The game follows the same episodic format as other Telltale Games titles, such as The Walking Dead, The Wolf Among Us, Tales from the Borderlands, and Game of Thrones. The story revolves around a player-created character named Jesse, originally an everyman, who later becomes a hero together with their friends. During the first four episodes, Jesse and their friends attempt to reassemble an old group of heroes known as the Order of the Stone to save the Overworld from the destructive Wither Storm. The rest of the first season follows Jesse and their friends, now the new Order of the Stone, on a new adventure after discovering a powerful artifact. In the second season, Jesse faces the powerful Admin.

Minecraft: Story Mode is an episodic interactive comedy-drama point-and-click graphic adventure video game. It was released as a number of episodes similar to Telltale Games' other games. Players can collect items, solve puzzles, and talk to non-player characters through conversation trees to learn about the story and determine what to do next. Decisions that the player makes affect events in both the current episode and later episodes.[15] However, Minecraft: Story Mode is intended to be a family-friendly title, unlike Telltale's previous games, which tend to carry more mature or emotional overtones (including the death of major characters). As such, the decisions are intended to be pivotal and emotional but not to involve mature imagery or themes.[15] Elements of crafting and building were included in the gameplay which are central to Minecraft.[15][16] The game includes combat and other action sequences, carried out through both quick time events and more arcade-like controls, such as steering around debris on a road.[16][17] The Netflix version of the first season (excluding the Adventure Pass episodes) was fully pre-rendered, using an enhanced version of the Telltale Tool, uses limited choices and the second version of male and female models, and re-created as an interactive series.

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There are also several background characters, such as Maya, Ivy and a Fangirl (GK Bowes); Owen (Owen Hill); Gill (Phil LaMarr); an EnderCon Usher named Reuben (also Jason 'jtop' Topolski); a Fanboy (Billy West); Lydia (Lydia Winters); and the EnderCon Building Competition Announcer (Erin Yvette). Stauffer said that the human characters as a whole represent the different types of gamers who play Minecraft.[19] Billy West narrates the first four episodes of the story.[21][22][23]

The idea for Minecraft: Story Mode came around the end of 2012 when Telltale Games was engaged in work for Tales from the Borderlands, an episodic series based on the Borderlands series. The idea of developing stories around other established video game franchises led the team to brainstorm the idea for a Minecraft-related game, given that the game was essentially a "blank canvas" for storytelling, according to Job Stauffer, and would create an interesting challenge.[15] The two groups recognized the amount of fan-generated narrative content that existed in the way of YouTube videos and other media forms that demonstrated the potential for storytelling in the game.[27] Many on Telltale's staff were also already fans of Minecraft, with a private server that they played on, with some of the incidents that occurred on there becoming ideas for the game's story.[27] Telltale began negotiations with Mojang in early 2013 and began work on the title shortly thereafter.[15] Stauffer noted that Microsoft's acquisition of Mojang was not a factor in the game's development, as their interaction with Mojang began well before Microsoft's negotiations.[15]

Telltale opted to create a new main character of Jesse for Minecraft: Story Mode instead of using default "Steve" character from Minecraft, feeling that they did not want to attempt to rewrite how players already saw this character in the game.[28] Other primary characters in the game are loosely designed around archetypes of common player-characters for Minecraft, such that those that engage in building, fighting, or griefing other players.[27] The game did not attempt to provide any background for some concepts in Minecraft, such as the creepers, as to avoid the various interpretations that fans have done for these elements, though they are elements of the game's story.[27]

Quick backstory. I'm 50 and have been a gamer since the first video games came out back in the 70s. First for me was Pac man at the peaches record store. Then most all consoles starting with Atari 2600.

One of the biggest reasons I love this game is story mode. Its just the right difficulty for me. I've tried a few times on normal difficulty and I just get my ass kicked. I know, laughable for some.

I still love games, but also don't like being frustrated by constantly dying. Any other games that either have simple controls or story modes? So I can enjoy them that y'all could recommend a salty old gamer?

it is a pain in the behind to find people with whom to do the story mode in dungeons. Everyone is out for rewards, naturally. I have 13 characters and in all the years only managed to get one and a half through all story instances. I would like to unlock the dungeons for all to enter, but no, you decided against it. That might have been a good idea years ago, when there were no fractals or raids and people were eager to play dungeons (plus they had better rewards then, too), but now it makes zero sense.

For the majority of dungeons, as well as story-modes you do not really need a 5-member-party. I've been doing runs with 2 or 3 people to test survivability and practicability of certain builds, both exploration and storymode. It is a good training to test reflexes and develop own rotations and combos. Depending on your motivation and dedication, you can solo them as well. But this takes a lot longer. Months ago I did a CoF story run in ~ 2h. For a first try, ok. But nothing to pose on mapchat or youtube XD. Still it was satisfying to get through alone.

I am talking about story mode only. And no, I do not find 2 hours acceptable for a "solo challenge". I want the story modes to be soloable just like the story missions, not some advanced hard mode challenge. 2-3 people still does not equal 1.

All story mode dungeons are currently soloable, and within reasonable time. For instance, my core ranger can solo AC story in well under 30 mins (likely within the 15-20 minute range). I've never clocked it officially, but it's over so fast I've never had to. I've soloed every story mode except for Arah, and that's just because dislike Orr/Arah aesthetically. EDIT: just did an AC story mode solo run, came in just over 17 minutes.

@"Ashantara.8731" said:it is a pain in the behind to find people with whom to do the story mode in dungeons.I've never had a shortage of people joining when offering room in LFG (usually newbies). What time are you posting your party formation requests?

Where I think ANet might be willing to do some work is on the unlock requirements: Currently, your account unlocks dungeon reward tracks (both PvP/WvW) if any character completes story mode. However, players have to repeat story mode on each character so that each toon can open explorable mode on their own. It might be an easy change for them to adjust it so that it becomes an account-wide unlock for PvE, as it is already for PvP/WvW.(Or it could be one of those complicated "don't mess with the character data" situations, where small changes cause a ripple of bigger consequences.)

One thing I'm not fond of in the story missions are all the achievements that require you to do really specific tasks that might require many resets. Not saying all of them are bad, just the ones that specifically require you to replay things over and over. But what if some of those repetative achievements were exchanged for running the mission scaled to a higher team size/difficulty? You know, give a bit more weight to them as team content? On the other hand, open up scaling so you can downgrade certain mobs/mechanics to make them easier to traverse for newer players?

It's all about accessibility and variety. Of course, scaling those other instanced story content would require more than just swapping in Elites or some such. Scaling them to add more party aspects to them would be required.

All it needs anet to do would be the implementation of a Companion System, which allows to use your own Account Characters as Party Members and command them like herooes either, or switch play between them and yiur current played Main Character that is the Party Leader which that you logged in and whose story progression the game is following for the moment you are playing.

Don't need companions, don't even need to do the Story mode dungeons unless you feel that your play through is incomplete without them...I've done a grand total of...1, besides Arah which has now been changed specifically to solo. That tells me they never did and don't now consider the story mode dungeons essential to completing your story campaign in core Tyria.

They did it for Arah Storymode which is a godsend as it can be like screaming into a vacuum to try and find groups for story modes, even in guilds often times they'll just tell you that it's possible to solo the ones the way they are now if you "git gud", because they can't be bothered to help if you need the story mode for some reason. The story mode dungeons are frankly old content, with very poor rewards that don't warrant people grouping up to do, but for average players, probably not soloable.

You make those things look more complicated, than they really are.PvE needs no "balance" PvE is there to make just only fun. PvP and WvW, thats whwere this poor games combat system actually really needs balance, but that part of the game would stay completely unaffected by Companions, because these modes would stay 100% real players in parties only, because Ai helpers naturally have nothign to search in player based competitive game moves where only players are battling against other players. 2351a5e196

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