Guillaume Bérard

Applied microeconomist specializing in Public Economics, Urban Economics and Political Economy.

Postdoctoral fellow, Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research (LISER).

PhD in Economics from Aix-Marseille School of Economics.

My favorite tools are econometric methods, natural experiments and spatial analysis, using large administrative databases, surveys and geocoded/spatial data, to address questions related to the public policy evaluation, housing, inequality, local taxes and public finance.

My current research agenda focuses in the field of public policy evaluation and microsimulation, with applications to the housing markets and policies (e.g., housing allowances and social housing), as well as to health economics (COVID-19 and urban exodus).

I am interested in academic research, applied economics and policy-oriented issues, because I aim to contribute not only to the scientific literature, but also to policy debates and the betterment of society, by providing policymakers with evidence-based recommendations on the best policies and measures to implement.

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Email: guillaume.berard[at] 

Professional website: LISER homepage