VI Colloquium on Geophysical Signatures of Earthquakes and Volcanoes
The GSEV, in its sixth version, will bring together researchers and students working on a variety of geophysical aspects of volcanoes and seismogenic faults, with the purpose of facilitating the exchange of ideas and advancing our understanding of processes that lead to volcanic eruptions and earthquakes. We will receive abstracts describing the acquisition, analysis and geological interpretation of different types of geophysical and geodetic data in relation to the internal structure, temporal evolution and dynamics of active volcanoes and faults. In addition to works focused on Andean cases, we welcome contributions on other regions and at global scales, as well numerical modeling results of site-specific and/or more general cases.
The first GSEV took place at Universidad de Concepción in 2013, and then it has been intermittently organized here, at Universidad de Chile in Santiago and online (during the pandemics). This year 2024, the 6-GSEV will take place on July 29-30, coming back to the beautiful campus of Universidad de Concepción. As for previous versions, the 6-GSEV is free of charge to all kind of participants. In addition, we will provide stipend grants for undergraduate and graduate students from outside Concepción, with preference given to students without external funding (more information to come).
We invite you to participate by completing the online registration before July 15 and submitting your abstract before June 21.
General Information
Colloquium style: Onsite.
Onsite Venue: Auditorio Universidad de Concepción, Facultad de Humanidades y Arte, Universidad de Concepción, Concepción.
Language: English and Spanish.
Fee: Free.
Presentation Style:
Oral (Onsite)
Poster (Onsite)
Onsite Venue
Facultad de Humanidades y Arte, Universidad de Concepción, Concepción, Chile.
Víctor Lamas 1290, Concepción, Bío Bío.
Andrés Tassara (
Ignacia Calisto (
Catalina Cabello (
Denisse Leal (
Javiera Álvarez (
Catalina Castro (
Sergio Ruiz (