How to immigrate to Manitoba as Skilled Worker

The Skilled Worker Immigration Stream offers a pathway for individuals possessing specific skills and qualifications to immigrate to Manitoba, Canada. This stream operates through an 'Expression of Interest' system, where eligible candidates fill out an online questionnaire and receive a score based on their answers. The highest-scoring candidates may then be invited to apply for immigration. In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into the two main pathways under this stream, the eligibility criteria, the points assessment system, and various aspects related to establishing a connection to Manitoba.

Introduction to Skilled Worker Immigration Stream

The Skilled Worker Immigration Stream is one of the ways Manitoba welcomes skilled workers who can contribute to the province's economic growth and development. Through this stream, Manitoba aims to address specific labor market needs and attract individuals with the necessary skills and qualifications. The stream operates under the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program (MPNP), which allows the province to nominate individuals for permanent residency based on their ability to settle and integrate into Manitoba's labor market.

Expression of Interest System

The Expression of Interest (EOI) system is the initial step for candidates interested in immigrating to Manitoba under the Skilled Worker Immigration Stream. Candidates complete an online EOI profile, providing details about their education, work experience, language proficiency, and other relevant factors. Based on this information, candidates receive a score, and those with the highest scores are entered into a pool of potential applicants.

Pathways Under the Skilled Worker Immigration Stream

The Skilled Worker Immigration Stream comprises two main pathways:

Eligibility Criteria

Let's delve into the eligibility criteria for each category:

Skilled Worker in Manitoba Category

Skilled Worker Overseas Category

Establishing a Connection to Manitoba

Establishing a connection to Manitoba is a crucial aspect of eligibility under both categories. Candidates can establish a connection through:

Points Assessment System

Candidates under the Skilled Worker Overseas Category are assessed based on a points system. Points are awarded for factors such as language proficiency, age, work experience, education, and adaptability. Candidates must score at least 60 points out of 100 to be eligible for nomination.


The Skilled Worker Immigration Stream offers a pathway for skilled individuals to immigrate to Manitoba, Canada, based on their ability to contribute to the province's economy and integrate into its labor market. By understanding the pathways, eligibility criteria, and points assessment system, candidates can navigate the immigration process effectively and maximize their chances of success.