That one line is:

bcdedit /set {id} device partition=c:


For some reason win7 needs to know the exact partition drive letter. Hmmm actually now that you mention it for some reason I remember in grldr there are 2 partitions on my hdd. For some reason win7 makes a small first management partition, that's why this is getting thrown off. Regardless this method is the easiest method to implement on win7 because the management partition is not easily accessible from inside of win7.

Id better offer my 2 cents before going any firther, keen as i am. Would Hirens own customiser tool be a last gasp option? i presume its linked to grub (as per what hbcd boot and menus created with). All of it cibsidered hirens is a good one for beginnners especiaally thise who want to add theoir own tools and customize their oownmenus without having time or motivation to learn the subjext to the full sos to be able to create whatever inagibation conjours up from scratch....ld sugegsting using the hirens boot grub editor be a noobish suggestion? theres a gui tool for windows in their cd menu ran in (ud never guess) windows, "hbcd customiser" that must be grub related. All things concidered its a good bot cd for beginners whod like to customise their own list pf tools and menus who dont have time nor motivation to do it the real way

Grldr Windows 7 Setup 41

Download Zip 🔥 🔥

Basically what I want to learn first and foremost about is how the standard spec BIOS deals with loading an operating system, then how that can be extended to various different boot loaders, I always thought it was a simple case of i think, 2, files located on a very small boot (physical) partition at startt of drive, including boot.ini, which i at least know can easily be edited to show\hide boot menu items\options and what the selections should point to, experienced said method once years ago using to choose between 2 versions of xp (the likes of /root/windows etc)

now,i cannot boot to my windows 7 and it say "missing operating system".im confuse and don't know what to do.i think its my mistake for trying to fix myself without post here.but can I still save my file and my data?

3. after I trying above method,i instantly restart just like kangaroo_wilder do.after restart,i can see some page where you can press f2,f12,etc.lastly,the black screen with "missing operating system" appear without going to my normal windows page.its hard because I cannot see windows starting,watching my c and d drive

I compress the 3 .bin file which mean first2sector,firstsector and second sector.but I haven't upload them on free file hosting because of it takes long time to upload that file so cancel it I try to backup the compress file in my hard drive only which mean now unable to going to my hard drive and windows because of "Missing operating system" problem.

Yesterday my PC started behaving weird, so I did a restart. While booting again my PC didn't get past the blue windows logo and after 5-10 minutes I restarted him again. This time I didn't got to the boot loop but it told me that no os could be found, I should detach all drives that do not contain windows so I did and restarted again. This time it told me that it couldn't find grldr. I tried to plug drives in&out but nothing helped. After I googled the problem I tried inserting the windows 7 boot CD I got and again no grldr even when booting from the CD, unless I go to the bios in the boot menu and manually tell it that it should boot from the CD this time. But when it trys to boot from the CD it gets stuck again in the boot loop where it shows the little bar and the 3 green "dots" moving from left to right for hours on hours. This is what made me think that it isn't due to a corrupted boot section but maybe the ram broke (because CDs won't boot too) so I tried every ram slot with every ram bar I had and no change.

I gathered some information from similar problems and what I am trying next is disabling the SSD in the bios and trying to install windows on one of my HDDs. If the windows install CD still won't boot I'll physically detach the SSD and try again. This way I can tell if the problem is the SSD (if it died of age)

I am looking for multi-platform on-the-fly encryption tool, both truecrypt and luks /dmcrypt/ can provide, but I cant have dual boot /Linux&windows/ in this case, because TC does not support multi boot with other than Windows OS and luks is not supported on Windows or am I wrong?

chain.c32 is a COM32 module for Syslinux. It can chainload MBRs, partition boot sectors, Windows bootloaders (ntldr, setupldr.bin and bootmgr), MS-DOS and PC-DOS io.sys, Freedos kernel.sys, isolinux.bin (only from ISOLINUX), grldr of grub4dos, or a bootsector saved to a file. It can also swap BIOS drive numbers, or hide partitions (via partition's ID).

[Note: Someone who knows better can correct me. Also should this be added to a wiki somewhere? I might have misunderstood, but all the wiki's I saw was how to network boot using a Linux box and as I learned my issue was trying it from a windows box.]


Setting the stage:

The biggest issue was me taking for granted the "pxe" boot environment. I thought it was some what standard, but just like booting from a hard drive, "network booting" has many different ways. Here is the list I have tried so far, pxelinux.0, ipxe, and grldr. Also, PXE is the code burned into the nic rom. I am looking at this way, PXE is the first stage and (pxelinux.0, ipxe, grldr) are the 1.5 stage. IPXE was written to replace PXE. PXE can only use TFTP to load the 1.5 stage, where as IPXE supports TFTP, HTTP, NFS, and so on. The is a IPXE bin version that PXE (so you don't have to change the network boot rom) will chain load to, but I did not mess with that. After PXE has chain to the IPXE, you are still at a 1.5 stage boot.

oops, forgot to post the grub4dos (menu.lst) and pxelinux.0/default

Again all of the linux load the same image, I just control the scripts with kernel parameters.

One other note, the menu.lst handles the windows boot also. The windows back office has two hard drives that are cloned, but not mirrored. Then at certain times databases are back up, but not the whole drive. That way when windows dll corrupts, the second hard drive will still boot. The (tech 1 to 2) label will "re-clone" after some install (registry changes for example). It boot the same rootfs that the pxe serves. Then the two window partitions are mounted. They have labels "Primary" and "Backup" to make sure the right mount points are hit. Then a simple rsync happens. I can do all this with a batch file. Just set the default label in the menu.lst to the 'tech 1 to 2' and boot. Then Linux runs the script at start up, then sets the default able back to windows and boots. Then we are back in windows. We have over 285 locations doing this.


I wasn't sure of how to explain. Let me go from 30,000 to 50,000 feet. We have retail stores with about 7 point of sale terminals. The back office is windows. Running on the back office is TFTPD. This works as a DHCP and PXE boot server. The P.I.N.G is basically a huge pearl script, that use partimage to save partitions to a share. The purpose of the P.I.N.G (Partimage Is Not Gost) is kind of like Ghost but to a share. So you can boot on the live cd, save the image to some share. Then sometime latter, boot on the live cd and restore the image just as it was saved. The pearl scripts handle all the partition, mapping shares, and restoring. Really kind of a cool tool. So when I say remaster the live cd, what I mean is, just the steps up to the point of creating the ISO. Then use that for the PXE boot. Back to my application, I use it to save the registers image and put them on a share on the back office window pc. Then when a tech replaces a hard drive, he can pxe boot the register, which loads loads the rootfs of the P.I.N.G live cd, not the actual live cd. I have hack the script so it just runs with per-loaded options. Kind of cool.

Partimage itself is in the Arch repos. Just storing the image and recording it back to a new station (POS), doesn't necessarily require Windows vs. Linux. It should do the same thing. You should be able to serve Windows images from any PXE server. You can use wimlib from the AUR to modify imageX images. If you're using windows in the office, then that's probably what you'll be using, which will most likely keep you using the existing ping setup. Windows already has RIS, and if this is what you are using, oh I get it, you're using partimage instead of ghost to do the task, but yeah, RIS does most of that now.

I understand, the POS software requires the back office and POS to be windows. So I am just utilizing the equipment. We have over 285 back office and 2500 POS, if I could get rid of MS licensing, I would $$$$.

I am not too worried about integrating the P.I.N.G process. Of course I have not started it yet, but I don't expect it to be that hard.

My issue has been the first time I got it (PXE, P.I.N.G, Remaster, and such) working I understand enough to be able to cut and past to get things working. Now to port from LFS/System V init to Archlinux/systemd, I need to understand things at a deeper level. I think my issue is in the way archlinux discovers the architecture and volume to mount. See this may not be a archlinux thing, it might be a modern Linux thing. I am not getting the file system to mount. It keeps falling back into interactive prompt. Example of what I mean about understanding. I got the back office to boot using grldr and the POS to PXE (When needed, once imaged then they boot to their hard drives) using syslinux. When I configured the TFTPD DHCP boot program I used pxelinux.0. In all this research, I found where I could use grldr for the PXE boot program. All I do is replace pxelinux.0 with grldr in the DHCP boot configuration. I understand the process that TFTPD server is doing. Now I don't have the grldr boot process working on the other linux image, so there are details that I need to discover. That is the same for booting archlinux. be457b7860

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