I am only somewhat tech literate but the takeaway I got from that was that I needed to get OpenGl. So I did some research and found a few mentions of OpenGl software mode or something but I have no idea of how to go about doing so. Any help would be greatly appreciated, cheers!

OpenGL is a application programming interface (API) between the graphics facilities of the operating system (which in broad term covers everything between putting windows to the screen down to placing single pixels) and individual programs. The main purpose of OpenGL is providing access to accelerated graphics infrastructure optimized for rasterizing graphics primitives most suitable for 3D image generation.

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The typical OpenGL implementation ships as part of the drivers of 3D graphics accelerator processors (GPUs). However since (a very old) version of OpenGL, namely OpenGL-1.1, has been specified as part of the Win32 API every version of Windows since Windows 95B and Windows NT-4 includes a fallback software implementation that can be used in case no accelerated OpenGL version is available. However if any version beyond OpenGL-1.1 is required this fallback does not provide it.

However you can substitute the standard OpenGL interface with an advanced software rasterizer implementation: The Mesa project provides a version of their software rasterizer that provides even modern core profile OpenGL. The usual recommendation is to place these substitute opengl32.dll besides the .exe file of the program that requires it; in fact on modern Windows systems with system file protection it's actually impossible to replace the original DLLs without jumping a few hoops. The MSys2 project offers prebuilt versions of substitute DLLs.

Default VGA/VESA driver is also used for gfx card without propper driver. Such cards usually emulate EGA/VGA/VESA until initialized so windows default driver works for them.

So does this mean it is not possible to start X without a card?

What driver do I need? I didn't install any because I don't know which I need for no graphic card.

If it is not possible I have to look on ebay for an old graphic card

AFAIK you need some graphics hardware to run a X server on a given computer. 

If your plan is to run X applications remotely and display locally, you'll need to have an X server running on your local computer. 

On windows you could use something like 

Then it's just a question setting up X11 forwarding on your ssh session.

If you have X server (like Ming) running on your Windows machine, there's no need to have another one on Linux side. Just make sure, that X forwarding is properly configured in putty and X client library (libx11) is installed on Linux.

The system will boot without a graphics card. If i can find a 1 lane PCI-E graphics card I would do that as i have plenty of those. There are no PCI slots at all. I wonder if a USB graphics adapter would work?

Indeed i do believe these would work. Im still curious though if it can be done. We all know the GPU tend to run hot, being able to remove it entirely would be nice to manage heat within a case.

My PC does have built-in graphic. I have vga switch and using it I would like to setup dual monitor. After pluging both monitors with VGA switch I had a duplicated view on both desktops. I would like to have extended view (mouse coursor goes between two desktops). Displays Settings does not show second monitor. How to setup it? How to make them two working in extended mode.

If you have a VGA connector and an HDMI or DVI connector, then you may be able to use dual monitors, depending on the graphics chipset. I don't recall ever seeing a motherboard with onboard graphics that had two video outputs, though.

In theory it is possible, but you'll need additional hardware anyway and your graphics adapter should be able to handle the extra resolution. You'll need a splitter that is plugged to your video output and have two outputs for two monitors. Most of these, the cheap ones, will just split the same output between two displays BUT there are others more expensive that will send half of the horizontal resolution to each monitor. This one for example:

What they do, I think, is that the device pretends to be an ultra-wide monitor display itself with a resolution of say 3840x1080 pixels, so the computer thinks there is just one display of such resolution plugged in, but the device then sends the first 1920x1080 pixels to one of the displays, and the rest to the other.

If you are using a normal desktop computer, it may be better to purchase a second graphics adapter which have some extra advantages because this way you have more control about what you want to see in each display. But if you are using a laptop, a barebone, a Mac Mini, or some other computer in which you cannot plug an extra video card and you really need a second display, it is a reliable option.

Alternatively, depending on your needs an ultra-wide monitor with a native resolution of 3840x1080 or so could be a better solution. They're usually expensiver than two monitors that put the same resolution together, though.

Hi, I am trying to setup Blender in my renderfarm. When I install Blender on one off my slave computers I cant open Blender. it is asking for a Graphic driver.

These computers are running graphics from motherboard and do not have a graphicscard. Is it possible to use a workarround for this problem?

Also working on one master pc so I log in from the master pc on the network (connect with external desktop).

I did try as a standalone computer (keyboard mouse and screen connected.)

Yes, I have seen the article. So i followed a video on youtube. I see what is happening there. This way is very manual.

Here I am not able to set it as a slave so my master can give orders to the slaves.

Maybe I asked the wrong question. I do not really care if i can see what my slaves are doing, as long as i can control it with my main pc.

Oke, starting up with command line did work. I rendered out a frame without opening the program itself starting up, .exe file doenst work. These slaves do not have a graphics-card, (cpu based system). Everything is up-to-date.

To be fair I did not set-up this system all by myself, I am not that good in IP-address things.

At the moment I am using backburner.

From the 3d program it goes through the backburner program which is storing the file on the Z drive on my NAS. When stored, the backburner sends the job to the server-(slave). The slave opens up the job and starts rendering. Note that it is not opening the file. It only starts rendering.

It sends a file from the program to the backburner-monitor, then the file goes to the Z drive on my NAS. From there it sends it out to all the server-(slaves) in the farm.

So for using this system I can use only the Z drive to store and save the renders. The slaves do not have acces to my workstation-drive.

The whole point is that renderfarm master software constructs command line commands for render jobs based on the settings you set up. Usually each command for blender instructs to render one frame from a sequence and it is up to master to create the appropriate commands and distribute them to slaves. Each slave tries to execute the command it receives and it either succeeds or fails. The command must make sense on slave computer: executable must be reachable (usually set in path env variable), blend file must be reachable (usually on network location) and render result folder must be reachable ( where to save the frames). If all this is set, each slave simply runs the command line command, blender renders and you get your frames.

While running AutoCAD 2015 (not civil), hardware acceleration button is grayed out (driver out of date issue) whereas using AutoCad 2014 was very problematic even though hardware acceleration button available.

Which best version/highest version of AutoCad Civil 3D(mainly) can be used without using dedicated graphic card (like AutoCAD 2015) or I can turn off using graphic card? Or Best version which use least amount of graphic card and can completely rely on processor?

The laptop is of 2010. The drivers are available for upto windows 7 on the manufacturer site, yet it can run windows 10 also. The problem is with graphics card which gives me this error "Display driver stopped responding and has recovered" whether I use win 7 or 10. I tried every possible solution available online but alas, no luck.

In AutoCad 2015, harware acc. is greyed out and says graphics card is not supported. But drawing lines and sketches is smooth and the system does not crashes also. I don't mind as long as everything is smooth and whether is h/w acc. button available or not.

Suppose, hypothetically, that I want to test compile, but not run, CUDA code on a machine that has no CUDA capable GPU present. Should I be able to do that with only the CUDA Toolkit installed? Or does NVCC rely on the presence of graphics card hardware in any way?

You should be able to compile without a card installed. However, depending on your platform, you might not be able to install the CUDA Toolkit altogether because the toolkit itself looks for a GPU card (at least in Windows, the latest 5.5 version does)

A followup question if I may.

Does the presence of a CUDA compatible card make any difference to nvcc itself?

I have assumed it does not.

But does, for example, the presence of a Kepler card, change the nvcc defaults?

Eg to make it generate kepler code (in place of sm_10).

Hi, Because of an inaccurate description, I purchased a (Windows 10) HP Z440 Workstation with No Graphics. I have never had a PC without any graphics and thus no way to attach a monitor. Due to their error, the company I purchased it from sent me a GeForce 8400 GS graphics card. I installed the card and turned the machine on, but it immediately starts beeping and flashing red lights. I figure it needs the driver for the card. My question is how do I install a graphics driver without being able to see what the computer is asking? 152ee80cbc

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