

  • Title - the name of this widget in the code. To access an entry in the code - to edit it or retrieve from it - it is referenced by
    <gui name>.<entryname>. For a GUI named gui, and an entry named entry1, this would be gui.entry1.
    This title therefore must be unique to the widget.

  • Text - the default text displayed by the entry.

  • Text size - the size of the text in the entry.

  • Colour - the background colour of the widget, as a 6 digit hex code

Python Methods

  • Insert text to widget - <guiName>.<entryName>.insert(<index>, <text>)
    E.g gui.Entry1.insert(0, "Hello World!")

  • Get widget text value - <guiName>.<entryName>.get()
    E.g gui.Entry1.get()

  • Erase text from entry - <guiName>.<entryName>.delete(<indexStart>, indexEnd)
    E.g gui.Entry1.delete(0, END)

  • Set other widget value - <guiName>.<entryName>.config(<Tkinter field> = <value>)
    E.g gui.Entry1.config(bg = "#FFFFFF")

  • Get other widget value - <guiName>.<entryName>.cget(<Tkinter field>)
    E.g gui.Entry1.cget("bg")

  • Hide entry- <guiName>.<entryName>.grid_remove()
    E.g gui.Entry1.grid_remove()

  • Show entry- <guiName>.<entryName>.grid()
    E.g gui.Entry1.grid()

  • Other - Above are the most commonly used methods. However, any of the tkinter entry methods are just as valid. Find the full list here