hit a wrong note...

I can see the positives to it though. It would encourage more people to start playing the guitar, but a lot of people don't get that far. And most of the people who do pick up the guitar on the back of playing guitar hero tend to quietly quit once they realise how difficult it can be to learn.

A lot of guitar hero players also can't stand the fact that it "hurts" to play the guitar. My first ever guitar had a maple fretboard that ended up covered in blood. I'm sure that everyone here had the same problem in the begining. It just seems to get people in a false sense of security. They get the whole attitude "i'm great at guitar hero, so I must be great at the real thing"

I think it's good as it gets kids into guitar. My neighbor, who noodles around with guitar, has the whole Rock Band setup with the drum kit and the works; what I found frustrating is that you have to sort of play before the note as playing right on the note causes a "miss."

There are cons aplenty. I can see one pro, however... kids have become interested in some great classic rock and excellent guitar players. Now they come in asking to learn how to play better stuff! I mean c'mon without GH no kids were asking me to show them Jailbreak! They had never even heard of Thin Lizzy until GH.

god I friggin hate guitar hero. I've actually heard a kid in best buy refer to Slash as 'that guy from 'guitar hero.' It'snot just kids that play that game though, there's a whole lot of adults that play it too. I don't have much time to watch tv, but I DVR VH1 Classic 120 Minutes, (which is a joke compared to the original show from the late 80's/early 90's) and they cut the show down by like two videos now to show a sort synopsis from the latst show of their 'rock band' or 'guitar hero' whatever show where adults who, apparently have some of the highest scores in the country, compete against each other. I saw Dio and Sebastian Bach on the show hosting a few times. I get a bit sick and usually head for the toilet when I see this come on, and hit the delete button on my DVR.

Over the last year my 10 year son has been playing GH 2 and 3 on the PS2 and now listens to Foofighters, Metallica and the likes, he also has has been bought his 1st acoustic guitar which he is busy learning simple chords.

IMO it's trash. The examples given above are very valid; the other kids still make fun, parents are returning REAL guitars in favor of a plastic button machine. The kids do not have to learn theory or an an appreciation of the hard work and dedication it takes to be good at, well pretty much anything. You can pull it out of the box, plug it in, and withing a couple of hours, you can wiz through GNR or AC/DC on expert level. It gives immediate satisfaction, so why should a kid spend hours, days or years before becoming accomplished at playing guitar, bass or drums. For that reason, I don't think this game turns people to real musicianship, it's just another shortcut that we as a society will pay for later.

That's the problem that the internet has afforded us. Instant gratification. I'll admit, I like the net, I use it everyday, but the electronics generation really has taken the fun, surprise, wonder, and magic out of things. That kid ma learn that simple as hell to play on a real guitar AC/DC song and say, man, that was hard. That wasn't as much fun 2% as much fun as playing it on Guitar Hero, and put the guitar down and pick up the controller.

I love playing guitar and I love playing video games. I like Guitar Hero and Rock Band. I haven't gotten Guitar Hero World Tour, but I do have Rock Band 2. I don't compare the real thing and a video game, that's just stupid, but the games kind of stop being fun after a while, they lost their appeal. Rock Band 2 is very repetitive with a mostly lame music selection. Honestly, the only songs I really liked on it were Alive by Pearl Jam and Colony of Birchmen by Mastodon. So, I guess I'd rather just play my guitars for real and Madden 09 and wait until Christmas for Resistance 2 and until March for Resident Evil 5, now those look like great games.

LOL i experienced the same exact thing, this bumbling idiot of a kid saw slash's cardboard cutout at guitar center (promotion for the slash LP's) and all he had to say was "it's the guitar hero guy!".

yea it is annoying at times, but there is an upside to all this. those hip hop kids and pop music addicted hormone driven kids get to be exposed to bands like AC/DC, aerosmith, GNR, rush, pearl jam, and the list goes on. i guess you can say it's the gateway for broader musical tastes and possible musical influence that drives them towards picking up a real guitar, drums, or mic.

First, you need three parts to make a USB guitar for your PC.

1: A Guitar. Any kid's toy guitar will do, though one with fret buttons will make things easier and nicer looking. Otherwise you will need to add buttons for fretting. Mine came from Wal-Mart for 10 dollars.

2: A keypad. I got a cheap USB numberpad while i was getting the guitar for about 12.99. I prefer USB, and the smaller number of keys makes deciphering the buttons easier. We will be using the controller board in this to connect to the compuer.

3: Switches and other parts. The amount of switches you will need may vary depending on your choice of guitar and if you want to navigate the game menus without a keyboard. The game itself supports 5 fret keys, one (or two) strum key(s), escape, and 4 directional buttons. a leaf switch will work well for the strum key. I also used some prototyping circuit board and a spool of very thin wire to keep things straight, you may be able to do without these depending on your skill level. These can be sourced from sites like digi-key or your local rat-shack.

Now that we have the major parts of the guitar, we need to remove the bits we don't need.

First i unscrew and take the back off of the guitar, remove the logic board, speaker, and dial. I left the long "fret board" in place since i will modify it to work with the keypad.

Next is to disassemble the keypad. Mine only had two screws outside and two inside holding it together. What we want here is the circuit board which is the brains of the keypad. you want to keep the plastic sheets with traces on them (also known as the key matrix), as they can be useful in figuring out the keys.

The next thing you will need to do is prepare the parts for their new lives.

The keypad controller i used has a black carbon coating on it's traces. To remove this I carefully scraped it off with a screwdriver, then once most of the contacts were exposed i used rubbing alcohol to clean off the remnants. I then tinned each of the 12 contacts on my controller board with solder.

Next is the actual case of the guitar. Frets on Fire requires buttons for navigation, cancel, and strumming, so I added four small pushbuttons in the upper body of the guitar, a leaf micro switch for strumming, and a button where the volume dial was as a back button. The back button's recessed fit makes it hard to hit accidentally.

I also had to modify the fret board since it ran all the keys off a single ground. This required me to cut the trace linking the buttons together, strip back the green masking on the circuit board, and solder new wires to the freshly exposed circuit trace for each button. I then found it's matching wire at the bottom of the board and twisted them together to keep from losing track of which pairs match up.

Next I painted the fret keys. The normal color pattern for a guitar hero type controller is green-red-yellow-blue-orange. Make sure you know which buttons on your guitar fit which holes in the neck. I didn't notice that each of the buttons on my guitar are of slightly different sizes until after I'd painted them.

Now that all the pieces are there, we need to figure out which wires go where to get the keys you want on your guitar. The easiest way I know is to open an spreadsheet, get a wire, and start shorting connections on the breakout board until you get some useful key combos. 

If you look at the plastic contact sheets from the keypad, you can see it consists of two contacting layers. When testing for connections you should keep one side of your testing wire on a contact from one layer, while probing contacts from the other layer of contact sheet. On mine pins 1-6 were on one sheet, while pins 7-12 were on the other. This made my method of testing something like the following:

1. connect a wire to pin 1

2. set up excel sheet to record results

3. open notepad to test with

4. tap the loose end of the wire on pins 6-12, record results in excel.

5. move first wire end one pin up.

6. repeat steps 4 and 5 for pins 1-6.

If you're lucky enough to get the same keypad I used, you're work here is already done, and you can use the chart below to help in the next step 0852c4b9a8

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