Construction Accidents and Workers' Compensation

Construction workers often work very physically and are at greater risk for injury. Construction workers are often given training that is specific to their job and provided with safety equipment to reduce the risk or severity of any accidents. They may still be injured on the job, and will likely have significant medical needs. Workers' compensation benefits provide financial assistance to injured workers to help cover medical costs resulting from accidents. These benefits can also be used to recover wages lost because of missed work.

Although workers' compensation law has the primary purpose of providing uncontested and swift access to benefits, employers and insurance companies have an interest in dismissing claims. This could hinder your efforts to obtain the benefits you are entitled to. A skilled and experienced Fayetteville worker's compensation lawyer can help to avoid costly errors in the filing process. They can also protect your rights from being abused.

Common Reasons to File a Claim

There are many potential hazards depending on the type of construction being done and the role of the employee at the jobsite. It is impossible to list all of them. Here are some common occupational injuries that should be filed for a claim.

Equipment malfunction

Slip and fall

Lifting injuries


Workplace violence

Exposition to toxic chemicals

Wrongful death