Game Theory in Networked Systems

(Evolution of Cooperation and Game Dynamics in Networked Systems)

A NetSci 2022 Satellite Symposium (@Shanghai, China)


The Game Theory in Networked Systems (GTNS) symposium is a satellite of the NetSci 2022 conference. GTNS2022 will be held online on July 16 and 17, 2022.

Call for Abstracts

This symposium aims to provide a chance for researchers worldwide to present the latest advancements in the evolution of cooperation, evolutionary game theory, and game theory in networked systems, and build connections with this community. If you are interested in giving a talk, please submit an abstract. The talk includes Presentation (25mins) and Q/A (5mins) for each speaker.

Symposium Description

Various levels of living systems, such as multicellular organisms, animal colonies, and human societies, have been relying on coordinated effects of individuals to maintain their survival and prosperity. By virtual of collective cooperation, the system achieves goals that would never be reached by an individual alone. Typically, when confronted with the recent global pandemic, some individuals and societies have responded with cooperation, such as volunteering as frontline workers, donating protective materials and supplies, and adhering to strict quarantine policies, which makes the containment of the pandemic possible. The collective cooperation indeed benefits the long-term development of the entire system, but meanwhile inhibits the maximization of one’s short-term interests. Theoretically, individuals’ motivations to increase their own benefits could lead to the collapse of cooperation, especially in the absence of extra mechanisms to support cooperation. Understanding the spread and maintenance of cooperation, and the human’s decision making when facing the conflict between their own and group’s interests, is now widely recognized as an important and practical problem with tangible benefits, as we tackle global problems in public health, resource management, and climate change.

Constrained by geographic locations or social connections, many systems are often structured, which can be described by networks. System structure is perhaps the most widely discussed mechanism that can promote cooperation, which has received much attention from researchers in the field of mathematics, physics, biology, sociology, economics, and computer science. The recent advance in network science and data analysis further enriches our understanding of system structure, such as multilayer network, higher-order network, and temporal network. Besides, various research approaches are available and easily manipulated now, like computer simulation, mathematical analysis, data analysis, and experiments with human subjects. This session aims to present the latest advance on the topic of cooperation and game dynamics in networked systems, and meanwhile inspire promising research in the future.

Important Dates (EST, US)

March 31, 2022 Deadline for Abstract Submission

April 30, 2022 Notification of Abstract Acceptance

May 31, 2022 Notification of Symposium Schedule

June 20, 2022 Deadline of Early Bird Registration

July 16-17, 2022 Symposium

Relevant Links

NetSci 2022


Qi Su University of Pennsylvania, USA

Zhiqiang Jiang East China University of Science and Technology, China


This symposium will be virtual (on Zoom/Whova).