E. B. White used the term in the 1970 novel The Trumpet of the Swan, which takes place in 1968. "'This is real groovy!' cried a boy in the front seat. 'That bird is as good as Louis Armstrong, the famous trumpet player.'"

Strachan had left the project silently a year before the Groovy 1.0 release in 2007.[citation needed] In Oct 2016, Strachan stated "I still love groovy (jenkins pipelines are so groovy!), java, go, typescript and kotlin".[13]


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Solution edit:Turns out the mistake iw as making is I had a groovy class wtih public properties (in my example above DOB) defined with def but then was attemping to access them from a .java class(in my example above calling .getYear() on it). Its a rookie mistake but the problem is once the object leaves a Groovy file it is simply treated as a Object. Thanks for all your help!

Groovy console was one of heavily used dependencies in AEM projects I was working on. As far as I understand using the /apps/groovyconsole admin panel will not be an option for AEM as a cloud but I am exploring the ability to run groovy scripts automatically. Could you please advise what is the recommended approach for using groovy console in AEM as a Cloud world ? Do you see any scenario that would be problematic for AEM as a cloud ?

Could you also advise what's the recommended way to install groovy console in AEM as Cloud ? In old deployments we just installed a zip package via crx manager but it seems that this is not an option for AEM as a Cloud.

I tried to run it on the author on cloud service and it worked... The configurations for which we need to get into the system console can be done via OSGi so should not be a problem... For publisher just need to make sure /apps/groovyconsole.html accessible via dispatcher and the validator doesn't complain about it.

1. Groovy: Java and Groovy can share objects and call back and forth. Groovy classes that implement Java interfaces are easily called from Java. (There are other ways, like calling groovyObject.invokeMethod("methodName", args) from Java.) Of JVM languages, Groovy has the tightest integration with Java. It's also easy for Java programmers to learn since it shares so much with Java.

The GroovyCompile and Groovydoc tasks consume Groovy code in two ways: on their classpath, and on their groovyClasspath. The former is used to locate classes referenced by the source code, and will typically contain the Groovy library along with other libraries. The latter is used to load and execute the Groovy compiler and Groovydoc tool, respectively, and should only contain the Groovy library and its dependencies.

I can see on the GitHub -eclipse/wiki/Groovy-Eclipse-2.9.2-Release-Notes obviously the last version of groovy for Eclipse. But how can I add it to an Eclipse package? Not a way is given on the page. What is the sense of making an Eclipse plugin that does not support an import from Eclipse? Obviously, there should exist some way.

By default, templates created inherit the groovy.text.markup.BaseTemplate class. It may be interesting for an application to provide a differenttemplate class, for example to provide additional helper methods which are aware of the application, or customized rendering primitives (for HTML,for example).

Maybe interesting to know is that the clearest fail safe way to combine, in my view, is to have independent modules in a multi module project. Just put interfaces in java, have the modules implement them. Wire things up using dependency injection and let implementions be whatever jvm language.

So groovy and kotlin just use java interfaces and implement java interfaces. Both modules will do joint compilation wit java, no problems.

I have some test cases with REST and Groovy steps, sometimes the Groovy steps fails (a red star icon). At the end of the test cases, I have a groovy script that creates a report with the passed or failed test. For the REST services it goes well, I can check if the assertions passed or failed with something like: "testStep.getAssertionAt(j).getStatus().toString()". But so far, I can't find a way to check the status of a previously ran Groovy steps. Those test case are made to run at night, and I would like to just have to look at the report in the morning.

Actually, I found a way, which is not very 'nice', with the testStep.getIcon(), if it finishes with 'failed_groovy_step.png' it means that the test failed... But there is surely a better way to know the status of a groovy script ?

Today I started evaluating the SonarQube Enterprise server.

I have a groovy project which is built in Jenkins using multibranch pipeline jobs to create several branches in Sonar.

So far so good. Everything seems to work as expected. Sonar finds 27 Bugs and 28 Code Smells (master branch).

I then installed the SonarLint plugin for Intellij and connected it to our Sonar Enterprise Server.

Intellij found my project; I selected it.

My question if for the beginners like myself, with no previous exposure to Groovy;

What is the best way to learn groovy in relation to Katalon?

Is it worth taking a full course and learning all the aspects of the language?

Or is it better to just learn what the code is doing by analysing the script portion of tests completed using the manual builder and the record and playback?

This is a lot of work to setup, but it still runs groovy so will feel very familiar to developers. Most devices will work although early generation GE switches might not. Everything runs local except third party integrations like voice assistants. Active forum community. But Family members will have to learn a new interface.

Hello everyone,

I want to develop a plugin for Jira server, which executes a simple groovy script?

Should I use the Atlassian SDK and with atlas-create-jira-plugin, or there maybe is another way?

Since groovy is EOL, a direct upgrade to jammy is not available through the usual tool, so I followed the instructions here: , and ended up downloading the upgrader tool for hirsute, which seems to be the only one that works for groovy, and then I'd upgrade from it to further versions. But for some reason the tool always freezeshere (">setting new software channels"),and then sends me this message (telling me to check my network)Which doesn't help much, since I clearly do have network.

In principle it is possible. It isn't complete at all (and not completely correct) but something like this idea

HubitatDrivers/src/test/groovy/HubitatEmulator.groovy at mainĀ  JasperVanLeeuwen/HubitatDriversĀ  GitHub would emulate a hubitat driver environment.

We know you are looking to have a groovy time! We are here to make sure you have a groovy time, Our Groovy bus was created just for that. We feature a premium sound system created just for you. Its loud! We can play anything you want for you and your guests-rock, pop hip-hop, country & western, classical, you name it! Or, you can bluetooth into our system and control it from your smartphone, etc. For those funky nights out, we installed a psychedelic laser light system so you can dance the night away on the way to your destination. We feature conversational style surround bench seating systems so that your group can interact with each other during your trip. Our drivers are trained, experienced and licensed so that you can arrive safely. We just want you to have a groovy time! ff782bc1db

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