12th International Conference on Grid Computing (GridCom 2020)

December 19 - 20, 2020, Sydney, Australia


12th International Conference on Grid Computing (GridCom 2020) Service-oriented computing is a popular design methodology for large scale business computing systems. Grid computing enables the sharing of distributed computing and data resources such as processing, networking and storage capacity to create a cohesive resource environment for executing distributed applications in service-oriented computing. Grid computing represents more business-oriented orchestration of pretty homogeneous and powerful distributed computing resources to optimize the execution of time consuming process as well. Grid computing have received a significant and sustained research interest in terms of designing and deploying large scale and high performance computational in e-Science and businesses. The objective of the meeting is to serve as both the premier venue for presenting foremost research results in the area and as a forum for introducing and exploring new concepts.

Due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, registered authors are now able to present their work through our online platforms

Topics of Interest

  • Algorithms and Bioinformatics

  • Applications, Including E-Science and E-Business Applications

  • Architectures and Fabrics

  • Autonomic and Utility Computing on Global Grids

  • Big Data

  • Cloud Computing

  • Cluster and Grid Integration Issues

  • Computing and Programming Models

  • Core Grid Infrastructure

  • Creation and Management of Virtual Enterprises and Organizations

  • Distributed and Large-Scale Data Access and Management

  • Distributed Problem Solving

  • Grid Economy and Business Models

  • Grid related Applications

  • Information Services

  • IOT

  • Metadata, Ontology, and Provenance

  • Middleware and Toolkits for Grid Computing

  • Monitoring, Management and Organization Tools

  • Network Support for Grid Computing

  • Networking and Security

  • Peer to Peer Protocols in Grid Computing

  • Performance Measurement and Modelling

  • Programming Tools and Environments

  • QoS and SLA Negotiation

  • Resource Management, Scheduling, and Runtime Environments

  • Scientific, Industrial and Social Implications

  • Web Services, Semantic Grid and Web 2.0

Paper Submission

Authors are invited to submit papers through the conference Submission System by CLOSED. Submissions must be original and should not have been published previously or be under consideration for publication while being evaluated for this conference. The proceedings of the conference will be published by Computer Science Conference Proceedings in Computer Science & Information Technology (CS & IT) series (Confirmed).

Selected papers from GridCom 2020, after further revisions, will be published in the special issue of the following journals


Supported By


Björn Friedrich

Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg, Germany.

Qu Hongyan

Xi’an University of Posts and Telecommunications, China

Shi Linkai

Xi’an University of Posts and Telecommunications, China

Morio Yamauchi

Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan.

Zurina Mohd Hanapi

Universiti Putra Malayisa, Malaysia

Maharazu Mamman

Federal College of Education, Nigeria

Ruben Ventura

Independent Security Researcher, Mexico

Karlo Koscevic

University of Zagreb,Croatia

Mikaël A. Mousse

Université de Parakou, Bénin

Mahabaleshwar Kabbur

REVA University,India

Xiang-Song Zhang

Xi’an Shiyou University,China

Seyed Mohssen Ghafari

Faethm AI Company,


Iván Humberto Fuentes Chab

Instituto Tecnológico Superior de Escárcega, Mexico