Resizable Windows


Resizable windows allow for the dimensions of your window to be expanded, and allows the window to be maximised. This will change the aspect ratio of the window and will change the size of each grid cell.

GUI Pie will ensure that all text will be wrapped, and images resized, after the window has been resized. Custom widgets will have their container resized, but no content will be resized, unless the 'wrap text' option is selected. In this case, text will be wrapped to fit the new size.


GUI Pie will resize widgets after a set delay. This delay ensures that the window is not still being resized. If further resize events are handled within this delay, the resize function will wait for another delay period. This way, images will only need to be resized once, at the end, as opposed to continuously while the user is resizing the window. This in turn makes the window more responsive and makes the window resizing animation more fluid.

This delay period is set to a default of 100 ms. However, this may not be sufficiently long enough for some slower computers, and may be too great for some faster computers. The value of the delay should also depend on how intensive your window is - windows with less content can cope with a lower delay than windows with more widgets. Lowering the delay increases the speed of resizing but reduces performance. The inverse is true for increasing the delay.

Setting the value of <gui name>.resizeDelay will change this delay. To set a GUI called gui to have a delay of 100 ms, this would be:

gui.resizeDelay = 100