The Best Time to Schedule Phoenix Roof Repairs

During the monsoons of late summer, problems you hadn’t discovered previously come to light. The lawn floods, water falls off the roof eaves to drown your flower bed. And, oh, the roof leaks! While the first two may be nuisances, the last can turn into a much bigger issue. So should you plan your Phoenix roof repairs now or wait until the temperatures drop?

Scheduling Now, During Monsoon

Your gut instinct may be to take care of the situation immediately, and that’s probably a good thought. However, since you’re certainly not the only homeowner who has discovered a leaky roof this August, you might be in a long line of people scrambling to schedule their repairs. And that will put you behind the eight ball.

Another issue with scheduling Roofing Contractor Phoenix roof repairs during monsoon is, well, monsoon. Rains can start with little notice, and while roof-repair professionals are prepared to handle weather, they can get caught unawares. Nothing’s worse than an unexpected downpour in your living room!

One benefit to scheduling roof repairs and replacements during monsoon is that you might not have all of that competition because other homeowners have heard that this isn’t the best time to move forward. Yes, this runs contrary to the idea that everyone is knocking down the doors of roof-repair companies, and as with so many things in life, it depends.

Your best bet to avoid having to deal with monsoon leaks is to schedule a roof inspection well before the rains start to fall. Then you’ll be armed with the knowledge and can plan better, if repairs are needed.

Waiting Until Winter to Schedule

Let’s assume you do discover a leak during a heavy rain. But it’s manageable. And you think that a bucket for the occasional storms we have will get you through until the temperatures start to cool. You think that you can wait a few months to take care of the problem and budget the cost into your expenses.

If you’re looking at getting your roof serviced in the winter, there are pros and cons, just as with a summer repair. While occasional rains and some early-morning frost is possible during the colder months, for the most part, we enjoy moderate weather in the winters in Phoenix. And that could be the ideal time to have your roof repaired.

Keep in mind that a number of other homeowners will be like you, using the cooler months to do repairs around the house. However, since rain is scarce in the winter, you’ll have plenty of time to plan and get the work completed.

Questions About Phoenix Roof Repairs?

If you have concerns about your roof or are ready to schedule your roof repair, one call will get you on the right path. Call Gryphon Roofing at 480-553-5505. We’ll happily visit your home to assess the situation, provide a free estimate, and determine when is the best time to schedule your Phoenix roof repairs.

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