Seda Albayrak

Mailing address:

University of Calgary. MS 464

2500 University Drive NW

Calgary, AB T2N 4T4, Canada

Email address:

Office: MS 464

*My full name is Gülizar Sedanur Albayrak. I publish as Seda Albayrak.*

About me: I am a female mathematician who is currently a Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of Mathematics&Statistics at the University of Calgary working with Khoa Nguyen. I recently completed my PhD at the University of Waterloo under the supervision of Jason Bell

You can find a copy of my CV here

Research Interests: Number theory, algebra and their interactions with automata theory. Algebraic combinatorics and arithmetic dynamics.

Publications and Preprints:

PhD Thesis: Sparse Automatic Sets (External Examiner: Michel Rigo)

Teaching (current): -

Teaching (past): At the University of Calgary:

    Spring 2024 - MATH 311 - Linear Methods II

Fall 2023 - MATH 265 - University Calculus I

Spring 2023 - MATH 311 - Linear Methods II

I taught each of the following courses multiple times at the University of Waterloo between 2020-2023.


Math writing café (Past and current)

Alberta Number Theory Days XV (March 22-24, 2024)

Invited and Contributed talks:

Extracurricular: Not as passionate as I am about math, but I really like watching movies and talking about them afterwards. See my movie blog here: What I think of a movie, where I write about what I think of a movie I saw. I am also a member of two separate book clubs which I actively participate in on a regular basis (see here for my booklists).