From September 10 (Saturday) to September 11 (Sunday)

Graduate Student Probability Conference

at University of Wisconsin - Madison

Registration closed!

For any questions, please send an email to


Keynote lecture by Prof. Timo Seppäläinen (University of Wisconsin - Madison).

Presentations by registered graduate students.

List of Titles and Abstracts are available here

Supported by NSF.

Organizers: Max Bacharach, Aidan Howells, Evan Sorensen, Grigory Terlov, Zhengwei Tong, Jiaming Xu, Jiahong Yuan (all graduate students)

Previous GSPC:

GSPC 2007 (Wisconsin-Madison)

GSPC 2008 (Wisconsin-Madison)

GSPC 2009 (University of North Carolina)

GSPC 2010 (Duke University)

GSPC 2011 (Georgia Tech): website

GSPC 2012 (Georgia Tech): website